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Status Updates posted by Moochael

  1. Listening to LOTR-Shire music while farming in Willow Hollow is very relaxing...

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Listening to your soft falling tears is very relaxing

    2. Kvasir
  2. How about for the next map reset we just keep it simple? Everyone in LOTC uses lots of wood and resources 'n junk... How about Vailor ends up like Easter Island (The stone Tiki-Head island)? The habitants of Easter Island used logs to move the giant Stone heads they made, but cut down the trees too quick, forcing them to move away. I think we should have this happen, even if saplings in MC replant really fast.


    We just weren't as considerate to the environment so there was a shortage of trees, causing us to move if we wanted to live... Much more practical than, "Thanhium bomb destroys land" or "Giant worms kill us" IMO...


    This is kind of a rough idea, and probably most of you won't like it, but I personally believe it is practical, and probably fun to RP.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      I thought about the corpses from the war could float into the water, this will contaminate the water supply killing a **** ton of animals and plants.

    3. Elfen_


      As a wood elf, I will beat up people to save the the trees.

    4. Kvasir


      Okay girl

  3. This makes me fangirl... Idk why

  4. My condolences go to anyone who lost a family member or friend during the 9.0 earthquake in Japan 5 years ago. Rest in Peace.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      In all seriousness I am sad to see disasters like this happen.

    3. Ford



    4. Kvasir
  5. Why does it take an Adept woodworker to make different colored fences? It isn

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moochael


      Good thing halflings dont use minas....Heheheh

    3. Crowbill


      It's carving tougher types of wood, ofc it takes more skill. It's probably gonna be something like this when different boats arrive...

    4. Kvasir
  6. This made my re-think all of Star Wars

  7. So... Er... Someone... Er... Should help be reach 100 rep... Errrr..... Please?

  8. Things that enrage the LOTC Community:

    -Cool down chat-timers


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jonificus


      We hate everything.

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      what, why did you reply within a minute? wait for your cooldown, we probs didn't receive your message.


    4. Kvasir
  9. I'm really for neither side in this WC, but for some reason Dwarves can't build normal cannons... Yet humans can have a laser cannon? Seems legit.:notbad:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lekuma_


      you owe me 300 camels and 40 +1's, young man!

    3. Moochael


      I'll need Dunamis then.

    4. Kvasir




      I agree

  10. Why is this so bad for the AT? I mean, they're getting their quota filled up really fast.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mrlollytime


      I don't feel bad as it's their job and they volunteered for it. :P

    3. Moochael
    4. Kvasir
  11. Day 3 of playing a halfling:

    Already a 'znaga'

    1. ThumperJack


      You were given the choice :P


    2. Moochael


      True. But I didn't want to just turn it down, doesn't make sense INRP and I haven't experienced Uruk slave p.

    3. Kvasir
  12. Oh boy I'm so happy I got 3 stacks of string from redeeming 8 keys

  13. I like palm oil more, thanks for offering though, everyone...


    (whats with all these olive oil comments?)

  14. How art everyone this fine day?

  15. I gotta admit, Dunamis' uniform is pretty good looking...

  16. Whatever happened to the Gambinos, one day they ruled felsen, the next.... They just went missing

  17. This is my favorite image ever

    Even though I hate trendy vine dances, Clyne and Ibe doing this dance after the win was perfect xD

  18. Merry christmas to all of you in GMT

  19. Tbh I hate this background but I like the make a status update thing  above status updates, the other one took ages to load

    1. Moochael


      I'm aware its a mistake btw

    2. Kvasir
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