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  1. i think it's the dumbest thing that this server is 7 years in and we're still banning players even though they haven't broken any written rules

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    2. Dragonayr


      Well enough? That 1/3 bans are from 'unwritten rules' that the gm's can pull out of their arse as they please. It is discouraging for new players ad they join- read the rules- are still banned for some retarded reason, and often leads to innocent players banned. The reason that LOTC is dying is the number of player bans IMO. I do believe in permanent bans, but i feel they should be awarded to players who hold no good morals and only mean harm to the server, like hacking or DDOS'ing, receiving a perma ban for Metagaming and a ban history IMO is retarded. Countless other servers on minecraft also issue bans, although their durations are less than Half of that on LOTC. Staff casually dishing out 3 month bans, 6 month bans. See'ing friends banned for ridiculous times over such minor events can cause players to just refuse to play and whole groups end up leaving the server. I do agree that players should be punished for bad behaviour, i just think there are too many cases where they are a bit OTT. 

    3. Telanir


      I took your concern seriously and browsed some recent ban logs. I am seeing 6 month bans for hacked clients as repeated offences which seems fair to me. Once you have been pardoned despite a ban I expect you to act appropriately with the chance you are given. If not, my staff is encouraged to apply more severe bans.

    4. Raomir


      The trouble here Telanir isn’t to do with his history. If he’d been caught with another hacked client, or something of the like it would be totally understandable and there would be nothing to argue about. The trouble is that no documented rule was broken. Dragonayr was not sitting in OOC chat spamming the ip of another server. He pm’d 2-3 of his friends who he’d priorly spoken to about a fight that was going to occur on a new PvP server, which happens to have been made by an ex-LoTC player. The rules about advertising on LoTC are specific:


      Do not advertise other roleplaying forums or servers, or other communities that would otherwise be in competition with Lord of the Craft. Posting information about your hypixel or mineplex games is allowed, however advising your friends to join another roleplaying community is not. 


      The server Dragonayr was telling his friends to get onto is not and has never been advertised as an RP server, and as a result cannot possibly be in competition with LoTC, unless we consider Mineplex and Hypixel competition with LoTC. That is clearly not the case when the name of these servers are used in the very rules against advertising. To think Dragonayr was attempting to draw players away from LoTC is ridiculous especially considering the fact that the dude was heavily involved in trying to kickstart Dwarf RP again.


      I understand if the GM who issued the ban made a mistake, we’re all human. But the issue is when they refuse to accept the mistake, and then all of the sudden you’re forced to make a ban appeal for not having done anything wrong in the first place. This is incredibly frustrating, having had to go through this situation myself once in the past. Dragonayr was never contacted prior to his ban - no effort at communication was made. A simple five minute talk would have shown anyone the server was strictly PvP and what Dragonayr was doing was analogous to someone PMing you and saying “Bedwars?” Not to mention that a five minute run around on that server would’ve instantly shown you that it had nothing to do with RP.

      I understand that Dragonayrs history is not the cleanest. However, his past history should not serve as a justification for an absurd ban length when there is no recorded rule that he has broken. Nor should his past ban history be used as an excuse for a lack of communication. In the recent ban report that was placed against the player Ghazriel, it was stated that a warning would be issued to the player rather than a ban due to him breaking a “new policy”. Why is an unwrittwn policy then deemed proper justification for a 6 month ban?


      In addition to all this, I implore you Telanir to force an “ask first, ban later” mentality. I’m not saying that if you see someone fly hacking around that you should be requires to sit down and see things from their perspective in a discord. I’m saying that in cases like this, where there is even a chance of innocence or justification, regardless of ban history, the staff should at least have the decency to let the player discuss the ban with the GM prior to being banned. Because it is a very different scenario when you are chatting with a GM about something and when you are already banned at which case there is already a stigma surrounding you that you are guilty.


      I apologize for the wall of text but its neccessary. I hope what I have written dosen’t fall on deaf ears.



      @oblivionsbane You’re missing the point if you think this status update is **** talking the server. There is a difference between just tryna drag the server down and genuinely being aggrivated by a lack of respect towards the players.



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