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Major Dom

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Everything posted by Major Dom

  1. so kawaii desu !!!!! ~.~

  2. To everyone who just got added by me to a mass skype chat, I was trying to select all of my old skype messages and hide them because it was very cluttered but instead it made a group. It was an accident and I am very sorry.

    1. gam


      troll....... -.-

    2. Kaiser
    3. dank


      :( was i not added into it for some reason, snowie? do you not love me anymore? i see how it is.

  3. Thank you Hanrahan for actually listening to us bandits and realizing we are not item hungry trolls but RPers who just want to be seen as equal! #HanTheMan

  4. Bandits are people too :( #StopTheOppression

    1. Neri


      Empathy or die!

    2. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Hand over all of your feelings or taste my blade peasant

  5. There already is a place free of raids, PvP, and conflict. It's called the Forum RP section?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      How about the Cloud Temple?

    3. Space


      It's a joke ebs.

    4. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      I never said that Ebs. I never meant for this status to be offensive. If someone wants so terribly to be free of conflict RP, why not make a fun, conflict free, forum RP instead of trying to push such big and controversial changes? I was sincerely trying to be helpful.

  6. for example you may be hit by a car else you may be shot

  7. When will people learn that returning items upon death is against the rules? If you get killed, messaging your killer "please return my items" is the last thing that should be in your mind, it's asking them to break the rules.

    1. Eleatic




    2. Major Dom
  8. Who wants to play me in Civ 4

  9. ((Please move Eldon from Forgotten Druids to Lost Druids, as I will most likely be bringing him back shortly
  10. "Banditry is about cooperation. The bandit first does his best to make his RP OOCly friendly and easy to get into, actual in depth stuff, and in turn the victim is courteous enough to go with it and RP realistically in a way for the bandit to have fun too." How banditry should happen, courtesy of LeoWarrior and I.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dreek


      i will be robin hood and literally steal your herts :DDDD

    3. spqrSancus


      Amen to snowshovel.

    4. Tadmonster


      "Take off your armor and give me your weapon" is hardly fun. Thank you Snowshovel.

  11. I'd just like to congrate evertulayone on improving the server over the past few months. It's gotten so much better thanks to everyone's hard work and cooperation.

  12. ((Just a note that the Lore Team has repeatedly stated that firearms of any sort will not be allowed))
  13. Bob Dylan's my ******* boy tho

  14. That game was just embarrassing

    1. Agith


      What...ONe of the biggest superbowl blowouts ever and the fastest superbowl score ever is embarassing?...I thought it was amazing for Denver *grumbles something about never rooting for Denver again*

    2. gam


      I feel you Agith, I do. :'(


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      I'm not a bloody Colonial like you!

    3. Cyndikate
    4. monkeypoacher


      league is bad and football is bad so I will watch snail racing

  16. Probably the best time I've had on the server... thanks to Shambo, Ouity, Lucy, and FireLord

    1. Tom_Whiteman


      And kraal, kraal plays a big part in server cooperation and fun c:

  17. OOC: Mcname: snowshovel Skype Name: snow_shovel ((please dont ddos.......)) How active are you: 8/10 Do you have Teamspeak: Yes IC: Name: Leonidas Iosif Flay-Ruthern "The Pinball Wizard" ("Pinball") Race: Human Age: 44 Military Experience: Flay bannerman, Decterum, Coal Miner's Union I, Leonidas Iosif Flay-Ruthern swear loyalty to the Lord of House Thorne , I am willing to fight and die for their name. I will uphold any commands and orders given to me, whilst continuing to respect and follow the Credos. If I were to leave or betray the family I accept that I may be punished by death.
  18. wish i could do this...........
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gam


      ill hav u know fedoras r cool..... -.-

    3. Moot


      I had just gotten a delightful cup of tea. I didn't think my computer screen was going to be the one drinking it.

    4. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      ummm konichiwa mino san -.-

  19. after what an old and dear friend of mine has said recently, its really got me wondering; how many of you liked "the old snowshovel" far better than my current self? please be honest

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bael2


      I prefer you now. Blunt is good, blunt is fun.

    3. Lark


      Be who you want to be.

    4. dank


      "I love all snowshovels, whether new or old - they will always be my snowshovel." -Eyad01 2014

  20. im gonna try to get all the bandits raiders and big pvpers on the server to do ONE DAY of rp default just to remind everyone how absolutely awful it was

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dank


      i'll throw something out of my window, i swear on me mum.

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Well, just clarify beforehand that you intend pvp. That will lock you into the fighting style once everyone's ready

    4. Agith


      1v1 me bro

  21. Thank You, Jahrmann

    1. Jahrmann


      Your Welcome

      Thank You,


  22. rittsy abuses and harrasses me in the druid chat :((((((

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      he never talks there you noob

    2. Swgrclan


      i saw it happen with my own eyes

    3. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      i will construct a br with my evidence

  23. this actually sounds pretty cool and not too op but i think it should be restricted like mental magic and druidism are now maybe associate a daemon with it or something idk i just dont want to see fifty dark warlocks running around i might waste swords killing them
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