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Everything posted by Josh3738

  1. The Thane’s Council of Urguan sits quietly in their chamber as they read through various reports and debate the mundane workings of the Grand Kingdom. Zahrer Irongrinder and Fili Grandaxe converse quietly as do many other of the Thanes. Finally, Zahrer stands and clears his throat, drawing the attention of the others before he begins to speak. “Lads, ah ‘ave given much t’ought t’ our alloies in th’ nort’ an’ th’ t’reat t’ey face. Th’ Undead toweh tha’ ‘as grown from th’ keep uf Hanseti ‘as grown t’ plague meh t’oughts wit’ worreh an’ doubt but ah ‘ave made up meh moind. Ah will give th’ ordeh followin t’is meetin. Ah intend t’ muve th’ legion Nort’ an’ take Hanseti frum th’ grasp uf Iblees.” The Thanes talk quickly hammering out the details before sending out riders to every nation in Athera to gather their allies. The decision was made, Urguan was marching North. A cool wind blows steadily through the tall pine trees of the Dwarven mountains. Instead of the usual calm that filled the air, the drums of war beat steadily and the hammering of smiths filled the air. The land before Kal’Karaad begins to become crowded as countless Legionnaires and Dwarven Marines begin to arm themselves. Rank upon rank begin to stream out of the capital and across the bridges heading to the Southern naval port of Ote’Kathaz. The port itself is filled with the noise of captains shouting to their crew as the steamers are loaded with supplies and siege equipment. The ship’s galleys begin to fill slowly as the warriors move below deck. Lord Protector and Grand Admiral Zahrer Irongrinder stand at the wheel of the Yemekar’s Hammer II as it steers slowly from the harbor to the shouts and cheers of the villagers on the shoreline. Following behind, the majority of the Dwarven fleet follows as the glorious sound of bagpipes and drums fills the air. The bright gray and orange of the Urguan banners fade into the distance as the fleet moves from the port. As they begin to leave they turn North… OOC: WARCLAIM Type of Battle: Siege/Conquest (Battle via Sea and Land) Time & Date: Saturday December 27th (2pm est) Manpower: Attackers: The Grand Kingdom of Urguan + Allies Defenders: Undead + Allies Location and Boundaries: The area around old Hanseti (Undead Tower) and the waterways nearby.
  2. Where would you get needles...? I agree with ya lima :D
  3. The disappointment...time for the 21 Smokestack salute for the two fallen dwarves.

  4. *A Message is sent to the leaders of the Telarian Order* "Would ye loike t' beh th' official auxiliareh o' th' Dwarven Legion? Ye get gud shite an' more lads. Sound gud?" ~Signed, Lord Chancellor Zahrer Irongrinder~
  5. OOC Section IGN: Josh3738 Skype: Josh3738 Real Age: 16 Character’s Name: Zahrer Irongrinder Character Age: 200 RP Section Why do you want to join?: Ah was invoited by da leadeh. Do you agree to uphold the laws?: Aye How long is your beard?: Vereh long You are walking along the Anthos road near Storm’s Crossing. You see a dwarf shaving their beard. What do you do?: ...cut their 'ead uff fer Dungrimm cause it beh breakin law...but tha's onleh if ah 'ad t' foight 'em. Su if ah arrested 'em ah would 'ang 'em by their beards fer forteh days an' forteh noights in ordeh t' stretch their beard back t' normal lengt'.
  6. Where did all my ts channels go?

  7. We already have an arkenstone
  8. *Legion Commander Zahrer walks around on guard duty, always vigilant -_- ((I like the idea. Well done))
  9. Wedding breaks server...Minecraft Achievement pls

  10. *Zahrer walks freely through the battlefield after the humans leave. "Well lads dey still can' du shite. Up next beh Storm Crossin. Le's see 'em take dat."
  11. ((Mc name:)) Josh3738 ((Skype:)) X Name: Zahrer Race: Dwarf Age:205 Brief description of yourself: A mountain dwarf lookin fer a gud payin job Combat experience: Several years o' experience wit' a sword an' crossbow though ah am nae as gud wit' a bow. Other skills: Moinin Any other info: X
  12. *A note is written and sent via bird... "Again, my name shall not be written hear for fear of capture. I lead a group who may be an ally in your work against these Orenians. No, we have no quarrel with many of them, and no we wish to bring down Oren. BUT, and I can not stress this enough, there are those whom we greatly wish to see executed. We are not doing this only for loot, although that is a nice part of it. We may be able to help if our terms are met. We shall not be required to follow your leaders or the like in any form of combat previously spoken of, we shall be a separate force acting as an allied army which will conduct raids, battles,etc. with or without your men being involved. Signed, A potential ally
  13. *A letter is sent in to the leader of the rebellion by way of bird... "My name need not be known yet, all you need to know is that we, collectively, wish to have some questions answered before further communication shall be exchanged aside from a reply. The following are a few questions for you as leader... 1) Will this be a secretive spy war or an open front war or jut raids? 2) Any loot? 3) Do you and your men have reliable supply sources or are you just a bandit group? Signed, ~A potential Ally
  14. *Zahrer sees the scroll hung up amd writes down his question... "Will ah get paid?" "Alsu, c'n ah beh in th' Dwarven Legion too er du ah 'ave t' quit tha'?" ((Some other questions I will ask in PM))
  15. Why are orcs so mean to dwarves? Because we skin them...

    1. LPT


      Nope, because we are better, we like to pick on the Weak.

  16. *looks at his cow* "Well, I guess you're a Yak now" Great idea, this really adds to the rp effects of biomes/climates. Just like dwarves cant grow certain crops in snow there should rply be different animals. Good idea
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