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  1. i think it's the dumbest thing that this server is 7 years in and we're still banning players even though they haven't broken any written rules

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    2. Thatpyrodude


      welcome to lotc

    3. oblivionsbane


      I think it's the dumbest thing being 7 years in and we don't ban when people do actually break written rules or community guidelines. Also permabans don't exist unless you do stuff that would get you put in jail IRL, and even then, it sometimes gets by. It's also why status's like this even exist. Like, what are you trying to do but just talk **** about the server? But that isn't your fault; it's the staff's fault. You don't feel like you can trust them, so you don't even try to come off as coherent and approachable. At this point, you've given up and just want to let out some anger at a system you think you have no control over. That's the real, "Dumbest thing in 7 years," the fact there's so little trust and understanding between our community and staff that people just complain on the forums to complain, because they feel like anything more would just be a waste of their time.

    4. Chryasor



      i think it's the dumbest thing that this server is 7 years in and we're still not banning players even though they have broken multiple written rules

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