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Status Updates posted by Googlesearch

  1. Hold onto your pants!
  2. adding an addition N into a character flag has caused me to waste 20 minutes of my life

  3. Aislin... You make me sick. How could you say that :(

  4. Anyone else have difficulty connecting to the server?

    1. IrishPerson
    2. Harri


      EU is getting DDoSed once again. Was happening most of yesterday too.

  5. Anyone got a map of Athera and/or Anthos

    1. Googlesearch


      I am going to attempt to create a map for a ck2 sub mod

    2. IrishPerson


      Anthos is your best bet, theres a few going around in the human sub-section.

    3. Googlesearch


      I have found both. I made the majority of it earlier but it's not great. I didn't put too much time into it tbh but not bad

  6. Anyone got any character ideas?

  7. As I have returned and discovered they want to add more people to the App Team I am throwing my application back out there for review. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/105612-googles-application-team-application/page-2

  8. Being told off for having a life and trying to improve physical fitness by leaving rp to go to the gym. I am sorry that I am trying to better myself and that gets in the way of you trying to steal all my soul bound monk bread

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Onslaughted


      no one really gives a **** tbh

    3. lawnmowerman


      u handled the situation like a twelve year old tbh

    4. jamesb
  9. Best video on earth

    1. aron.


      IT's up there, for sure.

  10. Best video on earth

    1. gingernut97


      What are you talking about, Zabuza?

  11. Bob for GM!

    1. monkeymo14
    2. Lark


      Is it bad I read that as Boobs?

  12. Bounty hunting on Elite Dangerous is probably one of the most fun things I've done so far

    1. Space


      I've heard that the game is really content starved. How's it nowadays?

    2. Googlesearch


      It feels like that unless you're in a populated area. The same could be said for the LOTC server so it's still enjoyable

  13. Bye bye Gaius :(

    1. Lucas


      I keep thinking you are a search bot. Dangit.

  14. Bye LoTC. Bye everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheBareSheet
    3. Lark


      Fare thee well geomancer

    4. Billy5691


      Good bye Mr magic teacher guy

  15. Can I ask what is happening with the server, It doesn't take this long to restore a back up...

    1. Detective


      Le' seerver is being worked on mate, no fear.

  16. Can whoever keeps opening abresi horse stables stop please, It is not very funny for the people affected. I am not one of those but I can see why people can get annoyed

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 5678


      Wow, such a big problem

    3. Neri


      You can't logblock the use of things, as far as I know.

    4. Googlesearch


      Well I would find it annoying if someone did it to me, No need to try bring an attitude when I was trying to be helpful

  17. Come on now guys it's been nearly a month and still no new test version! Where are my dragons?

  18. Do I have to reapply?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Overland


      I would suggest contacting a GM or making a thread about it.

    3. Googlesearch


      Thanks, Will do

    4. Overland


      No worries.

  19. Do you need a lock picking VA for locked book shelves

    1. Rassidic


      I'd imagine it's like a locked case containing books. So more then likely.

    2. Googlesearch


      Yeah that's what I was thinking, Although if that was the case why not use a chest

  20. False alarm about the lights! Turns out it was just lightning but I couldn't hear it.

  21. Finally broke this massive stalemate on Rome 2, Celtic Chariots mixed with slingers are amazing

  22. Finally racked up 50 hours of play time

    1. Tefzors


      How do you check the stats?

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