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Status Updates posted by Katherine1

  1. Voted. Voting message doesn't go away. *groans*

  2. Well, my druid has been told to seek basic medical training outside of the order. Who to go bother...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Silevon


      Hunwald Coalmein is a master medic and Druid and magician and magi and wizard warlock

    3. MonkeyCoffee



    4. Katherine1


      She's not leaving, just searching for supplemental training elsewhere. Don't worry Monkey.

  3. When auto aging was fist released, it was 2 weeks to a year. Does anyone know when it switched over to 1 week to a year? A date would be best.

    1. OhDeerLord


      Thaaales if im rememering correctly. Search the forums for the thales release and yeh.

    2. MamaBearJade


      Its been several months, so early thales/late fringe

  4. Who steals from a dryad, seriously? At least they were incompetent enough to die at the entrance to my burrow. Free stone tools!

    1. LPT


      Alot of people would, it is not a surprise at all. Both of my characters would if it was right timing.

    2. NomadGaia


      Dryads yay!

    3. Katherine1


      But they died before they could escape, and now my chest is locked. I'll make sure to hide it a bit better too.

  5. Why can I only get a tiny render distance on the server? :(

    1. Space


      Tech ****. Bother the tech taem.

    2. Overland


      If you're referring to the chunk loading distance,it's to prevent lag.

    3. Katherine1


      I would rather have a bit of lag then a tiny chunk loading distance. You can barely see anything on tiny.

  6. Why do my redstone circuits keep breaking? :I

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Because you did not go to college to be an redstone electrician Hehe. You need a degree!

    2. Katherine1


      I'm a Computer Scientist. Close enough! Doesn't tell me why my redstone circuits keep popping off the ground, though.

  7. Working on a dryad~

    1. Ever
    2. NomadGaia
    3. Katherine1


      Psst, hey Ever, go look at the application thread~

  8. Wow, my last status update was in January... well, Hi!

  9. Wow. Make a frustrated post about trying to get over to where another one of my characters is, and it gets a bunch of replies and gets locked and deleted before I see any of it o.o

    1. Hanrahan


      That was kind of my fault..I'm sorry!

    2. Aislin


      It got deleted? damn.

    3. Katherine1


      Yup. I was given screens of it, though. And now that I SSed over to spawn to go around, I am on my dryad! For now... no one around over here either. Just a slow night in general.

  10. Yes! Accepted :D

    1. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
    2. Urahra


      Indeed, welcome to you!

    3. ConnorMagill


      Grats! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

  11. Yes! MPM! People, don't ruin it and get it taken away. Please? :c

  12. You know, I don't get why people want the undead back other then purely nostalgia. From what I've heard, they are everything people complain about the current antag being, whether founded or not. OP? Very. Spam Magic? Yup. Victories and Losses scripted by the staff? All the time. How is that fun?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Kairn.


      I don't understand the appeal of bringing back the undead other than the nostalgia factor. If you want something changed about the current antagonist, make a post about it in support and feed back so the current Antagonist can be improved.

    3. Lago


      People always complain bitterly about the present. In Aegis people wanted nation conflict, something which is widely (although not universally) disliked and even loathed now. A lot of people now want happy, united races. In Aegis we treasured the few wars that happened. If the Undead return many people will begin to dislike them. People hated the small size of Aegis in Aegis and the huge size of Asulon in Asulon.

    4. Lago


      Wanting the undead back is either misplaced nostalgia or a case of we didn't know what we had until it was gone.

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