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Major Dom

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Everything posted by Major Dom

  1. This pretty much I really think that deep down a lot of people dislike PvP because they cant just automatically make themselves master warriors. If you wanna win a PvP fight then you have to practice often and practice hard to become good
  2. every time im in the street i hear YAWK YAWK YAWK YAWK

  3. sgt_kipples is the alt of notorius banned player Aislin!!!

  4. Yes, increases your mobility so you can aim and strafe easier, but a mouse with a cord
  5. Iosif looks at one of the invitations and wonders how they could be the most powerful gang when they're barely a thing
  6. Flotsam Propaganda: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/107829-sovetski-leaflets/ NEW LEAFLETS ADDED PERIODICALLY

    1. Parading


      Glory to Flotsam, even though nobody is ever there when I visit :\

    2. Eleatic




      either russians, feudal europeans, and with multiple inbetweens. glory to godfre- flotsam

  7. If people want to see these, I will arrange a sparse few through manual events, but not a plugin. Can't promise what the meteors will carry though. Be on the lookout.
  8. me and some others have been calling it earth since asulon
  9. yoppl is literally jesus omfg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joe_Blackman


      I decided to read yoppl's post. Not gonna lie, I completely agreed with the first paragraph. I hope that opened up closed eyes of the arrogant and ignorant.

    3. bickando
    4. Joe_Blackman


      same difference

  10. bubbles in da bottle lead to bubbles in da vision = happy trails my friends

  11. physical currency has been tried in the past and each time is has failed miserably in every single aspect, theres many many reasons we dont have it right now
  12. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/107185-the-adventures-of-jojo-ruth-dorito-bandito/page-2 Episode 2 (aka dos for los espanols) has been released (or releaso'd for los espanols)
  13. pretty sure 99% of ban reports on abusing pvp default are just people who are butthurt at losing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      The people that call bandits item-hungry and report them are the ones who are item-hungry.

    3. Elfen_


      Tbh, items aren't fun. Rp is fun.

    4. monkeypoacher
  14. the most horrifying thing ive ever seen

  15. Has anyone here actually read the definition of 'troll'? Because I have yet to see it used correctly by pretty much anyone

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. craotor


      Trolling will send you to jew hell

    3. yoloswag123


      craotor ur troll

    4. Lago


      Craotor's an orc.

  16. ((thanks for including me in close friends you frick.........
  17. i recieved a notification that aiim was actually the alt of banned player aim (w/ only 1 i)

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