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Everything posted by Sybbyl0127

  1. Golems in their basic entirety are Stone Constructs created by Golemancers, which are built in order to follow orders and serve their Impera. Ranging between short and quick, to towering and strong, each individual golem is built to the specifications that the golemancer designs. Usually, they are made with specific intentions in mind, such as building a large Golem to do heavy materials transport, or a human sized golem meant to maintain a library, or warehouse. Some create golems for combat, while others create them to perform tedious repetitive tasks. Their purpose is almost as limitless as their physical design, and no one golem is the same as the next. There are Five known types of golems, separated generally by their physical design and limitations. Among them are, Thanite, Speed, Brawn, Task, and Soulbound. While Thanhite golems are the average non-specialized type, the remaining four have been made with alterations to their physical build and core which give the construct certain advantages and disadvantages in comparison to other types. Physical Limitations Each golem type has certain physical limitations which become the deciding factor for what purpose the golem will serve. Thanhite: A non-specialized golem type, the Thanhite golem is built with a simple core, usually the first kind that a golemancer will learn to create. They are more common than the other types. Thanhite golems can be built within a range of 5ft tall and 8ft tall, experiencing major complications that usually result in damage to the core if built outside that range. They are roughly as strong as an Orc, and inherit reaction time & speed equal to that of Orcs, with a human-like mental capacity. Thanhite golems can house up to 3 auxiliary sigils. Speed Golems: Speed type golems are built to be less bulky, with thinner bodies closer to elven or human proportions, making them more lightweight. Built within a range of 3ft and 6ft, they boast speed & reaction times equal to that of an Elven level, while only being able to maintain a strength level equal to Human. Speed golems can house up to 4 auxiliary sigils. Brawn Golems: Brawn golems are what you usually see carrying heavy loads, or slowly wreaking havoc on a battlefield. They are built with very wide and heavy bodies, towering in a range of 7ft and up to 10ft in height. While they boast the strength levels of your average Olog, they are slow both in speed & reaction time, as well as in their mental capacity. They interpret orders in a very simple, at-face-value way, and can become confused. Brawn golems can house up to 2 auxiliary sigils. Task Golems: Task golems are much smaller than the previous three, usually created for orders that require a more gentle touch, or better control of their hands. Built in a range of 3ft to 5ft, you won’t see a task type golem engaging in very much combat as they are much weaker than their larger counterparts. Task Type golems can move in the same fashion as your average Human, but their strength level suffers, and won’t boast any particularly strong traits. A task golem can potentially overexert itself by attempting to lift something that is too heavy, and may shut down temporarily while its core cools. Task golems can house up to 5 auxiliary sigils. Soulbound Golems: Soulbound golems are the most complicated, among the different types. Some consider a soulbound golem to be similar to a thanhite golem, in regards to the fact that it is essentially non-specialized in a physical respect. Soulbound cores can only function within a body that meets the physical limitations of either the Task Type golem or the Thanhite golem, as the cores for both Speed and Brawn are too specialized towards power output to be able to safely handle the added potency of a soul. The advantage that a soulbound golem gains, is the ability to house more auxiliary sigils than the other golem types. It boasts no specialty in strength or speed, but instead has more power within its core to be able to activate more sigils at one time. Soulbound golems can house up to 6 auxiliary sigils [This does not stack with other golem types, it is always 6.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance It is quite possible for no two golems to look the same, though some may not believe this. It is a common thing amongst golems/golemancers to create a character that is simply a smooth, dark grey stone being made in the image of man. However, the creativity is quite limitless, as it usually is with most CAs. There are some limitations, but these really only apply to how the golem is actually built. Golems can only be made from stone, however in this case the term stone also includes things such as Minerals, or naturally occuring mixtures of anything inbetween. Golems cannot be made from things such as Gemstones like Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, etc., simply because it would only be doable if each were listed out with its own redlines on hardness. Golems bodies cannot be as hard as or as durable as metal in any form, so if the material you are choosing is equal to or stronger than metal, it is unfortunately not going to work. The core cannot power a body made from these materials because it can't reach to the ends of all the limbs, and the body will simply not function. The only other limitations are that the body must be in the shape of a person, humanoid in general, with two arms and two legs, nothing more. As well as, the core must always be stored in the upper body of the golem somewhere, and never stored in a limb. Cores as described in the lore are 6 sided 3D shapes created by the golemancer in which the golem's "mind" is stored. Generally, the cores are golden in color, and slightly cool to the touch, though golem type may slightly change the overall hue of the color itself, which you can see described under each golem type and its corresponding information about the core. They can't be very small, usually about as big as two fists with the fingers interlocking together at their smallest. The core is stored inside the golems body, usually hidden away by a faux layer of their material for protection, most golemancers will make it so the core is not visible from the outside, considering its importance, and fragility. Golems also are not bound to one material type, you could theoretically, create a golem with a granite upper body and limbs made of marble. There are no advantages or disadvantages to creating a golem using multiple materials mechanically, and is simply something to allow some aesthetic individuality, so feel free. Now, that aside, a short list of some very interesting looking materials that could be used, just as creative suggestions: Jade Marble Granite Quartz Boulder Opal Lapis Lazuli Azurite Tourmaline Turquoise ~ A good way to find nice references for types of rocks, and not minerals/stones, is to look up rock tumbling images ~ Sigils As explained in the main lore page, Sigils are external additions to the golems that provide things such as sensory mimicry, such as sight and touch, while there are also sigils that create more unique abilities or sensations for the golem to use. There are different types of sigils, within which are many different kinds. The main types are Base Sigils for golems, which make the golem function properly, and then Auxiliary Sigils with their many subtypes. Of which, are Permanent, Temporary, and Single Use. Golem Base sigils are the sigils needed to make sure a golem works properly after activation. These being, the sigils which are applied to the core: Memory: Gives the golem the ability to store memories, or knowledge. Hearing: Gives the golem the ability to hear. Language: Gives the golem the ability to understand language and to speak it, it will automatically activate with a basic understanding of their Creator’s native tongue. Power: This sigil regulates power output for the core, without it, the core would not output any power and the body would never move. Activation: The activation sigil is the final sigil applied to the core, it is carefully carved into the 5th face of the core while the golemancer constantly supplies it with Soul Essence. When it’s complete, it dissolves into the core itself and disappears, permanently activating the golem. Base Sigils are carefully applied directly to a completed core, as such they are always present in every golem, and don't take up sigil slots. These consisting of the above listed, meaning that while the core is removed from the golem body, perhaps during repairs or when its body is destroyed but its core is left undamaged, these sigils continue to function. This means that while it may be a core sitting on the kitchen counter, unable to move or react, it can still hear things around it and comprehend them, as it is still "conscious" in that state. Auxiliary Sigils are applied onto the golem’s body. They can in theory be placed anywhere on the golems body, these spots will be decided while the golem body is being carved out, as the golemancer will have to carve out the number of slots on the body that correlates with the type of golem they are attempting to build. Any kind of Auxiliary sigil can be placed within these slots, they can also be removed safely, and replaced, or traded out for other sigils as the need arises. However, the golem itself cannot do this, only the golemancer can replace sigils. An attempt from something else to do so would likely end in damage to the sigil or the sigil slot itself. Permanent sigils are what they sound like, able to be slotted into the golem’s body and left there with little to no maintenance aside from repairs if it becomes damaged. Temporary sigils act like permanent sigils, but they are not passively activated. These sigils have a set number of uses, and once it has been used up, the sigil itself will crack, break or shatter, falling out of the slot and leaving it empty. Single Use sigils are mostly self explanatory, they are not passively activated, and when used a single time, they will crack, break or shatter, just like temporary sigils, but depending on the sigil and what it’s for, its effects might linger after breaking. These however cannot be permanent effects. Base Lore Auxiliary Sigils, as written in the original lore post: The Preservation Sigil and how to use it properly Among the many types of sigils, there are some that have very specific uses. The Preservation Sigil is technically a golem sigil, however it is a permanent sigil. Once applied and activated, it cannot be used on any other golem aside from the one it was originally used on. The preservation sigil is used to preserve golem memory, carved onto a palm sized piece of material like any other sigil, it is slotted into a cube of thanhic alloy steel, rather than the golem itself. When activated, the sigil will be touched against the golem’s core it’s to be used on, and it will store a direct copy of that core’s information. Using this, should the golem be completely destroyed including it’s core, the preservation sigil could later be activated against a freshly made core, and it would transfer the stored knowledge over onto that core. Though it can’t store more than one specific golem’s information after it’s initial use, it can be updated as often as one likes, and used to transfer that golem’s memory as needed to a fresh core. Of course, only a Golemancer can do this, so it is in the best interest of Golem players to stay in contact with a golemancer, even if their current Impera is not one. As an example of its uses, a preservation sigil made by a golemancer can be used to maintain the lifespan of a golem they have ownership of which is intended to participate in combat regularly. The golemancer may set up intended intervals of maintenance with their golem where they regularly “backup” the golem’s memory. Say the golemancer updates the sigil on Day 1, but not on Days 2-5, and on Day 5 the golem is destroyed in battle. The golemancer could then [at the expense of one of their allotted golem creation slots per month] re-build the golem, and make a new core. Then they will fill this core with the stored information from the preservation sigil [which does not empty, and remains bound with the memory of this past golem], this “new” golem will now essentially become the golem that was destroyed as it now has all the memory of the previous, up to Day 1 when it was last updated. The golem will have lost the memory of Days 2-5, but will continue to live on in its new body. This serves OOCly as a way for golems, who were never intended to be bound to a PK clause and never have been, to be able to have an IC way of justifying coming back from total destruction without having to start over as a completely new golem. However, this conditions of this are in fact that the golem must remain in regular contact with a golemancer, who can update their preservation sigil. Alongside the fact that golems with sigils need regular maintenance in the instance that their sigils are broken in combat, this also serves as an incentive for golems and golemancers to have regular interaction with one another and generate more RP for them. The Disruptor Sigil and how it works This sigil is similar in build to the preservation sigil, being a standalone item that is not installed upon a golem itself. Essentially anti-golem tech, made by golemancers shortly after the invention of the disruptor spike, it is used to “stun” golems for a short period of time. The disruptor sigil is made upon a piece of Aurum, it will not function if carved into any other material, and then installed on a blunt force weapon on the striking surface. The sigil is a single use item, and upon being hit against a golem’s body with force, it will shatter. This shattering disperses the stored golemancer’s [creator’s] essence & mana in a targeted fashion towards the golem core. This surge of essence & mana overloads the core of the golem briefly, stunning it for two emotes. The sigil, being palm sized like any other sigil, can’t realistically be installed upon a piercing weapon’s point, as the point is too small to house it, and making it big enough to would essentially turn it into a blunt force weapon anyways. In this same way, it can’t be installed on something such as an arrow head, as it would be heavy and would not be able to be fired from any significant distance. Example Emotes: Behavior Language & Emotion Over many centuries, the topic of golem behaviour has been widely studied by many a golemancer. Though the golemancers created these stone beasts themselves, the way their “minds” work is something that may always remain at least in some ways, a mystery. However, there are many knowns regarding them. When a golem is first activated, the soul essence and mana that the golemancer uses to activate the golem will have slight effects on the golem’s early stages in behavior. Firstly, the golem will attain a basic understanding of their golemancer’s native tongue. Though the golemancer may know many languages, the golem will only initially learn the golemancer’s first language, and must be tediously taught any additional languages. This understanding of language is however basic, and there are many concepts and terms that golems do not understand even with the ability to communicate. As a creation that lacks any and all semblance of emotion, understanding of emotion, morality, or creative capabilities, golems have an incredibly difficult time interpreting things that come from these factors. Say that a golem is told that children who are sad should be cheered up. The golem does not know what sad means, nor does it understand what it should do in order to cheer someone up, as it does not understand happiness. However, the basic effect can be achieved if the golem is taught these things in a step by step, quantifiable manner. Such as telling the golem, sadness can be indicated by tears falling from one’s eyes, this is a visual indicator. Then, that telling the golem, asking people “what is wrong” and then listening to what they have to say, may help them feel better, this is a single step not requiring the use of emotional input. The golem will never be able to achieve a fully sympathetic or empathetic nature, as it cannot understand truly what emotion is, but the golem can gain knowledge of emotions, what they mean, and what they may or may not do to people. Creativity All golems lack any and all ability to have a creative mind. Meaning, that while you may be able to tell a golem, “Crack three eggs into the bowl, mix that with flour, sugar, vanilla, and cocoa, then bake it in the oven and make brownies,” you cannot tell the golem, “Here is a bakery, fully equipped, bake a cake.” The golem will never be able to design for itself anything that is not listed out to it in a step by step manner. Theoretically, you can teach a golem to do most any repeatable task that, when done with exactly the same steps every time, can produce the same result. There are many things that just won’t work, like blacksmithing. Though a golem may be able to follow exact instructions, there are many factors in things such as blacksmithing, where the item being created needs a creative mind because many unexpected results will arise during the crafting process that require decisions to be made differently from previous attempts in order to produce the same results. However, things such as crochet, for instance, could be done by a golem if each pattern were taught to it individually, as the patterns will produce the same result every time. In the same sense, because of its lack of creativity, the golem cannot decide many things for itself. If you tell a golem to go find something to do, it may respond and follow this order, but it will only be going through its list of currently active orders and acting upon one of those. It will never come up with something new to do on its own, and will forever only be able to follow those orders, perhaps in different ways each time. Say you tell a golem, “Study human behavior and learn how they speak, and interact,” a golem could use this order many times over in different ways. Attending balls to see how humans interact in this scenario, wandering markets to watch them barter, going to libraries to read the stories they write, as this is a form of communication, etc. Anywhere there are people, this golem would go in order to study them. In another example, you might tell the golem, “Guard this city from any and all threats,” without much explanation, the golem may pester its impera for what qualifies as a threat, or, it may go out on its own in order to discover this without Impera’s input. Such as interviewing citizens, or asking city guards, it is still following the order but it is doing it in what that golem may think is the most efficient way. Golem Development & “Personality” In the more recent few decades, golemancers have discovered a curious quality of the golems. A new golem is usually very similar to the next new golem, having very straight forward, literal interpretations of the world. However, a golem is somewhat affected by the personality of their Impera, though many aren’t sure exactly how, or why. In example, GolemA is under an impera who participates in battle often, while GolemB is under an impera who rarely acts violently and is quite a peaceful man. If you tell both GolemA and GolemB, “Go out and bring me this man,” then both golems will complete this order in a different manner. Though largely this will vary on such a wide scale it is difficult to described, in this most extreme example, GolemA will likely seriously maim or injure the subject before bringing them to their impera, while GolemB will likely apprehend them whilst causing the minimum amount of harm necessary. It has been observed in many occasions. Of course, it is different for every golem, as it would be for a person, but it is something many a golemancer have studied for ages. Though golems do not actually have a true personality of their own, as that would imply they house opinions, likes or dislikes, they do develop a kind of.. Golem Personality, over time. A fresh golem is mostly influenced by the orders it is given, the attitude of their Impera, and then lastly by the experiences it has. Over time, that golem will be storing information that it learns as it lives longer, developing a sort of personality based on these experiences. It is quite easy to compare a golem mind to that of a self-learning AI. It cannot come up with solutions to things on its own, nor can it offer up opinions or creative thought. However, it can store more and more information, and in a way, “react” to things differently from other golems. Perhaps its impera tends to come to the aid of children in danger, this golem may then, if its orders allowed for it, save children first in an emergency situation. It can also cause golems to interpret their orders in ways different from how another golem may interpret them, like in our earlier example of an inherently violent golem versus an inherently peaceful golem. The possibilities are endless, but essentially, the longer a golem is alive, the more it will learn and know, and the more its “personality” will develop. Abandonment Golems exist in their entirety as a tool, a stone creation made by mortals, to serve mortals. With this, comes the innate, absolute need for the golem to have purpose. This is something no golem or golemancer can get around, each and every golem will constantly require that it have orders it may complete. Whether it is kept busy with orders which can be done over and over again, or comes back to its Impera to receive new orders each time a task is complete, or follows the same set of orders for eternity, it matters not. The golem simply needs to be serving a purpose. With this, Golemancers have discovered a key point in golem behavior that is equal among all Golems. While a golems loyalty to its Impera is pure, and cannot be betrayed, an Impera can betray this loyalty by not giving the golem a purpose. ~ Some of this will ultimately bleed into OOC, as is necessary, to ensure that Golem Players have ways to keep their character ultimately under their OOC control. This cannot be avoided. ~ Imperas always have the option of passing their status of Impera to another, and whomever they pass this title to, the Golem will then recognize that person entirely as their new Impera, and will immediately treat their previous Impera as they would any other, having no ability to control it or give it orders. Though Imperas can also order a golem to follow orders from other people, often referred to as “ Sub-Imperas “, orders from their true Impera will always have priority over all others. Alongside this, Golems can also actually leave their current Imperas. There are many scenarios where this can occur, such as: * If an Impera does not give the golem enough orders, or the golem is left to idle without orders for too long, it might abandon them and seek out a new Impera. * If an Impera gives the golem orders which it consistently cannot complete, it might abandon them and seek out a new Impera. * If an Impera attempts to force a golem by orders to enter a scenario where it will inevitably face total destruction, the golem can refuse this order due to its innate values of self-preservation, and may abandon Impera and seek out another. The golem cannot serve a purpose if it is no more. ~~There are also reasons for a golem to abandon their Impera related to OOC, such as when a golem-player feels uncomfortable with an Impera, ICly or OOCly. Or when a golem-player and their Impera’s schedules are too different, when their RP styles don’t match up and the golem-player simply isn’t enjoying the interaction. A golem player is always absolutely free to make up an IC reason for their golem leaving the Impera and finding another one. Just keep in mind that while this is something you can do, you should do so only when you have decent reason to. Of course this is very loose, but please don’t be toxic with hopping from one Impera to the next without giving them time to figure out how to best handle your Golem character. Talk with the player of your golem’s Impera about the things you want to do, that sort of thing. This rule is here to protect golem-players from being forced to interact with characters that they don’t enjoy, feel uncomfortable with, or are not getting decent RP from.~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing a Golem: Tips and Suggestions~ A short Q & A for common questions:
  2. Basic Introduction Golemancy at its core, is the art of breathing life into stone. Through tedious carving and building, one will construct a humanoid creation, its most common material being stone, and use their soul essence and a small burst of mana to breathe an imitation of life into its core. Though not truly alive, these constructs have their uses. Following the orders of their Master or Creator, these tireless beings will face their tasks with the utmost loyalty. They do everything they can to complete each and every one of their orders. Lacking emotion, free will, or any semblance of creativity, it is up to their Master, which they call Impera, what it is that they will spend their limitless time doing. Building your Golem Anvil In order to begin creating golems, every golemancer must be equipped with a golem anvil. Creating one is one of few things a student golemancer will learn, before they can begin building their first stone creation. Several skillsets are needed to perfect your golem anvil, but at its core, at the very least they will need the knowledge required for metal working. A golem anvil is a bit smaller than your average blacksmithing anvil, it does not need to be terribly large. Generally, most golemancers create theirs at a size that can be deemed portable. There are two types of golem anvils, and either one can be used in order to create Golem Cores, with no advantage or disadvantage between them: Thanhic Steel Anvil: Sigil of Golem Heart Anvil: Creating and using a sigil When one strides down the path of golemancy, after they’ve completed their anvil, most teachers will start their students off by teaching them how to create sigils. The process is rather simple, and it helps the budding golemancer learn how to properly control the usage of their soul essence and mana. To create a sigil, the golemancer needs only select a palm sized piece of any material, and carve into its surface the symbol which will designate what kind of sigil they are creating. When the carving is complete, if it has been done well, they will then use both their soul essence and their mana to activate it. There are different types of sigils, within which are many different kinds. The main types are Base Sigils for golems, which make the golem function properly, and then Auxiliary Sigils with their many subtypes. Of which, are Permanent, Temporary, and Single Use. Golem Base sigils are the sigils needed to make sure a golem works properly after activation. These being, the sigils which are applied to the core: Memory: Gives the golem the ability to store memories, or knowledge. Hearing: Gives the golem the ability to hear. Language: Gives the golem the ability to understand language and to speak it, it will automatically activate with a basic understanding of their Creator’s native tongue. Power: This sigil regulates power output for the core, without it, the core would not output any power and the body would never move. Activation: The activation sigil is the final sigil applied to the core, it is carefully carved into the 5th face of the core while the golemancer constantly supplies it with Soul Essence. When it’s complete, it dissolves into the core itself and disappears, permanently activating the golem. Base Sigils are carefully applied directly to a completed core, this is done by using the Golem Anvil. When a core is placed on the Golem Anvil, the thanhic alloy of the metal reacts with the core itself and allows it to be finely altered safely without shattering. If one were to attempt to carve sigils into a core without the anvil, it would crack and shatter after only a few chips. Auxiliary Sigils are applied onto the golem’s body. They can in theory be placed anywhere on the golems body, these spots will be decided while the golem body is being carved out, as the golemancer will have to carve out the number of slots on the body that correlates with the type of golem they are attempting to build. Any kind of Auxiliary sigil can be placed within these slots, they can also be removed safely, and replaced, or traded out for other sigils as the need arises. However, the golem itself cannot do this, only the golemancer can replace sigils. An attempt from something else to do so would likely end in damage to the sigil or the sigil slot itself. Permanent sigils are what they sound like, able to be slotted into the golem’s body and left there with little to no maintenance aside from repairs if it becomes damaged. Temporary sigils act like permanent sigils, but they are not passively activated. These sigils have a set number of uses, and once it has been used up, the sigil itself will crack, break or shatter, falling out of the slot and leaving it empty. Single Use sigils are mostly self explanatory, they are not passively activated, and when used a single time, they will crack, break or shatter, just like temporary sigils, but depending on the sigil and what it’s for, its effects might linger after breaking. These however cannot be permanent effects. Base Lore Auxiliary Sigils, as written in the original lore post: The Preservation Sigil and how to use it properly Among the many types of sigils, there are some that have very specific uses. The Preservation Sigil is technically a golem sigil, however it is a permanent sigil. Once applied and activated, it cannot be used on any other golem aside from the one it was originally used on. The preservation sigil is used to preserve golem memory, carved onto a palm sized piece of material like any other sigil, it is slotted into a cube of thanhic alloy steel, rather than the golem itself. When activated, the sigil will be touched against the golem’s core it’s to be used on, and it will store a direct copy of that core’s information. Using this, should the golem be completely destroyed including it’s core, the preservation sigil could later be activated against a freshly made core, and it would transfer the stored knowledge over onto that core. Though it can’t store more than one specific golem’s information after it’s initial use, it can be updated as often as one likes, and used to transfer that golem’s memory as needed to a fresh core. Of course, only a Golemancer can do this, so it is in the best interest of Golem players to stay in contact with a golemancer, even if their current Impera is not one. The Disruptor Sigil and how it works This sigil is similar in build to the preservation sigil, being a standalone item that is not installed upon a golem itself. Essentially anti-golem tech, made by golemancers shortly after the invention of the disruptor spike, it is used to “stun” golems for a short period of time. The disruptor sigil is made upon a piece of Aurum, it will not function if carved into any other material, and then installed on a blunt force weapon on the striking surface. The sigil is a single use item, and upon being hit against a golem’s body with force, it will shatter. This shattering disperses the stored golemancer’s [creator’s] essence & mana in a targeted fashion towards the golem core. This surge of essence & mana overloads the core of the golem briefly, stunning it for two emotes. The sigil, being palm sized like any other sigil, can’t realistically be installed upon a piercing weapon’s point, as the point is too small to house it, and making it big enough to would essentially turn it into a blunt force weapon anyways. In this same way, it can’t be installed on something such as an arrow head, as it would be heavy and would not be able to be fired from any significant distance. Creating & Using the disruptor spike The overall design of the disruptor spike is actually quite simple. A long spear like weapon, with one end being sharpened to a point, while the other is flattened, but remaining somewhat thick so that it may properly house three single use sigils. Upon this flat end, the sigils are installed in order of: Binding, Entrapment, and then Activation. The binding and entrapment sigils are used solely upon the disruptor spike, and have no other function within Golemancy. The spike can be made from any material, and generally, can be any size as long as the sharp end is able to penetrate the flesh. When installing the sigils, once the golemancer installs the activation sigil, they cannot be removed, but the spike is not passively active. In order to actually use the spike, a golemancer must fuel it with a slight amount of essence and mana, before attempting to “spike” someone with it. In this way, a non-golemancer cannot spike a golemancer simply because they have the weapon. Creating a custom Sigil Creating a custom sigil is done by master Golemancers, as no student would be versed enough on the intricacies of the sigils to begin making their own. Golemancers can create these through what will almost always be a rigorous bout of trial and error. Having an idea they want to accomplish, some kind of specific effect they want the sigil to have, and will attempt to bring it to fruition. The main portion of creating the sigil in a way that it will work, is the symbol itself that will be carved onto the face of the sigil. Finding the right symbol that, in the golemancer’s mind, represents the effect they are trying to achieve. There isn’t a set language, or alphabet of any kind, that the golemancers are forced to adhere to. They can make their symbols as complicated [harder to replicate] or simple [harder to copy] as they’d like. There is a known set of limitations to sigils, though, which regardless of how hard one may try, make certain things unable to be achieved with these stone modifications to their golem builds. Sigils don’t seem to have a direct effect on combat, sigils can’t be made to increase a golem’s fighting power, for instance. Sigils do not make things out of nothing, meaning they cannot perform magical effects such as spewing fire, or freezing things that it touches, there just isn’t enough spare power in a core to realistically create these effects as the golem will simply shut down. Though muted versions could be created, like a sigil that is warm to the touch, but not so hot to be dangerous as this would drain a lot of power. Or a sigil with a slight cooling effect, which would be quite nice on those hottest of summer days. Depending on the sigil, and what its intended use is, the sigil itself will become one of the many types regardless of what the golemancer attempts to design it as. The golemancer creating the sigil cannot intentionally create a permanent sigil, they can only create a sigil with their intended effect, and when it works they will find out whether or not it is permanent afterwards. In this, some golems might find that after having a new sigil installed, their golemancer may frequently check it, to see if it has degraded or broken, to discover the lifespan of the sigil they had created. - When creating a custom sigil, it should be posted as an MArt, as described above, ICly your golemancer would not know what 'type' of sigil they are creating, such as permanent, temporary or single use. You may still write it's desired type in your MArt post, but the ST may be able to change its type if it is decided that it should be changed in order to balance it properly. Building & Attaching a golem limb A golem limb is in and of itself, simpler than a full golem build. The majority of the process is the carving of the limb itself. Making sure that the pieces rotate properly and fit together well enough to smoothly function like a descendant limb. At the part of the golem limb where it will meet with the descendant's body/flesh, there must be a very sharp stone spike. The spike is meant to be inserted into bone, so a tapered design is usually best, making the base of the spike strong enough to not snap during use. It's important to remember that Golem Limbs cannot have sigils other than the movement sigils, these draw the least amount of power from the descendant's soul blueprint, and make the drain on one's lifespan something that shouldn't affect them too drastically. When the sigils are installed and the spike is cleaned, the golemancer will carve an activation sigil directly into the spike, and use a method of their choosing to force the spike into the next remaining bone attached to what limb is now missing, and should be replaced. When the golem limb is in place, the golemancer will use their mana & soul essence to power the activation sigil, and it will then subsequently activate the golem limb itself which should from then on function by drawing power from the descendant's soul. Because of how the limb is installed, it's quite difficult to then later remove the limb, so it is best to make sure that this is truly what the recipient desires. Building a Golem The steps for building a golem, now that you’ve read over the basics regarding anvils and sigils, are relatively simple. Though they are tedious and time consuming for the character ICly, understanding them and learning how to emote these steps in game is simple. Before your golemancer can start building their golem, though, there are some things they need to consider. When building a golem, there are core aspects that go into its creation that the golemancer will need to have a clear idea of before they continue: What type of golem is it? How should it look? Where will its core go? Where shall I place its sigil slots? To start, a golemancer must decide on the type of golem they are building, as this decision will affect the rest of the build itself quite heavily. As listed in the lore page, here are the golem types: Golem Types: The Thanhite Golem The Speed Type The Brawn Type The Task Type The Soulbound Golem The core will be then made to reflect this decision, as with some of the golem types, there are certain ways the core must be designed in order to demarcate that type. The core of a golem is essentially, a special blend of materials with Thanhium, or at times, no thanhium at all. However what is consistent among them is that they must be tempered upon the surface of a Golem Anvil. The original alloy is made in a shape that has 6 sides, though most will go with a cube, it is not entirely necessary to do so. As long as there are six faces, the core will function. When the alloy is finished, and the core is still hot, it must be cooled rapidly. As the golem anvil is a constant source of this chilling temperature due to its nature as a thanhium alloy, most golemancers will choose the method of setting the core upon the anvil and turning it on each of its faces, perhaps pouring small amounts of water over it as well. This process tightens the bonds within the core, allowing it to transfer power to the body more accurately. However, it also forces the core to become terribly brittle, and this is uniform among them all. All golem cores have a durability akin to thick glass, because of this. When the shape of the core is finished and it is cooled down, the golemancer will take a hammer and chisel of their choice, and start to carve the sigils into the faces of the core, while it rests on the golem anvil. During this process, the golemancer will be using their aura, directing their mana towards the core while they install the sigils. When the base sigils have been installed, the golemancer will chisel in the Activation sigil last, and upon it taking in the golemancer’s mana and activating, it will fade into the core’s face, leaving that one blank. At this point, the core is now complete, and is fully conscious. How the item should look: With the core complete, the remaining steps are the most tedious. The golemancer must now design, and carve out the body of their golem. Keeping the number of sigil slots it is capable of housing in their design, the golemancer will spend the rest of their time carving the body out of their chosen material. Remember, there are some limits on what materials a golem can be made from, as well as some limitations on their appearance: When the golemancer has finished carving the body, they then carve out the slots for the sigils. Sigils can be placed anywhere on the outside of the golems body, some golemancers tend to attempt to hide the slots, as this provides at least some protection for the sigils. Sigils can be damaged and cause the golem to malfunction, especially when faced with things such as blunt weaponry like metal hammers. Though its not possible to completely bury a sigil inside the golem, a few places for instance could be the top of the head, front of the neck or collarbone, or tops of the shoulders. All places that can be easily guarded by the golem itself. As the last step, now, the golemancer only needs to install the core. As they should have decided where the core will be housed within the golem body beforehand this should be a simple task. The core can be housed anywhere within the main upper body portion of the golem, this not including limbs such as arms, neck or head. Though that makes it sound as though there aren’t many options, it is not limited to just “chest” or “abdominal region”, for instance it could be on the side where one’s heart is, opposite that, more towards the chest or closer to the back. It could be lower left abdominal, lower right, or dead center of mass. Though this has no mechanical advantage, in certain situations it could be applied. As an example, say your golem is caught in an explosion. If the golem is facing the explosion directly, and the core is more towards the golem’s back, it may be relatively safe from the concussive damage, though if the golem falls directly on its back from the force, then it may be in danger there. The core of the golem *should* be remove-able, as there may be maintenance needed in the future, so the core will be housed within a cavity in the golem’s body that is carved out, and can be covered back up any way the golemancer pleases. Perhaps they cover it by using stone and mortar, to hide it seamlessly, or cover it with clay. It can later be chiseled very carefully out by a golemancer without causing any major damage to the original body this way. With the core installed, the golemancer will install any auxiliary sigils they have made, and this new golem is now ready to serve their Impera. The role of Impera: Tips, and Suggestions:
  3. - What makes “high quality” & “low quality” RP? In general, in my opinion, which seems to shared with several of the previous responders, the difference between low and high quality RP is the involved characters ability to be immersed in the situation. It’s a level of enjoyment, but it’s also a level of immersion. Detailed story isn’t needed, two characters could be having a wonderful conversation in the middle of a tavern just about their day to day life and this could be considered high quality RP as long as the two characters are able to consistently find reason to respond and understand each other. The reason I feel that this is prominent on LOTC is because its not a server that is mostly driven by the line of world-events, or serverwide mass storylines, while other servers rely heavily on these in order to keep their playerbases engaged. in LOTC, players are able to drive their own story regardless of current world events and aren’t being forced to participate in them, nor are they being blocked from participating in them. Joe the blacksmith can continue being the blacksmith even while the gods are violently battling each other in the skies, his RP is not being forcefully dragged in one direction. And like that example, everyone is able to really dig in and do the things they actually wanted to do from the start. While other servers, often times, the first thing you have to end up doing is finding a way to insert yourself into an active group in order to get any RP at all, and this tends to drag your roleplay in a direction that sometimes you just wont enjoy. So I suppose what im getting at here is that to me high quality RP is when you can freely enjoy the roleplay that you have an interest in yourself, without the need for outside forces to feed you a story. If what your roleplay is about can survive without needing to lean on something that isnt in your hands to control, youve created something good. - How can low quality RP impact the server? As a staff member, and someone who hardly plays on servers without being staff somewhere, my view on this is generally from that perspective. Low quality RP’s biggest effect is that it will ultimately drive away newer people who might not be as experienced as roleplayers, a roleplay veteran that joined yesterday might see your “Halt, you person! Hand over your items and mina!” copy paste road RP and think, dang, Ive been struck with the not-good bandits, lame. But an inexperienced roleplayer might see this and that experience would taint their opinion of future encounters, if they come across low quality RP too often and dont find it enjoyable, they’ll become discouraged, and may not stick around. - What makes RP engaging? In my personal opinion, RP to me is engaging when Im free to respond as I like. Its a bit odd to explain, but essentially, say I were in an event. I want to be able to come up with creative ways to solve the event and have that drive where my character goes, rather than be given multiple choice options. This can happen outside of events as well, like if I come across player bandits, and they say Mina or Die. Why can’t I talk it out with the bandits? Offer them an alternative? What happens if they try to rob my sweet boy Haku who cries out in an utterly heartbreaking scene and begs for his poor life, will they spare him? Leave him with some money? ^ That freedom of “no one knows whats about to happen or how they will respond” makes it all engaging for me. - Your favorite niche of RP? At this current moment, I have two. Crafting RP has always been my favorite niche, and I’ve been excitedly diving into it recently. But also I have a special place in my heart for Golem RP. Though that may sound odd, there is a very entertaining way of playing a golem character that most people tend to avoid, not because its hard or because its strange or loopholey, its just that it can be easy to accidentally do a little too much and go outside the bounds of a golem’s capabilities mentally. But once you get the hang of it, it really becomes a character you can enjoy. - Is there a storyline or long-term RP scenario that you thoroughly enjoyed at one point? (Preferably not an eventline – something more player made). Absolutely. It has always been Glothir, my oldest golem character. He’s been through two map changes and only god knows how many Imperas, and the kind of golem that he’s become through his interactions is absolutely fascinating. I love telling all the stories of his life, the things he’s done and things that he’s been told to do and what happened, he’s a good rock boy now, but wasn’t always ;v; A golem is only what their Impera turns them into >.> I’ve made clips using a text to speech robot with some voice alteration of Glothir telling his stories too, they’re neat. I wont share them here though because they’re kinda low quality writing and I wanna redo them a little better later on...
  4. Don’t know how to feel about this. Whilst I do think it is a relatively cool, and certainly somewhat realistic concept, who is to say it won’t be farmed like crazy? I mean, this is Golemancy. Every aspect of it has been abused, in every sense of the word, even the redlines, by people who don’t even have Golemancy, nor an actual Golem. Just an idea. Otherwise, I think you’ve done a great job at restoring this feat. Hello o/ Im not entirely sure what you mean with this part in particular, are you asking whether or not the ability to damage a sigil with a bladed weapon could be abused? If that is the case, my offered piece towards that is that golemancers can place sigils anywhere they like on the golems body and it could still function. So in theory, for instance, a sigil could be placed in the golem’s armpit, or on its forehead, or its neck. Generally speaking, they could put it somewhere that would be difficult for a descendant to reach with a weapon in order to protect it : )
  5. Its because its essentially a miscellaneous magic, and utilizes soul essence in the same way that one uses mana those with lesser souls I believe can’t manipulate enough of their soul essence in order to be able to do that
  6. Old golems can no longer be played, if you currently actively roleplay a golem that does not have the new body type, the golem has broken down from wear & tear and now needs to have its core moved to a new body. Please feel free to RP the core making its way to a golemancer in RP in any fashion you feel makes sense. Such as a random merchant finding and picking it up, and taking it to someone because they can't sell it, or a child taking it because it's pretty and showing it to someone who brings it to a golemancer, it doesn't matter. Simple find a golemancer OOCly that can help you, and arrange it from there. When creating your ST signed golem core item for a golem you already have, which is required for all golems played by a person, you may simply link the approved CA post.
  7. For the golem creature lore, reference this piece: Golemancy The First Golemancers Of all those who forge through fire and the gifts of the earth, it is amongst the Dwarves where true craftsmanship and dedication to industry lay, inspired by their faith in Yemekar, the Divine Smith, they sought perfection in all their craft. Great stone carvings of their venerated paragons and heroes sit commonplace within their vast cities and halls, vast and decorated with the fruits of their toil. It was with such devotion that the dwarves came to refine their sacred runes, constructing life-like statues which sought to bring life forth from the stone just as they had been by the Divine Smith. It was a particular group of master-craftsman who committed themselves to this arduous task, utilizing the runes in order to grant their creations sentience, yet alas, it was not so. Still, they maintained their resolve, applying artistic style and purpose to these runes, ultimately differentiating from the basic runic language which they had first employed. These golemantic rune experiments utilized not the rigid turns and strictly simple shapes of the base runic language, but rather more round complex and artistic geometry and picturesque shapes. The first golems were born in this age of what they called Runes, and for many centuries and ages following no advancements were made. Overtime, the experiments and theories drifted farther from the basic runic language, and became its own dialect of the language of creation, an independent system; golemantic sigils. These sigils were the first advancement made to the golem creations since long before any living dwarf's memory. It was after but two centuries of experimentation that the artisans made the first working sigils. They carved the first symbols for arms and legs, allowing the movement, then they carved the face sigils to allow sight and hearing. But for all the lore carved onto the still statues, they were still searching for something that would let them call it a true advancement. More time passes, experiments behind the scenes failing and making progress, until finally one Dwarf had done it. He had created a functioning golem without relying on Thanhium for power, and thus the Golemancers for the New Age entered their own historical era. Under the rule of many Dwarven kings, throughout the long history of dwarf kind back all the way to The Age of Stone, golems are recorded in the texts, carving out halls, standing guard at the gates of Khaz’Urguan, taking their place in the age of a pursuit of knowledge. Perhaps now for the first time in a century, the golems would place their names in the historical texts once more. Explanation Golemancy is a great feat, one which has left its mark upon the realm throughout many ages and generations; most precious to that of the Dwarves, who first conceived these great constructs. Though it has had practitioners amongst other races, it is a Dwarven Craft above all, taking after them in the persistence and endurance required to perform the feat, and by default, constructs Golems. As a feat, Golemancy is at its simplest the magical ability to imbue one’s mana and soul essence into the body of a stone construct, and give it a sort of faux-life. Even after these ages passed, Golemancy still remained unchanged; yet it was not long before further ingenuity took hold, leading to several remarkable developments amongst these constructs, known as the sigils. What once were runes carved directly into the body of the golem, these sigils were born of the sweat of dwarven brow in their endeavor to further the techniques of Golemancy. The Golem Anvil The dwed of old were capable of astounding feats; caverns hollowed in the blink of an eye, runes which powered cities, and forges hot enough to melt through the earth itself — yet all these paled to the prized creation of the Dwarves; the Golems. It was through the craftiness of Dwedmar that these constructs came into creation. Though only through a particular means, such being the Golem Anvils — anvils constructed of thanhic steel by a Golemancer for the sole purpose of preparing golem cores. An alloyed creation of Thanhium and Steel forged very carefully with a flat top that is wider than average, and square in shape. In contrast, in the new era magic is a more commonplace and experimental concept. Ever changing, as enthusiastic souls push their abilities to their limits. In the year 50 of the Second Age, a young crazed golemancer who had thirsted for magical knowledge for many of his years, discovered a way to utilize the magic of golemancy itself to mimic the process of activation that normally uses a thanhic golem anvil. Using one's ability to create sigils, the golemancer would first construct the sigil of Golem Heart. This sigil is only used in this process, and is put into the anvil. Any anvil would do, as long as the sigil is slotted well into it in some fashion. The sigil could even be carved directly into the anvil itself, as long as such is done on a non striking surface to avoid damage. After the sigil is applied to the anvil, utilizing the spell the golemancer will forge the core on the anvil and begin to course their mana & soul essence through said them at the same time. As they do so, the Golem Heart sigil will be activated by the mana and begin to redirect it through the anvil back into the core. This causes the core to chill rapidly, emulating the use of a thanhic anvil near perfectly. Carving the Sigil Knowledge of this spell & sigil quickly spread as the dwed chanted his discovery to the masses, it wasn't long until it had reached the ears of most golemancers, the news getting out of hand long before it could be halted by those standing in it's way praising tradition. - It takes 3 ingots worth of thanhic steel at any forge, or 3 ingots worth of thanhic dust at a thanhic forge [to be alloyed properly]. -The means of creating a Golem Anvil must be learned in-roleplay, from a golemancer with a TA or at an ST run Self-Teach Altar. -Without any kind of Golem Anvil, Golem Cores cannot be made. -Golem Anvils have no other function beyond the creation of Golem Cores. - - When the spell & sigil are used in place of a golem anvil, the core received is exactly the same as though it were made with the thanhic one, the spell itself having been invented to perfectly replicate the effects of the thanhic steel on the core. - The activation spell & sigil are common knowledge, and known to all golemancers. - When a golemancer creates their Golem Anvil with the sigil, an ST signature is still required for the item. - Golem anvils of any kind, sigil or thanhic, cannot be made in combat. The Golem Core Golem Cores stand as a great testament to dwarven craftsmanship, forged in antiquity through great toil. Whilst other feats of dwarven craft are by no means unremarkable, the Golem Core truly marvels all those who come upon it, for they are truly great wonders of dwarven engineering and prowess unlike any other, acting as both the minds and hearts of these constructs. However, these creations are all yet fragile, damage to such being capable of driving the golem berserk and rampaging about, or merely snuffing out their consciousness like a spark upon shattering. The forging of these, as well, is rather arduous, requiring one make use of only the finest materials to ensure that the Golem is totally fulfilled, lest they be made faulty in make and operation. Firstly and fore-mostly, the core must be forged at a Golem Anvil [either a thanhic one or one with a sigil of Golem Heart], as aforementioned; this being a crucial tool to the creation of the core, as no mere anvil or workbench will achieve such an astonishing feat. Along with the requirement of a Golem Anvil, a basic Golem core can only be made through means of unblemished aurum refined in fire, molded to have six sides; five being for each essential rune. Once the blank core is created, the memory and activation runes must be inscribed as to allow a sort of “storage” slot to form within the construct’s memory, allowing them to take in the information provided once they have been activated. Again, one should note that this process is tedious and not one to be accomplished with ease, requiring much patience as the Golemancer learns to refine the core to function properly. -The means to create a Golem Core must be learned in-roleplay from a teacher or at an ST run Self-Teach Altar -A Golem Core must be created and sigils marked at an approved Golem Anvil, either thanhic or golem heart sigil. - All golem cores must be approved and ST Signed The Golem’s Body When creating a golem’s body, the main portion of this long and difficult process is in fact simply carving the physical creation. Especially when making a golem of larger size, this can sometimes take several days to complete. Carving out the body from your chosen material and making sure that the joints will fit seamlessly together, so the core of the golem can extend its power throughout. The core can be installed in most places on a golems body, but it will not function if installed inside a limb, as the distribution of power is uneven and the golem will not be able to properly activate. Incorrectly installing a core into a body could even result in it immediately progressing to the red stage, so proper care must be taken when teaching one’s students. Including the cavity for the core to be placed in, and preparing the material with which one will plug said cavity after the core is installed, this is usually the last step. One must also remember to prepare empty slots for sigils, simply by carving divots in the body wherever needed. Appearance Redlines Golem Body Integrity Golem Limbs While the golemancers constructs were their prized creation, in the midst of this great series of Dwarven innovation, a use for parts of the magic was found in the form of prosthetic. It was discovered that a limb of golem make could be attached to a descendant and activated with the sigils drawing power directly from the wearer’s soul blueprint. Sigils could be installed onto the limb to allow movement, but the soul isn’t meant to power such an unorthodox prosthetic. Though strong, and highly effective with little time needed to get used to the new limb, its use strains the soul of the wearer. Over time, it was found that the golem limb would drain life force in exchange for its function. Naturally, this wasn’t a huge obstacle for the many long lived races, but when they attempted to install more sigils upon the limb in order to bring it closer to what they had lost, the drain increased substantially, decreasing the lifespan of even those who could survive beyond a hundred years. In order to make the limbs usable without drastically decreasing the lifespan, it was decided that the use of sigils should be minimal, and thus, Golem Limbs lack the sigils required to provide one with the sense of touch. Still usable, and able to perform the usual tasks, but lacking sensory feedback. Though having a golem limbs is not exactly for the faint of heart.. In order to install these limbs upon the wearer, they must endure a pain that may have been equal to what they survived in order to lose what they are replacing. Golem limbs can't function from just being strapped on, they must have access to the soul, and that can only be reached within the flesh. Thus, for the part of the golem limb that makes contact with the flesh, a stone spike is installed. The spike is thin at the tip, but the base of it which is attached to the stone limb itself must be thick enough so that it does not break off, a tapered design is recommended. This spike is then inserted directly into the bone of the descendant's remaining portions, for what limb they may have lost. If a joint needs replacing as well, it can simply be a part of the golem limb itself, designed in the same way that a Golem's joint would be, but sized for the descendant recipient's body. How the spike is inserted is, generally speaking up to the golemancer in charge themselves. - Golem limbs do not require an ST Signature to be created. - Golem Limbs cannot house sigils, and have no sense of touch. - The limbs are made of stone, but are not stronger than their descendant counterpart, the only advantage being that they are more susceptible to blunt damage than they are slashing or piercing damage. Enough swings from a bladed weapon being blocked by a golem limb could still damage the sigils required for movement, causing it to go limp and require repairs. - Due to how the golem limb is installed upon the recipient, it is impossible to 'steal' a golem limb unless the one wishing to take it RPs actually removing it from the wearer's body physically. It cannot simply be torn off quickly, nor should it be removed from a player's inventory without specifically RPing such. - Alongside this, as is the nature of the limbs installment, when a limb is removed either by force or even willingly it is necessary to remove the portion of the body that the limb is attached to. This means that every time a replacement golem limb is removed, there is less of the natural limb for it to be installed upon. -Golem limbs can be replaced post-removal up until the point that there is no longer any remaining limb for it to be attached to. For instance, should there be nothing left of an arm, and only the connecting shoulder joint remaining, a golem limb can be made that consists entirely of the arm & shoulder joint, but this is the final replacement limb. If this final limb is removed, there will nothing left for another replacement limb to be connected to. The spike must have a Non-Jointed point to connect to. - An arm can have a total of 4 replacement limbs, the 4th being the final replacement. [Starting at the wrist/hand] - A leg can have a total of 5 replacement limbs, the 5th being the final replacement. [Starting at the ankle/foot] - If this is found to be power-gamed in RP too much, changes may be made in order to make golem limbs less durable. Golem Eyes The simpler of bodily replacements would be the Golem Eye, something even a novice golemancer would be able to create as long as their hand is steady enough to produce a smooth creation fit for an empty socket. There is a common misconception regarding these, being that golem eyes are made differently from the limb replacements. However, that is not the case. Just as golem limbs are made with a spike that attaches into the body, golem eyes as well are made with a spike, which attaches at the rear of the eye socket where the nerve ends from a normal eye would usually connect. Most golemancers will make these eyes from jewels or crystals, due to them being a bit more sturdy and non-porous, and less likely to erode away over time. Though it is possible to make them from stone, it's not usually recommended, since they can cause irritation, and you only get one chance to successfully install a golem eye. When the eye is spiked into the socket, it takes root in the nerves at the back which provide the visual feedback to the brain, and this spot where the end of the spike reaches is only a centimeter or less away from the brain itself. This means that should a golem eye be removed, which can only be done by pulling it out, that point of connection will be too damaged to be used by a second golem eye. Golem eyes offer a fairly decent replacement in sight for what one gets with their original eyes that they were born with. Though it is not fully perfect, there is some slight desaturation in color and some have stated that it is more difficult to make out fine details at slight distances, but overall there are little to no drawbacks. The golem eye does not move within the socket, but instead the person simply focuses on a different point as one normally would, with the general peripheral perception staying about the same due to limitations of what one can process in their brains. - Golem eyes do not require an ST signature. Players are expected to abide by the ruling of only having 1 golem eye replacement with no ability to replace that should it be removed from the skull. - Golem eyes do not have much for real mechanical drawbacks in terms of quality of sight, players can RP flavorful effects such as slight mistakes differentiating shades of color or occasionally experiencing near-sightedness, but overall will have enough quality of sight to continue what they were doing before. - The golem eye does not move in the socket, and there is no visual representation of where that eye is focusing - Golem eyes can be made out of any stone, gem or crystal [as long as it is possible to shape it to fine detail], but cannot be made from metals of any kind. - Due to the proximity to the brain, golem eyes cannot be treated to have alchemical effects, as this would cause potentially dangerous and undesired results, negating any benefits. The Disruptor Spike The disruptor spike is something that the ancient golemancers had come up with long ago, when some of their golemancer brethren had gone too far. Armies of golems marching together under one Impera was a threat far too large, a power too heavy for any one man to hold. Together, they constructed a mighty weapon, which when used could rend itself into the very soul of the golemancer, and near permanently strip them of their abilities. Just as they had this power, this tool to use, so did others. It had become a weapon in the beginning which was too widely used, and so a ritual was discovered that could be used to remove the spike from a golemancers soul. One cannot learn how to make the spike, without also learning how to remove it. The disruptor spike is a sacred tool that is applied to a person by physically piercing them with it, which allows it to enter into their soul essence and bind their abilities as a golemancer. In order for the spike to work on a person, the spike must come in contact with their soul, so creatures/beings whose souls are not housed within their bodies will have to be spiked where their soul is actually being stored in order for it to work properly. To create a proper disruptor spike, a golemancer must create a long spear-like weapon. While one end of the weapon is flat, like a blunt blade, the other end comes to a sharp point. Upon the flat end of the blade, three sigils will be slotted. The sigils go in order of Activation, which brings the golemancer’s soul essence stored within to fruition, Binding, which latches onto the soul, and Entrapment, which forces the power of the spike to circle around the golemancer’s magic and bind it within the soul. This keeps them from being able to use the magic while the spike is active. The spike may be physically removed from the golemancer’s body, but its power will continue to remain, even after the temporary sigils have served their purpose and shattered. Only the Ritual of Removal will allow them to use their magic again. - All disruptor spike items must be ST approved in order to be used - A disruptor spike can be forced upon a character of a player without OOC consent, however it must be done properly and in RP. - A golemancer is needed to fuel the spike with essence & mana just before using it, non-golemancers cannot use a spike just because they have the item. - The ritual of a spike removal requires all 4 golemancers and the spiked individual to be present, alongside a build in MC for the large medium, such as a boulder or statue in the middle of some form of ritual site. In order for the spiked character’s FA to be reinstated by this ritual, at the very least screenshots proving that this roleplay was done at the proper location must be provided, or you may optionally request ST oversight of the ritual itself. The Sigils Sigils have become the more widely used version of runes within golemancy through dwarven ingenuity. They are what provides function and ability to the Golem, installing things such as the basic senses, and the ability to retain memory. Sigils are a sort of glyph, which is carved upon the surface of a portion of material, usually no larger than one’s palm, and installed upon the golem externally. Though some sigils such as the core sigils, are carved into the surface of the golem’s actual core, the rest are placed into slots that have been carved out on the golem’s body. They can be moved, broken, repaired and replaced. Core Sigils possess particular and crucial functions, each a necessary component to create a fully-functioning golem. Without these, a Golem will be incapable of function. Memory Sigil Generally, golems, as they are not mortal and rather artificial, do not possess the same mental retention as descendants, preventing them from establishing long-term memories in their most basic state. With the Memory Sigil, however, inscribed upon their core, a golem may be permitted to remember things akin to any descendant, storing these memories and thoughts within their ‘mind’ to draw upon later as any mortal would recollect or reminisce a fleeting thought or particular event. Sight Sigil As they are not of biological make, Golems do not possess any means of inherent sight, whether through ocular devices or natural capability permitting them such a means. However, with a Sight Sigil employed upon them, a Golem may be permitted to see akin to any descendant, assuming the sigil is installed upon the golem where it may function akin to eyes (i.e. the head). Hearing Sigil One of the three primary sense sigils, allowing the Golem to hear as if they had possessed natural ears. Though they are not inherently capable of such, with this particular sigil etched upon one of the faces of the core, a Golem would be capable of hearing akin to that of a regular descendant, albeit still limited to the same range, frequency, and sensitivity of hearing as any mortal. Touch Sigil Another of the three sense sigils, allowing the Golem to feel as any descendant, allowing them the ability to feel pressure and texture, so long as such remains etched upon them, oftentimes upon their hands and feet, though one could install a touch sigil upon any surface of the golem. Activation Sigil A temporary Sigil, though nonetheless crucial in function, essentially birthing the Golem among all other Sigils employed. Once this Sigil has been inscribed upon the core of the Golem, it will activate them, whilst also disappearing shortly after as to prevent the core from being reverse-engineered by one who does not understand the intricacies of Golems. Auxiliary Sigils are optional carvings which a golemancer might employ within their construct, granting them unique capabilities beyond that of regular golems. These can be created by the golemancer themselves, or learned from others. Auxiliary sigils use up extra power from the golem’s core, and how many one can install upon their golem depends on the type of golem they have created. All of these sigils have various types, which decide how long or how many times a sigil can be used, as follows: Permanent sigils are what they sound like, able to be slotted into the golem’s body and left there with little to no maintenance aside from repairs if it becomes damaged. Temporary sigils act like permanent sigils, but they are not passively activated. These sigils have a set number of uses, and once it has been used up, the sigil itself will crack, break or shatter, falling out of the slot and leaving it empty. Single Use sigils are mostly self explanatory, they are not passively activated, and when used a single time, they will crack, break or shatter, just like temporary sigils, but depending on the sigil and what it’s for, its effects might linger after breaking. These however cannot be permanent effects. Preservation Sigil A semi-permanent sigil, though built differently from most of the others, which provides a golemancer a way to protect their golems from complete core erasure. This sigil is carved into a small palm-sized portion of any durable material, and then slotted onto a face of a metal cube made of steel. The cube should be the same shape and size as the core of the golem intended for backup. Upon activation by the golemancer’s power, the sigil will be able to store the memories & knowledge of a single golem at a time. Each time the item is used on a golem, it overrides previous uses, creating a sort of updated back up. When it is needed, the sigil can be tapped gently against a newly made core, and all the information it holds will transfer, destroying the sigil in the process. Be careful, though, as any golemancer is able to use the sigil. It is recommended that the preservation sigil of a golem is kept safely in the hands of their golemancer. Redlines Illumination Sigil A temporary sigil, when carved onto a palm-sized material that is at least somewhat translucent like glass, polished quartz or gemstones this sigil will emit light equivalent to that of a torch. The color of the material also has an effect, for example, emeralds produce green light, rubies produce red light, polished quarts or diamonds produce white light, etc. This sigil will last a total of 5 uses, lying dormant where installed on the golem until the golem activates one of its charges. Its light will be able to last continuously for at least 1 narrative hour, before flickering and turning off. When it’s last use is consumed the material it is made of will shatter and fall out of the golem’s now empty sigil slot. Redlines Compass Sigil A permanent sigil which can be slotted anywhere in the golem, it is carved onto any material of palm-size. When installed, this sigil gives the golem the ability to always know which cardinal direction it is facing or travelling. Unless damaged or broken, the effects of this sigil are passive. Redlines Disruptor Sigil This sigil is similar to the preservation sigil in that it must be made separate from the golem. However, the disruptor sigil is temporary, and may only be used one time. When carved into the surface of Aurum, this palm-sized sigil can be slotted into a tool of some kind, such as a hammer, where the sigil is placed on the flat striking surface. Upon striking a golem with the disruptor sigil the golem will become temporarily stunned for 2 emotes. The sigil will shatter against the golems body and release a small surge of the golemancer’s mana and soul essence which will throw off the core for this short moment, causing the golem to temporarily lose ability to function. Redlines Creating your own Sigils Learning and Progression Golemancy does not have a particularly set Tier System, however, it is recommended that an individual be taught the use of the sigils gradually as to ensure they have a firm grasp upon each of them before moving onto the next, requiring much persistence and caution as even the smallest imperfection in the sigil may hamper if not prevent its function. However, as the feat requires the use of innate mana and soul essence, only beings with a greater soul that have the ability to manipulate their mana and soul essence may learn this feat, preventing lesser beings from learning and practicing such. In order to first start one’s learning of the runes, they must be able to establish a connection to their own mana and soul essence, though by no means akin to that of establishing some Voidal Connection, rather, reaching into themselves to distinguish such things. Once this is done, their teacher will aid them in filling a golem with the mana and soul essence, though should they be self-teaching this would be far more exhausting to them than without aid. The third tier of this journey is the grueling task of creating the parts of the golem’s body. The student will learn here, how to construct the stonework that makes up a golem. Starting usually with the head, though one could truly start from any point, they will learn to carve and eventually build an entire golem body within this period. This tier of learning usually takes the most time, as not only are they learning how to fit these complicated, detailed pieces together, they are also learning the basics of stonework if they did not already have such knowledge. The student will learn about carving slots for sigils during this time, as well as where to install the core, and how to build their construct to accommodate for such before the core is made. The fourth stage will involve the work of sigils. The student will learn first how to select materials for their sigils in order to see the difference between Permanent, Temporary and Disposable sigils, how to carve them properly, activate them with mana and install them into the body. During this process, the student will also learn why and how it is that the core supplies power to the golem and what this means, as such is necessary to understand what kind of sigils can be installed. When the student is able to create & activate sigils, they will move on to the next step. Once all this is said and done, the individual will have fully understood the art of Golemancy. They now have almost all the skills and knowledge required to create these stone constructs, and now must learn how to give them life. The student will learn first how to forge their own Golem Anvil, as is and has always been tradition. When they complete their final Golem Anvil, they will move on to the core. The teacher will grant the student the knowledge of the differences between each type of core, and they will teach the student how to forge one. From creating the initial cube, to inscribing its sigils upon its faces, and then finally, activating it with their mana and soul essence. When the student is able to make a golem core that their teacher may approve of, they will have officially stepped into the world of Golemancy, yet what it is that they do with it from here will ultimately be their own path to tread. Golemancy is a feat filed under Miscellaneous, requiring a valid Golemancy FA to use. Its practice requires one to possess a greater soul, excluding things such as Wonks, Machine Spirits, and Sorvians from learning it. Golemancy may be learned under a Golemancer with a valid TA in the feat. Alternatively, it may be self-taught at an ST run Self-Teach Altar. While Golemancy does not have set tiers, it is unlikely that an individual would be able to master the creation of golems within a short time frame, requiring several sessions of roleplay to learn then practice and apply. If this is abused and too many golemancers going from MA → TA in a matter of days pop up, a structured week by week system may be implemented without notice. When an individual has completely mastered the creation of Golems and Golemancy, they may apply for a TA. As is the usual for crafting feats such as this, a Golemancer may only make 3 golems every 3 months, or 1 golem per month. [Yes, you could make 3 golems, and then wait 3 months, rinse and repeat] Golems can be emoted by the golemancer as an NPC, however this cannot be done in combat. It will be up to ST discretion whether or not an NPC’d golem may be used in an event. You can place NPC golem guards at your gates, and they can ask people questions or the sort, but they cannot engage in combat. A player for the golem with an accepted CA will be required in order for them to be anything more than slice-of-life golems. As a quick recap, items needing ST Signatures that can be made by golemancers are: Golem Anvils Golem Cores Disruptor Spikes Sigils of Preservation Credits
  8. For the golem feat lore, reference this piece: Golems Golems, the pride and treasure of dwarven kind. For thousands of years these hulking stone constructs have been roaming dwarven halls, delving into the deeps, and bolstering the fighting forces. In the beginning, when these stone beasts had begun to spread among the Dwarven kind, they were bulky and awkward. Larger than the golems of today and built with experimental, uneven proportions. These were barely able to follow exact commands, though they tried, it had become apparent at this point that these constructs required instruction from their masters. It was not the true sentience they sought.. But they were intrigued. Over the course of hundreds of years, the technique for building them was honed into what was nearly an art, among the dwarves. Carving out their bodies with balanced proportions to ensure it could move fluidly, while retaining its strength. The constructs became smarter with lighter bodies, and the Dwarves experimented with this as well. When the discovery of the true applications of the runes on their bodies was made, and the golemancers were able to turn them into more specific bindings, it was then that the golems which many are familiar with today had been born. Even though this was hundreds of years ago, the golems remained the same. The golemancers had achieved a point at which the golems were nearly what they had imagined, but had stagnated in terms of innovations for their designs. The limitations of the golems themselves brought in the problems that kept the golemancers from continually moving forward, and so, they remained the same. Glowing runes carved up and down the golems bodies, one golem no different from another… A small group of golemancers continued down the road of experimentation, however, in search of a way to once more break through, and bring unique qualities to the golems that hadn’t been seen before. By the sweat of their brows, and many singed hairs of their beards, the Sigils were born. A great advancement that spread through the golemancer community like wildfire, the sigils were far more efficient than the runes. They could be replaced when damaged, making the need to replace the entire body something that happened less often. Because of this, the golemancers could safely use more expensive materials for their creations. Though some were disappointed that the sigils still did not interact well with metal, others were pleased just to not have to repair the entire body when their golem falls down a flight of stairs. In recent years, golemancers have already been moving their golem’s cores into new bodies, it has already become clear that the use of old golem runes has become obsolete... Appearance Golems are constructs of stone, large man-shaped beings constructed by Golemancers. Their hulking forms are carved painstakingly from various materials, brought to life by the use of a Core, and the Sigils which give them function. Most golems will be used by their creator to perform mundane, repetitive tasks, while other golems may be set to work in the field of battle. The ways in which one could use a golem is incredibly versatile, teach it, and it shall do as it is told. A golem only needs the knowledge and the practice, to perform a task that it is given. A mindless construct, with no will or true thoughts of its own, it will do everything in its power to complete the orders it is given to their fullest. A golem can appear in many ways, with very few limitations to how one could be constructed. Through the use of different materials, a golem could achieve a different aesthetic. While all golems must be made in the image of a descendant, two arms and two legs, their overall appearance is up to their creator. Golems can be made from materials such as Wood, Stone, and even more curious materials such as minerals like Jade or Opal. Through bouts of experimentation, the golemancers have found that materials such as metal or iron wood do not pair well with the core’s ability to power it, and the golem will not be able to move the body. Even if only parts of the body were made from these materials, those parts would cause the core to malfunction, leaving the golem immobile. Appearance Redlines Golem Body Integrity & Damage Redlines Behavior Though golems have changed physically over the past few hundred years, not much has changed in regards to how they behave. The first golems were lifeless stone beings in need of constant direction, but as the golemancers honed their techniques and created more advanced forms of these stone beings, they became more and more sentient. Though the breakthrough of emotion has never been made, with this new usage of the sigils, something close to life has been achieved. When the core of a golem is created by the golemancer, a piece of the golemancer’s soul is embedded within. It is not a piece in size, big enough to grant the golem usage of it, but it does have an effect. Most of the time, the golem will take on parts of the golemancer’s personality, in its undeveloped state. They speak their golemancer’s language as their first language, and may act or behave similarly to them. If a golem’s creator is a violent or short tempered person, it is possible that the golem may lean more towards rash or violent actions when completing their orders. A golem’s “personality” is not solid upon creation, as they will learn when they develop, interacting with descendants and perhaps picking up pieces from their experiences. Though they do not experience, nor can they express emotion, these curious quirks that they have can have an effect on how they carry out orders. A golem who has known only war, suddenly handed off to an Impera who tries to make them a tavern-hand may find itself still using violence to complete its orders. A golem who was used only for menial, tedious tasks requiring many steps to complete, being given to an Impera who speaks simply, may find themselves creating complicated and structured responses to their orders. There is an endless amount of possibilities in this regard, and it is one of many reason why as the golems become more advanced, their Imperas find themselves having to be careful with how they instruct their stone helpers. An order interpreted incorrectly by a golem can be amusing, but it can also be rather dangerous. Though advancements in golem creation have been made, unfortunately replacing speech runes with a sigil still has yet to create a way for Golem’s to process and utilize language as seamlessly as Descendants do. Golems often pause in their sentences, and lack the ability to speak with tone, or inflection. [ Because.. Of this, Golems often, speak.. This way.] [There. Are. Many. Ways. To Do. It.] [How-ever. You can-not, use. Punct-uation. Like.. ?.. !..] -When speaking, golems cannot use the ? or ! marks, as these imply the usage of tone or inflection. Golems seek out orders, a purpose to fulfill, as their Core Purpose is to follow the orders of their Impera. Because of this, it is not often unheard of for golems to become “selective” of their Imperas. Like a fickle game of moving from one descendant to the next, a golem will seek out an Impera who gives it orders it can complete, and enough of a number of them that it may stay busy. An Idle golem has no purpose, and if it has no orders to complete, then it will default to its Core Order, of finding orders to complete. In this sense, a golemancer or Impera must make sure to maintain their golem regularly, giving it orders, checking in to be sure it is completing the ones it is given, and giving the golem maintenance if it is needed. A damaged golem is inefficient, and the golems know this, if left damaged for too long a Golem may seek out a Golemancer for repairs, or else it might not be able to complete its orders efficiently for Impera. Among the many capabilities of golems, there are a few flaws. Golems lack Emotion, or the ability to express it, but they also lack any semblance of a creative mind. They cannot form their own creative ideas, like designing recipes, or crafts. They can follow recipes made by others, or repeat tasks which can be repeated, but they cannot design on their own. Asking a golem to smith a hammer will likely end in disaster, but if you can find a way to teach the golem a “recipe” for said hammer, a set of listed actions it can take that would result in exactly the same product every time, it could potentially be done. Mistakes may still happen, but success is not impossible. Behavioral Redlines The Core: The core is the golem’s Mind, and some may think of it as their soul. Though thanhite golems do not house a soul, if functions in the same way. The core houses their memories, their state of being, where the core is moved that golem’s consciousness will remain. Because of this, a golem can be moved from one body to another and still remain as the same Golem with the same Impera. A core on its own will still be conscious, while the senses of sight and touch are not present, the sigil of hearing is inscribed upon the core and it will continue to be able to hear its surroundings while removed from the body. It may continue to have passing thoughts, or what closely resemble thoughts in a golem's mind, and collect information that it hears. The core of a golem will usually be installed somewhere in the main part of the body, as this is the thickest portion of the stone creation, and therefore the safest. Cores are always somewhat fragile, due to the fashion in which they are made. Created from an alloy of Aurum and other listed metals, it is not an easy process. While one might think that a core being made from metal would make it strong, it is not the case here. Because of its fragility, the core is usually placed inside a cavity in the golems body, which is then sealed up by more stone as much as possible, perhaps with a carefully cut out section that is then placed back in with some kind of strong adhesives. To remove a core from a golem body, it is usually required that the covering be carefully chiseled away to avoid damaging it. In order to create a Golem Core the proper forging process requires that once a shape with 6 faces is made, the core will be cooled rapidly. This tightens the bonds of the materials in the core and allows the sigils to be able to conduct throughout it, but it also forces the core to become terribly brittle. In the end, it has a durability akin to thick glass, able to be dropped from waist height safely, but if given an underhanded throw it would surely shatter. A core cannot be housed within a limb of the body, such as arms or legs, as this would severely diminish the core’s ability to power the rest of the body. It must be central to the body in order to reach each part effectively, beyond that, it could be anywhere. Core Redlines The State of Blue and Red Blue: All “healthy” golems, or otherwise undamaged, are naturally in a state of blue. The name “blue” comes from an ancient style of core forging which resulted in the core of the golem glowing a dim blue aura. In the state of blue, the golem is as it should be, obedient, has a sense of self preservation, and will do no intentional harm to their Impera regardless of orders given. In this state, the golem will do its best to follow and complete its orders as given, and will naturally protect their Impera. A blue golem will also have enough of a sense of self preservation to refuse, when ordered to do something that may potentially end in serious damage or complete destruction of the golem itself intentionally. [Such as ordering the golem to jump off a cliff, carry a bomb somewhere to detonate point blank, etc. In situations where it is ordered to simply engage in battle, the golem would only refuse if it was obvious that there was absolutely no way for it to “win” or complete the order given without total destruction.] Red: When a golem is called Red, this is in the same sense as blue, referring to the literal change to the old cores. In the first and second iterations of golem builds, when a core was damaged it would literally turn red. Though they may not show this externally now, this state of being is still existent. When a golem receives “non-fatal” amount of damage to their core, they will sometimes transition into the state of Red. When a golem is Red, there are many ways that it could be displayed. Some have gone into full rampages, losing all sense and attempting to destroy or kill anything in sight, including their Imperas. Others, displaying somewhat less berserk symptoms, might intentionally misinterpret their orders in order to harm or injure their Impera, and perhaps even killing them. While they are this way, Red golems who have not gone completely berserk do still require an Impera and orders. It is not unheard of for a golem in this mild form of Red to move from one Impera to the next, enacting violence with their orders until their Impera is destroyed, then seeking out another. An endless loop of carnage. The Sigils: Sigils are the thing which gives the golem body function. While the core powers the golem and gives it a working mind, the sigils make the body work, receiving power from the core to do so. Sigils are used via the golemancer carving slots into the golem’s body to later place them into. They are symbols which are carved to any medium [except metal] which will then be inserted into an empty slot. A sigil appears as a symbol or glyph carved into the item in the slot, and while active, will dimly glow. There are many kinds of sigils to use on a Golem’s body, but there are a few basic needs in order for a Golem to function properly. While the sigil of hearing is applied to the core, alongside the sigils of Memory, Language, Power, and Activation, the rest of the sigils needed for a golem to function are applied externally to the body. Sight sigils will usually be applied to the head in place of the eyes. Touch sigils will apply to the body part they are attached to. If a golem only has Touch sigils on its hands, it can only sense touch from its hands. The same for its feet, and other parts of its body. They must be applied individually. There are different types of golems with different limits to how many sigils they can have active at one time, however this does not apply to the sigils required for basic function. Sigils are also used in the process of forcing the core to determine what type of golem is being made. With a Speed, Brawn, Task, or Soulbound sigil, one can be sure to force the core to exert the amount of power that is needed to keep the golem from destroying itself upon activation. Leaving the core without a type sigil will have the core activate as though it were to power a thanhite golem with no particular type. There are also temporary Sigils, applied to the golem via these slots usually using disposable materials like stones or glass. The sigil will activate only when the golem uses it, glowing during that time, and after it has expanded its limited uses it will need to be replaced by the golemancer who created it. It has been heard that some golemancers have managed to create new sigils, which have varying purposes, which they install on their golems for new uses. Such as a sigil that gives a golem an internal compass, able to know the direction it is facing at all times. Or perhaps a sigil that could provide light equal to a torch, though it would burn out after being used too many times, a temporary sigil to be maintained by the golemancer. Sigil Redlines Golem Types: The Thanhite Golem The Speed Type The Brawn Type The Task Type The Soulbound Golem Credits
  9. Ey, Ive seen these going by a little bit and I got somewhat curious ovo Checked how long Ive been around and its much longer than I thought it was [Ive been saying 3-4 years, lol] I figured Id toss my hat in for an AMA, and then maybe if Im still around another 4 years from now, I could do a 10yr one : D Thatd be neat *nodnod You can ask me questions or [I totally adopted this idea from another AMA] you can ask one of my characters ^_^ Glothir – My golem that I’ve played since 2014ish Haku – The son of my recently PK’d mother of Bryophites, who passed away maybe 1-2 years ago, but had been played also since around 2014 Leniandir – Hareven Lorenthus’ child Im leaving out Ursus the golem because he recently got core wiped and wont give anyone any kind of interesting responses, lol. Interesting notes about myself 🤔 uuuuuh I’m currently spearheading the Golem & Golemancy rewrite :fingerguns: Ive had two back to back motorcycle accidents so I have memory issues that may make some of my answers to questions about stuff from over 2 or so years ago a bit wobbly And I’m engaged to Keefy, the other ST member : ) and we have a cutie pie best toddler, who’s 4 ❤️ she is the best. Ask away!
  10. Oooh, I made something similar to this in the past for myself. But not because of my computer, I have bad eyesight and conquest makes it very hard for me to see the difference between blocks. So back in 1.12 I made an edit that removed all the main building block textures, but kept all the decorative blocks [flower pots, or connected texture things like turning blocks into barrels and **** with optifine etc, glass panes and the sort] as well as things like the sky and stuff, so you get that conquest feel but I can still see. So I appreciate the work you put into this, because *man* did that take forever to do for me, good job 👍
  11. Sybbyl0127

    The Summons

    While marching a perimeter around the Druids Grove, the long lived Glothir stopped as these events occurred. It turned back, and would make it’s way through the gates and begin knocking on various homesteads. Waking their residents to ensure that none within had received injury from falls, or toppled objects. Mortal beings were fragile, afterall, to be protected.. As Impera has ordered.
  12. Relations: Relations points are handled on a scale of 1-10 Protection Status Key: Hareven Lorenthus: [Impera Status] Loyalty +10 Dwyn Lorenthus: Protection Status: T5 Danger Level: 0 Interaction: High Special Status: Impera’s Lover Liri: Protection Status: T5 Danger Level: 0 Interaction: Moderate Special Status: Impera’s Child Nivndil: Protection Status: T4 +2 Danger Level: 1 Interaction: Moderate Special Status: N/A “It would appear this one is a leader of sorts, among the Druids. She ranks high amongst their order.” Mavis / Sonna: Protection Status: T4 +2 Danger Level: 0 Interaction: High Special Status: N/A “This one appears to be imprinting, it is likely a show of friendship, something mortals express towards one another.” Amaryllis: Protection Status: T4 +2 Danger Level: 0 Interaction: Moderate Special Status: Growth [Glothir has witnessed this mortal grow from childhood to adulthood] “It is interesting to watch mortals grow, they change much from their young forms to their adult stage. It also appears that while interacting with Amaryllis as they grew older, she has imprinted her views of friendship upon it [glothir]. This one too, displays behaviours most often reserved for interactions between mortals which share close relations.” Tailesin: Protection Status: T5 Danger Level: 0 Interaction: Low Special Status: Liri’s Lover [Family status] Quavinir: Protection Status: Low Danger Level: 2 Interaction: Moderate Special Status: Beneficial “This mortal often exchanges tasks with Impera, and help Impera reach his goals. They are a useful person to Impera.” Damien: Protection Status: T5 Danger Level: 0 Interaction: High Special Status: Beloved of Impera Roderick: Protection Status: Low Danger Level: 1 Interaction: Moderate Special Status: N/A Elathion: -5/10 Protection Status: N/A Danger Level: 6 Interaction: Low Special Status: Threat to Impera’s needs “This mortal displays violent behaviors toward it [glothir], while also maintaining non-violent relations with Impera....” Ehmet: Protection Status: N/A Danger Level: Unsure Interaction: Low to none Special Status: N/A “This mortal appears to be something of a neutral party, while maintaining relations with Elathion, they also appear ‘friendly’ to Impera.” ? ? ? ? ? [ Lulubelle Starbreaker ] Protection Status: N/A Danger Level: 3 Interaction: Low to None Special Status: Threat to Impera’s needs “This Dwed reacted negatively to it [glothir] following through with its orders properly, while unable to tend to their wishes as they were not the wishes of Impera.”
  13. Name of your plant/reagent: Deep's Gleam Alchemical Sign(s): Water Alchemical Symbol(s): Life x2 Growth x1 Light x3 Deep’s Gleam, a relative of the sea kelp which litters the oceans surrounding the continents. Like Kelp, this deep sea plant is rooted at the ocean floor, but it reaches from there to the surface like an aquatic tree. Oftentimes there will be several growing together in a group, creating a small underwater forest. Appearance: Deep’s Gleam has a thick green stalk, usually singular, and as thick as a grown human's arm. It tapers off towards the surface as the stalk becomes thinner, and flows with the currents more easily. Closer to the surface, the stalk shoots off many long leaves that are wide at the base and pointed at the tip. The deeper down from the surface you look, the fewer leaves it has, as it is too dark in the deep to collect any sunlight. In place of the leaves, in the dark depths, curious bulbs sprout on the stalk. These bulbs are shaped like teardrops, clinging onto the stalk by a single tendril that grew off of it like a shoot. The bulbs themselves are for the most part, transparent, and house inside them a gelatinous sap. The sap is made from any excess energy the leaves capture above, and nutrients that the plant absorbs from the water. This sap however, has other properties as well. The sap inside the bulbs glow almost as bright as torch-light, brightening up the deep below when several stalks grow close together. This serves as an ecosystem support for the deep ocean, with many smaller sea-floor plant life growing around the stalk where the light is produced. Many small fish will also be attracted to the light, feeding on the small plant-life below, and producing nutrients in the water for the Deep’s Gleam to absorb, and store away. The sap in the bulbs can come in varying shades of Oranges, Greens and Blues naturally. The bulbs also house the seeds of the plant, and when the time comes for the seeds to be sent off, the bulb will detach. Having stored energy & nutrients in the sap, when the bulb settles on the ocean floor after floating off in the current, the seeds will sprout inside and use those stored nutrients in order to grow a new stalk, from the ocean floor, to the surface. This way, it has the energy needed to reach the surface, where it can then produce its own energy with leaves. Location: This kelp-like plant often litters the wide area of the oceans surrounding our continents, reaching from the sea floor to the surface of calmer waters. While it inhabits most areas of the ocean, Deep’s Gleam notably does not grow in the oceans of colder zones where there are fewer small creatures living in the deep. Southern areas are the best places to find it reaching up to the surface. Raw effect(s) of the plant/reagent: While the stalk and leaves of Deep’s Gleam have little to no special properties, the bulbs themselves house the sap which most are interested in making use of. Raw, the sap of a deep’s gleam bulb even when taken away from its mother plant will soak in energy from the sun’s rays and later dispense that energy in the form of natural glow. The sap itself can be turned into a dye or paint, and applied to various surfaces that can hold dyes, or paints. Considering that the plant and it’s sap isn’t poisonous, it could also be applied to the skin for temporary, or even permanent uses in the form of tattoos. Aside from this glow and its various applications, the sap taken from the plant has the function of well processed fertilizer, housing stored energy and nutrients that were meant for its own seeds within. It can be spread in a garden to give plants a natural and healthy boost, great for plants growing in a greenhouse or small garden. Harvesting: When harvesting Deep’s Gleam bulbs with their sap intact, it is best to use a knife to cut close to the main stem of the plant. The bulb is attached by a small spiral shaped tendril, which also functions as the cap. If someone were to pull on the bulb with force, the cap would release and the sap would dispense from the bulb and into the ocean, alongside the seeds stored inside. It is quite difficult to ‘farm’ Deep’s Gleam, as in order to do so, it must grow in the ocean, however one could plant more bulbs which would eventually grow into new stalks.. If they can survive diving to the ocean floor and holding their breath for that long. Red Lines: - Deep’s Gleam is not a poisonous plant, consuming the sap or any part of the plant, while unpleasant in taste, will not sicken or injure you. Though the glowing effect of the sap isn’t always broken down through digestion. [It makes your poop glow, harmless though.] - While most uses of the sap are safe, and it is not poisonous in most ways, it is not recommended to apply it in its raw state directly into the eyes. It would have a similar effect to staring at the sun for too long, as the light from the sap would be entering the eyes directly. This could lead to damage to the eye resulting in light sensitivity, or dullness of vision. [This isn't powerful enough to cause anything such as permanent blindness, though.] - Raw Deep’s Gleam sap, when separated from the mother plant, will not glow forever. It needs to store energy from sunlight in order to glow brightly, so letting it [or what it’s been applied to] soak in some sunlight for a short while will keep it ‘charged up’. After an hour or two of direct light, the sap [or what its been applied to] will glow as bright as a torch for at least 4-5 hours. - Raw Deep Gleam’s sap is only as bright as torchlight, housing more sap inside a container will not increase its brightness, or the longevity of its glow. -Deeps Gleam sap does not require an ST signature.
  14. Feel free to save it and use it for your own devices o7 I love making forum reaction images
  15. I like it, I’ve seen a few players from time to time that had asked or were curious about whether or not something like this was possible in the lore. That at least shows that there is interest in this kind of potion, so I’m certain it would be used. I like that it’s not permanent, my only question is, could someone who has made multiples of their potion, for this example let’s say red hair, drink another red hair potion towards the end of the second IRL day to extend the effects another 2 IRL days, or would they have to wait until the effects wear completely off before another would take hold? That’s really my only question honestly, very well written piece : )
  16. You really could be just about anything, whatever your RP character aspires to be. For the more common ones: Guard Blacksmith Miner [gathering from material nodes and selling those items to ppl who need them] Merchant [getting a stall/store and selling general goods like food or weapons & tools] And for some random ideas to come up with off the top of my head: You could try being a mercenary / escort that goes with people down the roads and protects them from banditry Or have your character do a craft and make items [though I think you would need a VIP rank to rename the items? Dont quote me on that] You could just have fun by wandering around and being a bard : D Or other kinds of things similar to that if you come up with them : ) Hope that helps!
  17. Mmm, this would pair nicely with my Golem RP obsession.
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