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Everything posted by LPT

  1. In my country, Forum name choose you!

  2. I'm steamin' tonight, I should log off before I piss off the wrong people, night guys.

  3. Long live the new King o' Oren http://i.imgur.com/mlCCmBl.png

    1. aron.


      You have my sword.

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      No, I am the new king!

    3. calculusdesola


      Have fun shouting and having no one hear you for months to come.

  4. in NYC if you see a pasty white kid say hey.

    1. Ever
    2. Jarkarll


      So like half the populace?

    3. LPT


      Well... Ya

  5. okay, shatter gave me this Idea. find what I see on the forun hone page... I spy something red.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gemmylou
    3. mmat


      The red netherrack on the trailer thumbnail.

    4. Aptrotta



      Avatar supporting an app

  6. So I am headed to NYC from ontario, 10 hour drive. :/. Any fun things I can do in a car with minimal phone data.

    1. DruinsBane


      How about eye spy with the lotc community?

    2. Aptrotta


      I spy, mad libs, draw, comic books, movies

  7. So, I celebrated getting a new job by buying Skyrim. What should my first character setup be?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Redbaron™


      Shorsand, dafuq, the game is awesome.

    3. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      *Plays Daggerfall*

    4. K00l


      *Wants Morrowind, to play in darkie land*

  8. The one time I make a forum post without using google docs, it does not post... I hate my self... Now.

  9. hmm.... Khel, well you basically own half of the server's dark Elves with your Oussana's, so.... 7/10
  10. Well, as I said nothing you did would not prevent it. The problem will be people not fully reading the lore, and won't roll... I don't know about you, but I am the kind of person who will only make a ban report if they refuse to side with me. I have only made one strike-report, and one revoke request, so the people that do not BR on the powergaming of this such get left out. (I don't even know if that makes sense, I ramble to a point were my point becomes invalid.)
  11. Sounds good to me, but I have a feeling it would be power gamed. There is nothing wrong with what you wrote, it's more of the training for 1000000 year ninjas.
  12. The lore behind could use some work, but not bad...
  13. I'm looking for some more feedback, the stuff people have said so far on my guide has been nice, but the more criticism the better :D http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/89912-maxs-small-guide-to-pick-pocketing/#entry791909

  14. well, like weed (cactus green) toadstools are more of a depressant, this reminds me more of ecstacy, or other club drugs that are considered stimulants.
  15. No, this drug is much different, cactus green is a depressant, this would be a stimulant. Different side affects. Soure: My Orc is a drug dealer on the side.
  16. Well... I hope I wrote my first guide well... :/

    1. Hanrahan


      Woaah..Who drew that?

    2. IrishPerson


      As the child in said picture I must agree, probably the hottest family and not just because of our hair.

  17. One more week, one more week, one more week. *Sobs*

  18. Can someone add high elven style ears to this? http://imgur.com/ZPdRHT4 (No, I dont want you to make it more pale, and "High Elf' I just want the ears, not your comments on how it is not high elf enough.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Non-full elves let alone non-full High elves wouldn't have the ears unless it is some sort of disguise? Half-elfs have much shorter ears.

    3. LPT


      Being three quarters high elf, they would have larger than most, as well as a few other High elven features, my skin is a WIP, but I don't want people telling me things that /have/ to be on there. I am working on it.

    4. LPT


      Being three quarters high elf, they would have larger than most, as well as a few other High elven features, my skin is a WIP, but I don't want people telling me things that /have/ to be on there. I am working on it.

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