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Status Replies posted by Rael

  1. All MAT applications have been moved to denied without explanation. Hmmm.

  2. GM App has changed. I suggest editing your app.

  3. Remember, start preping those ET apps folks we're in picking phase.

  4. I hate that the orcs have become a bunch of tribal ug blug morons in character.

  5. hipster boy on the train moved seats just to sit in front of me and write something on his dumb hipster drawing pad to hold up for me to see. NO. BAD HIPSTER.

  6. recently divorced does anyone have a surveillance van I can crash in for a while?

  7. Isn't Forest_crunk merrymoogle's alt account?

  8. Isn't Forest_crunk merrymoogle's alt account?

  9. This list is bad.

  10. I want to be perfectly clear. You're wonderful people, and I enjoy being on this server, and yea, you're just cool guys. Since Aegis I've had fun, I've had bumps, I've caused bumps, but you're all excellent. Ecellens poep,.e

  11. Dragonspeak wedding thing now.

  12. Need a new completed anime to watch. Suggestions?

  13. 12 Years a Slave is possibly the most beautiful piece of creative work I've ever come across.

  14. Oren used the Aesterwald skins, we had so many helmets from all the Waldenians we killed (:

  15. So Oren does love Aesterwald! They adapted its skin to remember Aesterwald by, awwwe http://gyazo.com/92dbade121e63c1a253c1a09196b73f5

  16. Oren used the Aesterwald skins, we had so many helmets from all the Waldenians we killed (:

  17. http://gyazo.com/964084a33a9506d54353774d1b934688 nathan barnett is the most powerful person in that list....
  18. On my way home from work, I saw a car run over a cat and drove off. That jackass didn't even stop for the poor cat. He was jumping around for a good 5 minutes before he died. Called the police and no one is coming to save him or at least get him out of the street. Now I have this sudden urge to find out where this scumbag lives so I can set his car on fire in the name of the cat. I'm really shaken, and almost to the point of crying for what I saw.

  19. On my way home from work, I saw a car run over a cat and drove off. That jackass didn't even stop for the poor cat. He was jumping around for a good 5 minutes before he died. Called the police and no one is coming to save him or at least get him out of the street. Now I have this sudden urge to find out where this scumbag lives so I can set his car on fire in the name of the cat. I'm really shaken, and almost to the point of crying for what I saw.

  20. Probably my favorite page from my assignment http://prntscr.com/6xt3ri

  21. I like writing, and lore accessories.

  22. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller

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