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Everything posted by LPT

  1. This server stability issue is starting to annoy me. You're a server that averages 100+ member online and can't keep a server up?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kardel


      No matter how hard the staff works, they can't stop DDoS

    3. Mirtok


      Muh Shekel

    4. LPT


      Problem is it's not DDoS

  2. Damnit server unstableness

  3. George writes back "ACCEPTED" George writes back "Not a knightly order first of all, and I have been given permission from many people"
  4. George begins to move Hadrian's stuff to the new keep "Of course you are welcome back!" ((ACCEPTED))
  5. The Order of the Brotherhood of Northmen The Order of the Brotherhood of Northmen is a military order of Oren. It is more commonly known as The Brotherhood of Northmen, and was founded during Anthos by George Blackwell with the assistance of the Archduke Edward Winter II. Its main purpose is to protect northern Oren from any threat, be it Scourge or Bandit. The order strives for Honor and strength in order to defeat it’s less honorable opponents in any kind of defense. Ranks Grand Commanders: The Brotherhood of Northmen often feel that one person’s sole power over an order can often lead to poor or tyrannical decision making. This has lead to Three Grand Commanders typically being in charge, they all have complete control over the order but before making large decisions must come to a mutual agreement. Typically they will work together to strategize what their men will do in the next battle, raid or defense. Grand Commanders are expected to be the bravest of the Order and should lead the initial charge at the front lines. Commander: The Commanders are next in command, they need to be well organized, skilled in battle, and great at listening to commands. Commanders usually have a few Sergeant and their cohorts under them. Commanders may also sit in Grand Commander council meetings and give input, and they are expected to take control for one of the Grand Commanders as their second should one die or betray the order’s cause. Sergeant: Sergeants are the bulk of the leadership in the Order. They typically have three to six people below them that they must command in battle to allow them to better manage men on the field, this unit is known as a cohort. A sergeant must also be good at listening to commands. Officer: An Officer is responsible for making sure un-oathed members of the Order are properly trained and ready for their Oathing process. They must also take the position of Acting Sergeant should their Sergeant die in battle. For this reason they must be trained by a sergeant before becoming an official Officer. Man-At-Arms: A Man-at-arms has proven that they are better than the average soldier in both fighting and listening to orders. Typically they are next in line to become an officer and most sergeants are showing them the ropes to see if they'll be a capable leader. Footman: A footman is the main bulk of the Order. They have been oathed to protect North Oren with all of their lives and should never abandon the cause. A footman must be used to following orders and is expected to help the order in any way he can. Un-Oathed: Un-Oathed soldiers are not yet official members of the Order, and in their trial time period are to be trained to be fit for battle and tested for their loyalty. Sometimes being Un-Oathed may be a little rough, but it is necessary to prove that a solider is worthy to become a full member of the order. Speciality Ranks: Knight: The Brotherhood is not a knightly order, but as a military order of Oren its members may be recognized for deeds of valor in defense of the Kingdom. To be a Knight in the order is to have the highest military honor of the Kingdom, and is a respect to be coveted. Quartermaster: The Quartermaster is in charge of room and board for enlisted men, and keeping track of supplies and armour for the order. The Quartermaster must have the highest trust of the Grand Commanders to ensure that he doesn't commit thefts against the orders' treasury. Honors: The Knight’s Prestige: A Physical medal which represents the highest honor in the order, achieved by being formally knighted. The Act Of Valor: A Medal which represents a great amount of bravery, and a soldier's ability to go above and beyond the call of battle. The Act Of Loyality: A Medal which is achieved by proving to be as loyal as a solider could be. This could be achieved by proving an order member's dedication to his Crown, Order, and his oaths. Honor of Tenure: This is a medal which is achieved by being an active member of the order for ten years ((5 months)). Having this medal makes the Act of Loyalty medal easier to achieve. Application OOC: MC name: Do you have skype, and if so what is it?: Do you have TeamSpeak?: IC: Name: Age: Race: Previous occupations and experience:
  6. ((MC NAME: Jaden568 )) RP NAME: Cluck RACE: yes ((TIME ZONE: )) Prt Notable Skills: Being deep fried Do you swear your allegiance to the Order of the Rooster?_______No___________
  7. Kraltan bears steal paint and picnic baskets

    1. DruinsBane


      It's because I'm smarter than the average bear.

  8. Don't forget to check out LoTC's offical Tumblr. thelordofthecraft.tumblr.com

  9. George takes the application bringing it back to his office, he pulls open a compartment grabbing a stamp. George proceeds to stamp down on the paper a large ACCEPTED onto it, underneath George writes a note. "If you wish to be quatermaster we must speak first, other than that ACCEPTED" George seals it together with the Blackwell seal before having his messenger bring the note back to Saph ((As an OOC note I really hope you can get Skype, things are a lot easier in the long run.))
  10. George reads the note, then leaves another one below it: Back in your day you weren't required to supply a certain number of men in a levy to keep your land And to note, Ager is protected as it is. -Baron George Blackwell, Current Lord of Ager.
  11. (( It was part of the restoration of Oren. All towns were demolished and Ager made it's way back, and for good reason because it is valuable to the food supplies of Oren, however this is not the place to discuss this and OOC is not really allowed in guild threads if I'm correct, so if you wish to talk to me more about Ager, which you can feel free to message me via Skype or PM. You know both.))
  12. The Agerian Guard The Barony of Ager is seeking able bodied men to compose of its levy and guard force. Members of the guard are expected to: 1) Be well suited for combat at any time 2) Attend any battle he is able to make 3) Protect the barony of Ager at all times 4) Be an active part of the town These men are to be loyal to the Barony of Ager and the Kingdom of Oren only. To join fill out the application below and send it by bird to the Baron of Ager. Ranks There are five ranks of the Agerian guard. They are as follows: Guard Captain The head of the guard, pay is 60 minas an Elven week. Private bunking is provided. There is one Guard Captain. Current Guard Captain: ACanadianCraft Guard Sergeant Directly below the captain, pay is 50 minas a week. Semi-private bunking is provided. There can be 1-4 Sergeants depending on the guard force size. Current guard sergeants: N/A Guard Footman The footman is the bulk of the guard force. They are payed 40 minas a week and have bunking in the barracks. Current footmen: Thatpyrodude Hugges2 Guard Recruit Lowest rank. Payed 20 minas a week. Provided bunking in the bunking room of the barracks. They are overwatched by a sergeant for an Elven week in order to prove loyalty and competence Quartermaster In charge of maintaining a stockpile of supplies for the guard. Payed 5 minas more than their rank a week. A Quartermaster can be any rank and will rank up just like everyone else. There is only one Quatermaster Quatermaster: Hugges2 All ranks other than the captain are appointed by the captain. Application OOC MC name: Do you have skype, and if so what is it?: IC Name: Age: Race: Previous occupations and experience:
  13. Watching GoT while drinking tea is the ebst way to spend MC server issues.

    1. tnoy23


      The ebst way? Nice.



      that does sound like something vonebs would do to be honest

    3. LPT


      Emeriick and Tnoy are just jealous I'm the ebest

  14. Server looks like its becoming popular again. :D Higher amount of people and its not even the peak.

    1. Hanrahan
    2. ski_king3


      A bit of it is Winter Break, but yes, that's what I've been saying. It's been up noticeably for about a month now.

    3. StevenQuick


      It is an amazing server

  15. I wish all battles were like this. No one got butt hurt....
    1. gam


      I went to that battle and got team killed before the fighting even started. :'(

    2. LPT


      Except Decko... :P

    3. gam
  16. IT should be a rule that if you are high on LoTC you need to use this super secret setting http://gyazo.com/6704be8cd7500795f9643d8678c75436

    1. Shadeleaf


      I like the color changing one better

    2. Bangi


      You know there sren't many drugs that would make you see like that. I kinda doubt even lsd would.

    3. LPT


      LSD probably would if it wanted to. And that is the color changing one.

  17. After watching 'The Empty Child' episode on Dr. Who I will never be the same... *Shudders*

  18. I have never met a person form customer or tech support who is not a horrible person.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Samler


      I think customer service on LoTC is pretty good. Ever used it? You just do /modreq

    3. LPT


      Dovakiin their job is to not be an *******.

    4. LPT


      Their job is also to fix people's problems. They are entitled to have the problems with their faulty thing fixed. They bought it to work.

  19. I like it. It would show people you don't need to fight to have fun. This would be a good time for cities to have festivals and ther fun stuff without fear from angry people.
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