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Everything posted by Stephensj

  1. One does not simply kill Kazotar and not expect for someone to avenge him

    1. Dromui


      -Is searching for Kazotar-

    2. Stephensj


      I PK'd Kazoyar days ago :d

  2. How would you guys react to a RP Thread for all those PK'd chars, it would basicly be them hanging out with Aeriel 'n' stuff.

    1. Telanir


      That would be interesting... would they be able to be from any time period, you just had to play them at any point? :D

    2. Eleatic
    3. Stephensj
  3. Well, Kazotar is dead, now I need a new char :/

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      But I thought he was still alive, but trying to make a new life for himself?

    3. monkeypoacher


      --Also, who the hell would hook up with Luna? :/

    4. Violet Frost

      Violet Frost

      Draken gtfo Luna's sweet, she was just treated inhumanly making her all insane for a while, I mean who wouldn't be just a little crazy after being locked in chamber of dead animals for years, and constantly tortured physically and emotionally?

  4. Scipp3r isn't the only one with a monocle now!

  5. Came on forums for a sec to check if I had any new messages, Im just going to say this new forum thing is very annoying for me.

    1. Telanir


      You will get used to it. It is actually a really good change once you get to the bottom of it.

    2. Eleatic
    3. Stephensj
  6. *Salutes before turning around, and marching off into the sunset.*

    1. The Victor Blair Project

      The Victor Blair Project

      I'll miss you even though our Characters never got along.

    2. Joe_Blackman


      Where are you going?!

  7. Writing my Farewell post.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stephensj


      Damn you Skippy, Always ruining '' Those moments ''

    3. Goliath
    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      Wait.. But.. But...

  8. I feel like something really big happend while I was gone.

    1. danic


      Nothing happened.

  9. Might kill off the first char I made, decisions.

    1. Cosmik


      If you can do it in a way that doesn't seem forced for your char (unprovoked suicide would be bad, for example) then do it.

  10. Yes, My RP Char is Kazotar.

  11. I thought COD2 was cool until I found out a mission was called Barack Obama

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      It is even cooler now.

  12. LOTC Screenshot of the day: http://imgur.com/3vqbS

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Is this the work of the infamous BatOrc?

    3. Telanir
    4. MonkeyCoffee


      Don't steal the idea from Everblue you mofo >:(

  13. ER MA GERD
    1. Zazarus


      Saw it, its.. all right.

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