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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Parkins

  1. when did so many people start saying oof

  2. Novaskin makes me hate myself sometimes. . .

  3. Has Tythus tried downloading more RAM?

  4. parkins has a ghoul factory somewhere

  5. Why is server aids for europeans like pls

  6. Vague interest in Oren political system.

  7. Vague interest in Oren political system.

  8. They changed the Skeleton Lords... I wasn't emotionally prepared https://gyazo.com/78487e5560cbf50ad0a0316ac253d55a

  9. my music taste is better than everyone elses

  10. my college list: georgia tech, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, USC, university of miami, UMBC, UM Ann arbor, IU Bloomington,Purdue Uni, Ohio State University

  11. I was too excited about being accepted... Can't find anyone to RP with...

  12. am I worthy of your friendship

  13. I'll eat you for breakfast

  14. Considering making a human. Only problems being who to join and getting a skin.

  15. Accepted! Wait for me in Vailor!


  17. What is happiness to you my teacher said, isolation and peace I responded. . .

  18. oh god everyone hates me someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong all Ive ever wanted was attention

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