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Status Updates posted by Katherine1

  1. I just got an idle kick after about 30 seconds of walking O.o

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      Pretty sure it's when using the chat log, I've gone tabbed out crafting for hours with the chat log open and never got kicked. Walk around for thirty minutes, get kicked.

    2. Grouchy


      write a ban report

  2. Does anyone have some really good screenshots of dark elven and high elven architecture?

    1. Supremacy


      Not until the city is done.

    2. Katherine1


      I just want reference material for playing around in single player. By really good I mean representative of the style.

  3. When auto aging was fist released, it was 2 weeks to a year. Does anyone know when it switched over to 1 week to a year? A date would be best.

    1. OhDeerLord


      Thaaales if im rememering correctly. Search the forums for the thales release and yeh.

    2. MamaBearJade


      Its been several months, so early thales/late fringe

  4. I have discovered what is truely wrong with the community. We need more singalongs: http://gyazo.com/44a33fbfbbd4b1c0ff9d61cfd3eda657

    1. Amorphbutt


      i would imagine it would be like listening to the gibbering of the mad gods.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Liri. Our lord and savior.

  5. I want to put this out there as an Archdruid of the Druidic Order. While we and other people have joked about a druid takeover of the staff, this is not at all what is happening. Over the entire course of LotC, many druid players have stepped up to join the ranks of the staff. We are proud of our members that have chosen to help the server through the years.

    1. monkeypoacher


      nobody actually believes in the druid illuminati trust me

      you're still spooky though.

    2. KarmaDelta


      In the yonder past of Aegis, there was a conspiracy. I am sure your members are just saying this just to throw us off.

  6. Hmm... what to do...

    1. Lykos


      Make some got'dam pancakes.

  7. The skin I made for Deilos isn't the best out there, but -I- made it, and I intend to continue improving it.

    1. Cappy


      That's the spirit.

  8. Hmm... what to do...

    1. Emenzi


      Build a pillow fort.

  9. Mailboxes are a thing. If you don't have one set up in game, do it.

    1. Arkelos


      And remember, to make one, on any crafting grid put a chest over a fence!

  10. Okay, An Adventure In Time And Space was really good.

    1. Overland


      When I saw this I thought I missed it, but its tomorrow for Australians...

  11. Dryad applications have been moved to inactive... going to have to fix that...

    1. everblue2er101


      Message me with a link, I can move back. Or remake the topic, your choice.

  12. If anyone's wondering where the druid response is, we're essentially waiting for our third Archdruid to get on.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Thank you for the update friend.

  13. Is anyone else having a problem with bookshelves eating books?

  14. You're welcome.
    1. Dizzy771


      What is drugs

  15. Roleplaying in Minecraft is a different beast from roleplaying on a message board. I think I am getting the hang of it, though. Namely, notes.

  16. I seem to have a second character now. Look at that.

  17. As much as I want to stick around for what was happening when the server crashed, I need to go to the store, and the server isn't coming back up. D:

  18. Mmm, causing trouble~

  19. O_O;;;; Did nothing really just happen?

  20. And it finally happened. Discovered~

  21. Ah, Pillow fort in the Druid Grove: http://imgur.com/a/i1jUJ

  22. I swear, all this OOC insanity today must be some form of protest.

  23. If I haven't stated it enough, I'm still looking for someone to play the half-sister of my character: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/90973-ooc-looking-for-someone-to-rp-lily-baelish/

  24. Books mentioning Malin? Stories about him? Teachings? Something? Anyone? C'mon~! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/114675-a-call-for-knowledge/

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