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Status Replies posted by jamesb

  1. Anyone with interest to play a future Lord please notify me.

  2. Welp, first fire by my house of the season. Anyone got the marshmallows? I am sure there will be more.

  3. There is a battle happening?

  4. There is a battle happening?

  5. That moment when you are almost unconscious from tiredness, yet you stay up to post a random status like this one.

  6. When in doubt, *** it out.

  7. Allons enfants de la Patrie, le jour de gloire est arrivé !

  8. What did the tree wear to the pool party?

  9. I swear to god the next person who tries to pet me, I will bite off your hand and beat you to death with it. c:

  10. So is Jane a man pretending to be a woman, or an ugly woman pretending to be a man who is disguised as a woman?

  11. So, just wanted to make it "official" or whatever, but i'm going to be taking a break incase anyone didn't know. I've kind of lost the motivation to really do much as far as LotC goes, and i've been feeling really down in the dumps lately. Anyways, bye guys! Have fun!

  12. Ever, did you break the server again by claiming too many modreqs too fast and the sever couldnt handle the awesomeness?

  13. I'm gonna start a 2-3 week long event chain tomorrow, once the servers more stable! I'm looking forward to it!

  14. Oh my GOOOD VAT My character will die of old age before somebody looks at my application T_T What gives?

  15. Hey server if you would like to come up I would like that :^)

  16. So hungry... Thai food cant get here soon enough ~.~

  17. Alright, I may be taking a small break from anything ingame for a while. Stuff has come up and by no means does this mean I'm leaving the community. Expect me around the forums, just not to much ingame.

  18. War camp against the antags at x:-192 z:-716. Be there or be square

  19. That feeling when you take a new player under your wing

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