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- Aether VIP -
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Everything posted by LPT

  1. Oi gottah whole stack of positive Karma

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    3. LPT


      *Nukes all dem noobies stealin' his Karma*

    4. Eleatic


      my [f]irst time using the word 'le', be upvoting pls. ;)

  2. Just had the best banger ever.

  3. I wanna watch dexter on Netflix, but my internet is to slow #Middleofnowhereproblems

    1. Augor


      It isn't that my internet is too slow, it's that my internet has a data cap.


    2. Redbaron™


      I live in the middle of no where also and my interenet is ****! I hate it.

    3. Augor


      Let's unite, and destroy these internet providers, and place a new, better internet in it's place.

  4. This dexter show is Evil, it takes up all my sleeping time...

    1. Ivran


      Being awake takes up my sleeping time. :I

  5. All problems = Solved:

    1. Octavion


      I love that song.

    2. Paint


      I cant believe i fell for that...

  6. Sometimes I wonder if Pugsy looks on the forum, and laughs at the impact he made.

    1. V0idsoldier


      Pugsy cannot see over the amount of caps lock he types in, thus he does not browse the forums.

    2. LPT


      Well said good sir.

    3. ryno2


      probs on an alt, but we dunno

  7. on my car ride I see a cloud that looks like a dwarf winking at me. I swear I'm not high.

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Yeah. Blazed out of your face.

  8. I work hard for my MA, and some guy name 'Bug test 01' gets accepted instantly.

  9. Wish i could fight the antag with you guys, sadly I am in a car...

    1. gingernut97


      That's no excuse!

  10. Your Name: Garry Shortstraw Your Age: 27 Your Race: Hobbit Are you wishing to join the college as a Mage, or a Pilgrim?: I wish to join as a mage If joining as a mage, clarify on if you are currently skilled in the magical arts, or being taught by someone who is: I am in the middle of teaching myself with the Help of a mage. ((I am Self teaching, but ICly being told what I should do)) What affinity of magic are you skilled in? Oi am skilled in Earth Evocation. (( OOC: MC Name: Jaden568 When did you join the server?: About Nine months ago. If applying as a mage, link any currently approved MAs unless grandfathered: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91120-garrys-ma-for-earth-evocation/?hl=garry If applying as a mage, list your magic type and tier: I am only still getting to tier 1, but I am nearly there-ish ))
  11. I have decided that I won't let work take over. Who needs sleep before twelve hours of work anyways...

    1. Kairn.


      Now you're thinking! You can sleep when you're dead!

  12. I'm getting so sick of work, I have not stopped in a week. I have no time to RP :(

    1. Lym


      I feel you, my soviet brother. But that's just how it works, eh.

      Oh, the irony :3

  13. My schedule sucks... Get up at 8 to go to work, work till 5, get home... change. Have a shower, go to another job till 10.

  14. http://gyazo.com/59488ec4ff44d7192a19d7ec0ee68314 Can my video card handle this game? ((Black ops II))
    1. Haelphon


      I believe you will be able to, yeah. Add me on steam @ Haelphon so we can play :3

    2. Aedan The Bard
  15. Trying to see if I can run this game, the only thing I know I might need better is my video card, someone able to help? http://gyazo.com/59488ec4ff44d7192a19d7ec0ee68314 Will this work?

  16. ((Hell ya. So glad you took over. Ill make an Rp post when I get home.))
  17. you know I always knew Crazyguy was an Immature GMT

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jay Lenos
    3. Fid


      Psh. He was ten times the GM you could ever be, comrade.

    4. LPT


      No, as I have been a gm for a large server, and when I quit I did not screw over the staff, and players. You just liked him because he was your little pocket GM who got you out of trouble. And Freema, go back to selling buthane. That's right. You bastard gas seller.

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