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Status Replies posted by Moochael

  1. Do chess rp, use chess website to help with chess rp, win chess game, find out that you won against a random person and not the person you were rping with...

  2. Gandalf betrays Dumbledore, who was Luke's father all along, while Spock takes the ring to Narnia and destroys it to save Azeroth.

  3. Frodo destroys the ring

  4. Link beats Ganondorf


    Doc Brown dies in Back To the Future.

  6. The horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes.

  7. What is the rank progression for nexus professions? I just wanna see all the ranks such

  8. we r not ur guinea pigs jose m. blasquez.

  9. How much money do I have to spend on donations to become a vip?

  10. I find the lack of a magic plugin disturbing.

  11. If I keep getting notifications about the magic plugin thread, I am going to explode.

  12. Lotc weddings are cool because your character is proud of them in game, but you are bored out of your mind OOC

  13. does anyone know a website where i can find good memes or an online girlfriend?

  14. sum1 remove my warns pls

  15. sum1 remove my warns pls

  16. I don't like teh cold (╯︵╰,) brrrRRrr

  17. If I see one more drake vine...

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