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tea with Gwyn

Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by tea with Gwyn

  1. This whole place is really dead.

  2. Wolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolo

    1. MysticalStranger


      "Communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom."

    2. tea with Gwyn

      tea with Gwyn

      "Democracy is nonnegotiable!"

  3. Why are _leyd and tankmaster11 the only two online and why can I not connect?

    1. Aengoth


      favored customers of Tythus LTD

  4. Fuckin'.. Tythus, fix your ****.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mitto


      even if it was it's usually not tythus' fault because he's not a dumbass

    3. Seliyne


      died for me too, rip server

    4. Space
  5. /Why/ was there a guy named Tom Bombadil walking around?

    1. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      Nothing wrong with that

  6. Dan Avidan is my personal hero

  7. By trying to die, I'm learning how to live.

  8. I've got the need for speed. I've gotta go fast. I've gotta run, Barry, run.

  9. Well, I already have a character based off of Din. Should I make a half-Uruk/half-'aheral beauty based off of Midna?

    1. Travista


      You should just scrap that idea and be an old hermit crone in clan Lak. Yub.

  10. Ohh, I can't find the Ascended thread, do want..

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      What Ascended thread? They recruit in-game last time I checked, and it's still really hard to become one.

    2. Bircalin


      We did have a thread up which has mysteriously vanished, intended as a AUA kinda' thing. It's not "really hard" to become one, if you fit the criteria ;))) But feel free to seek me out IG if you wanna' rp with one of us mateo.

    3. OhDeerLord


      -actually refused joining the ascended- kekkles

  11. If memes are illegal, can I be the Meme Police?

  12. Raine got impaled again. #RaineProblems

  13. Is the Decterum still around? Or did they die with Anthos?

    1. excited
    2. nordicg_d


      They disbanded early Athera

    3. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      Leaders disbanded and reformed into House Vanir

  14. Behold. I am the Pimp Hand. All shall bow before the Pimp Hand.

  15. Server is down. "Server is down" has 12 letters, plus 3 spaces, equaling 15 characters. "Server" has six letters. There are six legs on a fly. "Fly" has three letters. 15/3=3. LotC equals Illuminati confirmed.

  16. What's on my mind? You'll have to ask him yourself. But he IS on vacation...

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