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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by InfamousGerman

  1. Does anyone have the 5.0 map?

  2. I need help y'all.. I need names that have 7 letters in them and ends with Y ... currently trying to figure someones name out and those are the only hints I have... O.O..

  3. How do you prevent a horse from being stolen :-/

  4. #freepureimp 1 liek=an prayer

  5. Down with the swampy smelling blue orc!

  6. when new map

  7. Is Salvus independent from Oren or nah?

  8. We should add an /execute command, that functions like /revive but kills the person instead. Would help prevent some knockout plugin glitches and issues.

  9. For those wanting to know where this grass issue comes from, while the Dwarves did flank us, the opposing side was unable to defend against the attacking dwarves because of the grass in the way and they did not have the build perms to break it. While they did win and kudos for that, the war in itself was poorly executed. I'm not irked because I lost, but the war among many was poorly done.

  10. Are you guys actually blaming grass for this loss? Just take a moment and think about it.

  11. you ever just... whiteknight so hard... YOU KILL A MAN?

  12. Who holds the record for most BRs against them?

  13. and this is why lotc is a dub now.

  14. Why is it that everytime someone attempts to RP with people the other side starts complaining?

  15. What happens if the elves were finally placed together in one spot?

  16. I missed the undead in Athera. How were they?

  17. So The next Major events i plan recored at ryothgaming are EGX 2015 and Mcm comic con 2015 winter so make sure check out ryothgaming for all the latest

  18. Isn't it 400 posts that you need to change you rmember title? If so, where can I?

  19. Thinking of starting an orc. The only thing stopping me is blah :(

  20. When I reach a goal of 300-250 subs should i dye my hair blue and record it? and also keep it permantley?

  21. Roll combat is superior.

  22. Roll combat is superior.

  23. y does there have to be salt so much

  24. Yet another victory for Red Urguan!

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