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Status Updates posted by TheRealKiru

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Silevon


      shut the **** up

    3. Dyn


      This makes me want cake.

    4. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Finally. I found them a pain in RP, and OOC. They reduced the elf population significantly

  1. I should use my 2nd character slot for a magical creature! But which one?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LatzMomo
    3. Ambduscias


      There is a pretty large amount of people who are looking for constructs, be it golems or homunculi

    4. TheRealKiru


      Are there? Could have fooled me.

  2. I wanna try out for the Wiki Team, but I

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. H


      Watch out for apostrophes, they'll cut off your statuses.


      And no buts.

    3. Crowbill


      Eh, it's really up to you, not these mongrels.

    4. candlite


      Just do it. c:

  3. So what

    1. frankdh


      im still a rock star

    2. H


      so you're alive

  4. Think the server's wonky again.

  5. What's the [N] beside my name mean?

  6. Yeeeee.


    I'm alive.

  7. [#20310] Your secure key, used to verify you are posting the topic, did not match the one submitted. Please go back, reload the form, and try again. Dafaq?

    1. Mirtok


      Ya took too long to post.

  8. *Feels like making a guide, but waiting for the plug ins to be working again*

  9. *gets an idea for a beginner's guide to LotC and goes to guide section to find many exist* Alright then.

  10. #JustWannaBeFemKnightProblems

  11. #KeepWhiteRoseAway

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. blindmind


      Tough words without House of Lancaster around.

    3. monkeypoacher


      I wanna be a rose :(

    4. big narstie
  12. #SaveSkippyIngestAlcohol

  13. 2 people stepping down off of high mods and such *evil mustache twirl as he awaits an open spot*

    1. TheRealKiru


      Just be be inb4 comments, I'm jokin :3

  14. 3.0 is on the horizon! Better clam down.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog


  15. 3.0 Keep Cat people. Kill all orcs. Problem solved.

  16. Aaaaaaaaaand server's down.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      IT WAS WASN'T IT >:I

  17. After we get our DDos software, we should begin operation: Leaky Faucets

  18. Another addition to the Creation folder.

  19. Anybody else having horrible lag problems? Hoping it's the server

  20. Anybody know any good building tutorials so I can practice?

  21. Anybody know how I add a character page to the wiki?

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