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Status Updates posted by WuHanXianShi14

  1. hnds too numb to type properly on phonr ...first worlscanada problens

  2. *Comment regarding the state of magic in LOTC*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aislin


      *pvp initiated*

    3. Mithradites


      *magics revoked. For everyone.*

    4. Mining


      *starts to rage about time it took to get magic only to be cut down by Aislinns superior pvp skills

  3. i thought gronkk was a type of soup

  4. i thought gronkk was a type of sou

  5. I just realized I spend hours a day participating in just a really big social experiment.

    1. excited
    2. Lukky


      This is wonderful! Now I can claim I have an active social life. Yayy

  6. Damnit FMs, stop crowding up my Forum content page with old threads you just archived >:I

  7. *passive aggresive comment at a playerbase and/or clique on this server*

    1. Altiak


      Already done, too many times before.

    2. Gwonam_Blaze
  8. Thank you LOTC for forever ruining my view of Assassin's Creed ;-;

    1. DruinsBane


      The whole machine, and flashing from present to past was a rather let down.

    2. LPT


      When I play Assassin's Creed I think they are too edgy, ad end out shouting edgy like a madman from Oren.

    3. LPT
  9. LOTC is improving. Promote change but not pessimism.

  10. don't look at nugs stoopid avatar

    1. Lym


      Death to all peachies.



      May the peachies die a painful death, by malin it must be so!

  11. No one ever pays their fine. Must resort to murder carnage and fk-the-police-ism. ._. Well...

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      This is why I gave up as a guard captain.

  12. I am deathly Cypridophobic.

  13. I understand there are issues but sarcastic status updates really don't help.

  14. Film project evolved into tripod lancing tournament. I have a bright future.

  15. Can I please set my character card now? ._.

  16. The amount of adorable in delver base is TOO DAMN HIGH.

  17. server go home your drunk

    1. Alan


      yore* drunk

  18. I miss being able to sit down...

  19. Next on characters to make. A cleanly shaven dwarf.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog
    3. JtPv
    4. Dizzy771


      And low did the one known as Art stoop low this day, for he had committed a crime against nature. To go against the very will of the world, to commit such utter blasphemy. And so was he cast out, doomed to wander for eternity. Cursed be his name, that those who speak it be shunned. Get thee gone wretched creature, for you shall find no love this day

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