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Status Replies posted by Moochael

  1. Just saw The Force Awakens time to go practice religion. Will I ever reach the application quota on time? The world may never know.

  2. When did Felsen declare war on the Caliphate????

  3. LotC GMs hosting another chill session on ts.lotc.co! Anyone who wishes to hang out stop on by! Questions may be asked!

  4. Just saw The Force Awakens time to go practice religion. Will I ever reach the application quota on time? The world may never know.

  5. When did Felsen declare war on the Caliphate????

  6. So apparently the warclaim is the cause of this? I still dont get why we are "The #1 RP server" and yet we allow PvP...

  7. I'm glad 100 people are talking about the lag in WC otherwise I wouldn't have noticed.

  8. guyz remove warclaims muh experiunce

    guyz remove nexus muh experiunce

    guyz remove arrows muh experiunce

    you see the parallels?

  9. hannah montana should make a comeback 2k16

  10. remove monks and enforce pk's fam, best way to go

  11. remove monks and enforce pk's fam, best way to go

  12. Out of the Old Fart, into the Coder

  13. have a completely logical day everyone.

  14. If anyone tells me star wars spoilers

    I will find you

    and I will kill you

  15. If anyone tells me star wars spoilers

    I will find you

    and I will kill you

  16. Don't miss the drop party!

  17. Dontcha wish yer gurl frund wuz hawt leik meh

  18. Star Wars is amazing. That's all that needs to be said.

  19. Dontcha wish yer gurl frund wuz hawt leik meh

  20. Star Wars is amazing. That's all that needs to be said.

  21. Can a GM please explain to me why im banned for being an alt :((((( #freetehwalrus


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