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Status Replies posted by oblivionsbane

  1. I am terrible at Battlefield 4.

  2. So how has server quality improved in the 3 weeks I've been off the server?

  3. I want LotC technology to be based on Magical Engineering. Perhaps I may invent something falling under this :3

  4. Is this the real life?

  5. Lake for High Prince. His stern voice will make all bow to his will.

  6. Kinda sad.. Meep.

  7. dat 2-hour RP fight tho.

  8. Bye, don't follow me.

  9. Honestly guys, if you see Ninjaclimb1, Rp with him. He's so innocent and sweet. He's new to Rp, but he tries his best. It's really good to see.

  10. Just defeated a wraith with snowballs

  11. If you are an air evocationist, can you make the wind speed up?

  12. Agnub is fan-boying over senators in Texas...

  13. Has anyone enjoyed the Wraith RP that has been provided the past few days after their unveiling?

  14. Got myself a horse for a cheap price 400 minas good deal :3

  15. I sense that in a month or something there's going to pop up a greek/roman culture hre on lotc. (300: Rise of an Empire is out soon)

  16. Majora's Mask is best Zelda game.

  17. To be a star you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don't worry about the darkness, for that is when we shine brightest -Random Inspirational Quote I Found

  18. Note: Image possibly offensive to some.

  19. Word of the day: Verisimilitude. The appearance of being grounded in reality. "Your character's flaws give them a degree of verisimilitude." Disclaimer: This word will make you sound like a ponce.

  20. I'm an Old Hat now. I can do what I want now.

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