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Status Replies posted by oblivionsbane

  1. Give us chairs again :(

  2. To all those who attended the event, I'm sorry it was such a bust. It was supposed to be peaceful and it should have been. Although people seem to want to ruin that every chance they get. Why can't we all just get along and have some fun for once?

  3. In the north and south korean de-militarized zone they're gonna be installing autonomous "robotic" gun turrets capable of locking onto moving Human targets from 1.5 miles away and killing them, no matter who they might be and what "side" they might be on. This includes children. What is science doing...?

  4. http://i.imgur.com/Kexr3Ye.png Should I connect the land here? It would allow for easier travel on foot or horseback but cuts the cloud temple, halflings and orcs off from the sea.
  5. Alras is back babyy!

  6. *looks around warily for Jade and her shotgun.

  7. Hey, brother...

  8. Anyone wanna hop in my time machine with me and go back to the start of Aegis?

  9. To post my Sky Whale lore or not to post... That is the question...

  10. To my customers: my character cannot actually see the future. At most, I can give you vague prophetic nonsense. Please stop asking me incredibly specific questions. :I

  11. *spins on computer chair*

  12. Wait, what happened to Anthos while I was sleeping?

  13. I expect equal rights when there will be posted a male genderlocked magic subtype or race!

  14. Just got home from spending 6 hours infront of gamestop to be the owner of a Xbox one

  15. First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all. Second, I just bought Skyrim- am I late to the party?

  16. Happy Albanian Independence Day everyone.

  17. Happy Albanian Independence Day everyone.

  18. A, uhm GM has been calling me autistic a lot. Its very offensive, hurts me inside and unprofessional for a GM... This GM also refuses my right to be able too talk to orcs in a friendly manner, extremely rude. THe constant name calling is borderline cyber bullying, extremely rude and very sorrow please make stop and be a nice person Ever.

  19. i am your worst nightmare

  20. mc1.lordofthecraft.net should work for everyone.

  21. Killed slowly and painfully for not being an Elf in Malinor. K.

  22. Killed slowly and painfully for not being an Elf in Malinor. K.

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