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Status Replies posted by oblivionsbane

  1. http://imgur.com/a/R7422 Quickly done Mali'Fenn ice cave... My AdaptedOrganic style. Took fifteen minutes. Not the best, but not the worse. Any ideas of what I should build?
  2. Who's cooler, Vald. Putin, or Pres Obama? :3

  3. 1 Hour till the Hockey game that matters most ;)

  4. Anyone got any ideas for characters?

  5. :) Seven more people will join our ranks in the coming week. Nice! :)!

  6. what should i do for my 5k post?

  7. I'm slowly going insane with this very lengthy downage.

  8. Why does it take so long to fix an error, or start up a server.

  9. There's a nice scene on GoT that I wanna copy IG.

  10. I need to edit my skin so Ryllae's hair is longer. But I'm no good at skins. Anyone else good with them? lol

  11. "They say you die twice. Once when you stop breathing and the second, a bit later on, when somebody mentions your name for the last time."

  12. i think that cybring... is not cool!!!

  13. I remember the day when I could find romance RP. Now most of the women on LotC are either edgy, have had troubled pasts and are screwed up, or taken... Le sigh.

  14. I remember the day when I could find romance RP. Now most of the women on LotC are either edgy, have had troubled pasts and are screwed up, or taken... Le sigh.

  15. What is the best Orenian town to live in?

  16. Is it against the rules for someone to use someone elses account after it has been accepted?

  17. There's still a limit on raids right? A person can raid only once every 3 days?

  18. Hopefully some more apps pop up soon... I'm getting a tad antsy to deny/accept some apps.

  19. Are we being DDosed?

  20. High-Five anyone? *Holds hand up*

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