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Everything posted by lawnmowerman

  1. squeaker's an invalid insult dude cause it doesn't fit me anymore, you can piss off jax with it other than that 7/10, weeaboo otaku whatever you are good goy.
  2. someone ban arkantos please he's been killing innocent steelwall's

  3. OOC MC Name: TheBigPoppa Skype: You have it dude. Do you have TS? If not, are you willing to get one?: I have it. IC [!] An old man, wearing the standard of the Golden Crow, looks upon you with dull eyes. Tapping the paper with the end of his quill,, he asked: “Name, boy?”: "Eh, niet boy, but I Luka!" “Hrmph, so be it. Where ye be from?”: "Ol 'Pravets!" Clearing his throat, he then asked, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”: "Da!" Luka would exclaim, "I mined with otets and when I move out, I work as sellsword!" “Mhrmm.. what be yer reason for joining?”: "Eh..." he'd scratch his badly shaven chin "I want to fight!" he'd simply shrug. Do ya have ah profession?”: "Niet, but I mine good, da!" “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”: "Serve Carrion Black? Da?!" Once finished, the old man nodded and gave a wave of dismissal to you, beckoning the next in line to follow suit. [!]
  4. ayy lmao i'm back

  5. was there a pugsy yesterday? heard three folk got slaughtered.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lefty


      my bro and my cousin are both gay and my family are voting yes to the referendum to legalize gay marriage in ireland so its all g

    3. TeaLulu


      IT MEANS HE SAVES LIVES....INSTEAD OF TAKING. Pugsy has turned his life around.

    4. Dougstalicious


      black lives matter

  6. sorry .

    1. mitto


      not good enough, troll.

    2. lawnmowerman


      stop being cruel..

    3. TeaLulu


      You should be

  7. wish the snow elves would be the rulers of athera..

    1. mitto


      yeah, what gives

    2. ShameJax
    3. Rethai


      Same... same..

  8. someone should bring raine academy back it was really cool

    1. MamaBearJade



      I probably could but i dont know where it would set up. I would need some of my old head teachers back

    2. lawnmowerman


      resurrect eyad and make him teach how 2 pvp

  9. wonder what heff up to hope he ok

  10. wonder what heff up to hope he ok

  11. Smaller parchments have been nailed against each and every poster, a detailed sketch of a newly built keep drawn on said paper, and beside it would be a drawing of an illustrious fort. Above the keep's picture the following would be written, along with the company's noticeable symbol. One of our newer keeps, designed and built by Alexandre Cosette and his crew! As for above the stronghold's sketch, it'd be written. A prominent stronghold which is still under some minor changes, constructed for the valiant Order of Saint Amyas, designed and built by Licius Dalma and his workers, along with his apprentice, Sergius de Bar!
  12. Need ideas for something to build!

  13. As you stroll down the main road of Athera, you'd see freshly printed posters draped on various walls and fences of each capital and tavern, letters in big bold to catch your eye! The Dalma Building Company "With time comes perfection." If you lean in to look at the parchment, you would see quality sketches of builds ranging to all sizes, along with the prices! Interior: 150-800 Minas. Tiny builds such as hovels and sod houses: 150- 200 Minas. Smaller builds such as city houses: 500 - 1500 Minas. Medium builds such as villa’s and manors: 2500- 3500 Minas. Large builds such as a keep or a fort: 10000- 20000 Minas. Glancing at the poster outside Petrus, a small stall would be beside it, a slender dark elf seated in a chair behind it, elbows slumped on the armrests, and a little boy with black locks pushed behind his ears grinning crookedly at you, a hand raising to give you a swift wave. If you were to approach, the Dalma would smirk wryly, bobbing his head at a format settled in front of you, hands slowly clasping together as he'd lean back in his seat, his personal band of musicians starting to play a catchy tune as you'd skim over it with your orbs! Full name(s)?: Size of said build(s)?: A brief description of what needs to be built: Any sketches or sources for the build?: ((Reference pictures, if possible.)) Location(s)?: ((Mark the coordinates along with a screenshot(s), if possible.)) Will you provide materials? If not, we’ll require extra pay to get them on our own: Interior included or not?: At the bottom of the format, you'd see the following! CURRENTLY HIRING SUPPLIERS AND SKILLED BUILDERS! Send a bird to Licius Dalma ((PM me on the forums, TheBigPoppa, there I will provide my Skype)), Alexandre Cossete ((sean_desed)) or Sergius de Bar, my apprentice! ((Veskund/_Sweetwater)) Quick OOC Note: We're allowed to deny projects, please be considerate of such. And as you can see, we do somewhat specify in the building style of Messy Medieval! EDIT: The screenshots seem to be oddly shaped and stretched out, I'll make sure to fix that as soon as possible.
  14. if i had a heart...

  15. ***** where you when I was walkin'?

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