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  1. How does a new player, who has no ban history, get a month ban for something that didn’t even give him any sort of advtange? What would’ve been wrong with a warning? @GloriaPreussens 


    Maybe if we wanna retain more new players we should care for em a lil better.

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    2. Raomir


      I’m not disputing that he broke the rules, I’m disputing the severity of the punishment. He’s got no ban history and he hasn’t been around long enough to benefit from it. Only way I can think of someone benefitting from radar is during a raid where the other side is tryna hide/sneak. He hasn’t engaged in that sort of activity, so there was no benefit from the radar.


      What does a month ban do, that a simple “We don’t allow Radar, remove it, and don’t use it again or you’ll get a ban.” dosen’t do? He’s a first time offender.


      @thankyousalvini Neither. I might have a small amount of Turk somewhere down the line, but I doubt it.

    3. Freischarler


      A ban for illegal client modifications should be strict, that is a rule that he will learn to not break again and it will send a strong message to any other players who might seek to use related modifications. A zero tolerance policy is best.

    4. Raomir


      It won't send **** to other players. You think new players go through the bans to see what people got banned for? Hell no man, they read the rules, apply and wanna start playing. And there's a pretty big difference between some of the client modifications. They're not all equal, and this is definitely one of the more minor ones. A warning would be more than enough to send a message to this particular player.

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