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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Parkins

  1. Need some help on how to get started on learning magic :) Any suggestions?

  2. alright then

  3. what do I do if someone just afks in the middle of rp ;-;

  4. If you could add one thing to the server, what would it be?

  5. The Necbros lost a Necbro today...

  6. cats or dogs?

  7. DT (Druid Team) > PT (Paladin Team)

  8. I've decided to name my new tablet Fishies.

  9. I'm in dept 1820 rp to someone, looking for donations before he bans me from lotc!!!!! help pls!!!!

  10. should I go drive and get some McDonald's fries? it's like, 10pm but they're still open, I think...

  11. "tier 4 small bear" vs "tier 4 teleport like goku" **** this server

  12. thinking about writing lore for a new angudaemon

  13. ay yo fam where the clerics at

  14. thinking about writing lore for a new angudaemon

  15. ay yo fam where the clerics at

  16. I demand sacrifice.

  17. there are 10 necromancy teachers. what have we done.

  18. i identify as meme-kin

  19. im giving away 10k to the first person who guesses a number im thinking of from 1-15.

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