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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by InfamousGerman

  1. I am now on the forced conquest bandwagon, woo.

  2. Anything interesting get brought up at the meeting?

  3. Was Cyndikate unbanned?

  4. Was Cyndikate unbanned?

  5. Was Cyndikate unbanned?

  6. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/126749-tunlak/ His story begins when bandits slaughter his village...
  7. War chat is doing some heavy lifting, boys.

  8. War chat is doing some heavy lifting, boys.


  10. http://gyazo.com/478d9b1f857880177c0ef97783ed25a5 m8s the familial line of scotland is well fucked, srry munch
  11. http://gyazo.com/478d9b1f857880177c0ef97783ed25a5 m8s the familial line of scotland is well fucked, srry munch
  12. I feel sorry for Dave's wife tonight... Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage resigned,and Tories got in...........

  13. getting a -1 for agreeing with someone's concerns is a first for me imo

  14. getting a -1 for agreeing with someone's concerns is a first for me imo

  15. I wish I could rebuild Petrus; or rathert, I wish I had been the one to prebuild it. I'd hit it with the mm stick.

  16. How to change member title?

  17. How to change member title?

  18. Victory in Athera day

  19. end of hostilities at last.

  20. A WIP from the Bard's Guild:

  21. http://gyazo.com/8da9af173a7339164f4cae36e0c987e3 Round two mates, back to the good old weeaboo warrior
  22. Tourney thread going up tommorrow most likely.

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