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Status Updates posted by spqrSancus

  1. Currently 2 on 2 on 2. So any further votes?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Varstivus


      But he was still SANCOR! SANCOR! Burninating the countryside!

    3. spqrSancus


      Lolz. Sancor is SO popular with the guys I used to RP with...

      Love you all. <3

    4. Varstivus


      Tally, 2, 2, 3.

  2. Dammit server, we were taking the Brigand's Pass!

  3. Damn printer screwed up on me. Work must be handed in tomorrow. GODDAMMIT WHY DOES DIS SHIZ ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?! D:

  4. Damn. I leave for two days and the Vale has been salted, the locks on my house broken, and my windows broken. What the hell happened? *has the worst luck in the entire world, no other houses were touched. :( :P* But seriously, what?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I have russian homework. We're practically twins...(get it? rushing, russian?)

    3. spqrSancus
  5. Dangit, I missed the undead event? D: :( That would have been perfect for Hunter!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Hasn't there been much discussion on whether the undead will return or not as the new antagonists?

    3. spqrSancus


      The monster kind still count for undead in his task.

    4. spqrSancus


      A.K.A. It still applies. :P

  6. Dayum, Witcher 2 soundtrack is amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. seannie


      the game itself is amazing

    3. Parading


      I wasn't a big fan of the soundtrack :\

    4. spqrSancus


      Oh screw you man, it sounds great! :P

      And yes, the game itself is simply amazing. I was a bit skeptical at first about whether I'd enjoy it, but I'm now hooked. XD

  7. Decided to try a more light-hearted approach to feedback threads, as opposed to my usual serious fire brimstone and cold cold ice approach. Better or worse?

    1. Mithradites


      Offer advice without being a ****! Simple-pimple!

    2. Aedan The Bard
  8. Do ghosts still have RP default or did they get PvP too along with mages and all?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Tethras


      When In doubt, ask an LM. Or in this case GM...

    3. tnoy23


      Ghosts CANNOT PvP or be pvp'ed at all. Period.

    4. spqrSancus


      What I thought, but with all this RP default for mages thing, was wondering if it applied to magical creatures too...

  9. Do posts in the Off-Topic forum count towards post count?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spqrSancus
    3. tnoy23


      Yea they do. Forum games don't.

    4. spqrSancus


      In that case... 500th post is being stuck onto there right now. :D

  10. Does anyone know how long ago the people of Aegis moved to the verge, and the verge to Asulon? In IG years?

  11. Does anyone know the coords of the Cloud Temple? Need to get there without having to use /dmg 20. :/

    1. Ford


      14, 65, -27

    2. spqrSancus


      Thanks, be making my way there shortly.

  12. Done the Graven rewrite. Are there any former Graven RPers still RPing some character here today?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      What is a Graven? I've seen that word allot this week. Linky?

    3. spqrSancus


      I'm rewriting it myself with Kalenz's changes in mind. I want to embrace those changes, and they currently don't fit with the accepted Graven lore.

    4. Jistuma


      What are the changes you want to make? Graven's are pretty straight foward lore, someone with a task died horribly, returns to keep doing it until it ends. Follows mech standard.

  13. Due to a small amount of demand, prepping some stuff for an undead hunting order... I'll be finished soon.

  14. Elsil is resigning from the bannermen, but his loyalty lasts forever. May he not follow the path his family has set for him, written in the stars.

  15. Elsil just had to perform another funeral. Came across a dead guy in the bakery. I enjoy RPing leading little funerals. I feel like going and getting my char to get a position in the Church... Then he might have some purpose again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. N/A


      Damnit, why you people have funerals? I love to burn the corpses!

    3. NomadGaia


      I didn't want to be burnt

    4. spqrSancus
  16. Finally done my VA. Jesus.

  17. Finally got a new PC. WOOT! Maybe I'll ACTUALLY be able to PvP now, who knows?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      In the end... skill cannot be bought! But good luck anyhow!

    3. Demotheus



    4. spqrSancus


      I'm good at PvP, if I don't lag. :P If I do... Well... ****

  18. First vote this month! :D

    1. Old-Rattlesnake
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      nope, I already voted this month, just minestatus runs on 'merican time, so my vote counted as last months.

    3. Kim


      because America.

  19. For some reason when I try to select the server, it is telling me it cannot resolve the hostname. Anyone else having the same problem? All other servers are fine, just LoTC which seems to be doing it.

  20. Getting killed/near-killed twice a day for no apparent reason can be fun. After that, it loses appeal fast. :/

  21. Goddamn Mojang, fix whatever the hell's the problem... Or server or whoever/whatever the hell it is!

    1. VonEbs


      It's the server.

    2. tnoy23


      Its Mojang servers. They... Somehow killed 1.6.2 servers but not 1.7.2 servers

  22. Going on a trip the day after tomorrow. Toronto, for a performance. Not gonna be back 'til Sunday afternoon. I'll see you then!

  23. Going to bed. See you guys tomorrow!

  24. Gonna be inactive for the next two weeks. I'll be back by the end of those, though!

  25. Gonna be inactive for the next week and a half. I'm still here though, so just shoot a PM once in a while if you need something.

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