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  1. Are people allowed to apply for CAs as Ents, or has that been done away with?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rammer


      I'm not 100% sure. It could be something to ask a LM just my personal experience trying to play an ent I was directed to two of the higher up druids.

    3. Priceflash


      As far as I was aware ents weren't associated with druids in any way, and I am sure that was not the original intent. 

    4. Gallic


      Ents are associated with Druids, but they don't have to be. As far as I know, Druids can help an Elder Tree make their treebaby, but if they aren't there it'll still happen it will just take a very long time. For that reason, most of the ents that are actually played are delivered by Druids.


      Also the MAT tends to go to the Archdruids and maybe hierophants on whether or not someone should play an ent for some reason.


      But the only thing actually limiting it is the Elder Trees of the land, since they only birth one ent each. That's the real headache in playing one.


      but people seem to be on a hunt to kill all the elder trees so

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