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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by ℤ∃ʁ∅

  1. Spiders, save the wood elves!

  2. Come on, where are the clerics!? Are you guys gone? All dark magics have at least the same numbers as you guys so far. Are you letting them win? Go vote! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123385-does-your-character-do-magic/

  3. ET, my recent status update was seen as an attack upon the ET group, therefore I am obligated to ask for your forgiveness in this matter. I was too rash.

  4. ET, my recent status update was seen as an attack upon the ET group, therefore I am obligated to ask for your forgiveness in this matter. I was too rash.

  5. How many people can say they were flashed by Zero?

  6. New animation -

  7. New animation -

  8. Convincing two children that ordering drinks at a tavern requires you to yell Kinky.

  9. It's so depressing seeing Elves with their ears clipped. Those things are way too precious too lose ;-;

  10. What's your favorite LotC lore?

  11. Got my hands on Majora's Mask 3D. See y'all in a bit. ;)

  12. Can beardmancy seriously break through a metal gate? :I

  13. This is why you don't try and rob Snickers :)

  14. I'm having thoughts of leaving the server

  15. Can't resolve hostname, any tips to deal with such issues?

  16. Thanks for coming to the first event up the Sprite storyline! :) More to come and more event rewards too~

  17. You guys complain about rainbow hair? Huh? http://gyazo.com/57533494545d134fb3eb11637b242871 The real rainbow hair!

  18. http://gyazo.com/24fee9f915263eace7cef6836714c44d My friends, LotCers, a great scourge has been dealt with this night! For too long these individuals have run rampant, players all over being apparently told by them that they were allowed to do things they shouldn't be doing. They have been a terrible menace, and at last they are punished!
  19. Shoutout to my buds at the Red Rose

  20. Lord of the Craft question. What will come out first? Half Life 3 or the magic plugin?

  21. -tips hat- today is a good day :)

  22. So where's that heat map..?

  23. Well RIP, this server is being turned into the Fringe once again.

  24. Random thought of the day: Don't know which would be worst... living in a world with terrorist or dinosaurs...

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