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Everything posted by lawnmowerman

  1. "VHAT!?" A squeaky northern boy barked out, exclaiming "RELEASE MEIN BRÓÐIR!"
  2. would be gr8 if a gm could get on tbh!

  3. If your station within the Order is withstanding, fill out the latter document. IC Name: Athirius Roke. Age: 28. Rank: Man-At-Arms. Ethnicity: Kaedreni.
  4. the only card i need is the ace of spades...........

    1. lev1


      you activated my trap card!

  5. the dog days are over...

  6. Good luck and have fun!

  7. OOC MC Name: Guck. Skype User: You got it. IC Name: Athirius Aulpes Roke the Fourth. Age: 28. Race: Kaedreni. Prior Merits and Service: Assisted in manning the garrison of Dour Watch and Peremont. Do you agree to submit yourself to the Hierarchy of the Order, and in doing such, serve with loyalty undying to both your superiors and to Owyn himself?: I do.
  8. This is a very interesting read, can I mayhaps play Ja'Mukar's son?
  9. rest in peace dorian hunter

    1. Proddy


      "he was a good lad, a loyal lad..."

    2. mitto


      "fucked too many elven"

  10. Athirius Aulpes Roke the Fourth Nicknames: Roke, Vulpes, Aulpes, 'The Viper'. Age: 28. Gender: Male. Race: Human (Kaedreni). Status: Dead, died in the capture of Rhewengrad. Description Height: 5'10. Weight: 164 lbs. Body Type: Mesomorph. Eyes: Pure blue. Hair: Blonde, neatly cut and kept short. Skin: Reasonably tanned. Markings/Tattoos: A faint gash from long nails on his right cheek. Health: Stable, though he gets easily agitated hearing Raevir speech, and might suddenly lash out. Personality: Chivalrous, blunt, and suitably honorable. Athirius does not fear speaking his mind, and deals with the consequences of doing so. Inventory: Roke often remains wrapped within a thick, dusty cloak, draped over his shoulders. Under the cloak is a black gambison with a chain hauberk below. An adorned, well kept longsword remains strapped against his belt in a finely made scabbard, a cross-bow usually settled over his shoulder, alongside a quiver of steel bolts. By his side remains a tattered, badly treated satchel. Within the satchel remain a few simple first-aid supplies, with some sort of rations and a canteen filled with water or alcohol. Life Style Alignment: Lawful neutral. Deity: The Creator. Religion: Church of the Canon. Alliance/Nation/Home:Resides in Nessvelt, Drusco. Job/Class: Knight, Baron. Title(s): Ser, Holy Ser, Baron. Profession(s): Skilled in basic cooking and farming. Special Skill(s): N/A. Flaw(s): Easily agitated, rash. Weaponry Fighting Style: High and low guard, alongside ranged weapons and cavalry combat. Trained Weapon[s]: Longsword, arming sword, javelin and one-handed axes. Favored Weapon: Longsword. Archery: Cross-bow and long-bow, prefers barbed arrows. Biography Parents: Athirius Aulpes Roke II, Lalaith Roke. Siblings: Athirius Aulpes Roke III, Arek Arcturus Roke II. Children: Athirius Aulpes Roke V, Artemus Roke, Rhian Roke, Morgan Roke, Rhys Morgryn Roke. Extended Family: Jon Roke (cousin), Rydel Roke (cousin), Arhadir Roke (cousin), Artikus Articulus Roke (uncle). History TBA. Artwork TBA.
  11. "A woman from Brelus is the closest creature you will get." comments Samuel.
  12. A shawled figure would glance over the poster, clenching his sharp grasp around the longsword.

  14. Let's kill some crows:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lawnmowerman


      We won last night dude...

    3. Hammer4_


      only way they can win is when the best and most active people are all banned lmao

    4. Faelond


      Hammer, you know that's the only reason they got banned right? It were the crown pocket GM's who arranged the whole thing

  15. Did someone say reservoir dogs?:

    1. Rael


      love that song

  16. [!] You have taken a tumble.

    1. mitto


      1/20: You fall on your head, twisting un naturally breaking your own neck

    2. Nolan_


      20/20: You still break your neck.

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