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Status Updates posted by _Jandy_

  1. Hunter! It's your bedtime!!

  2. If Nexus gets removed you all will be out of ways to get rep. 

    1. ryno2


      bro idk if you have aspergers or something but the title of that thread was how to fix -without- removing it

    2. _Jandy_


      This isn't about your status homie, just at the die hard 'REMOVE NEXUS' ppl

  3. Today was a great tragedy... The Great Pumpkin Slaughter of 1570. Was fun though lol, sorry if we meme'd you too hard.


    1. Moochael



      The Legend

      The Hero


  5. Should I write lore for some plants and animals we could run into on Axios? 

    1. Golin'Dar


      Yes, we need more drug-plant we can use for quality RP experience.

    2. Crowbill


      Rather write additional lore for the plants we already have

    3. LatzMomo


      No, you should end yourself.

  6. Monster Hunter is so much fun, holy heck.

  7. Bomb event from the ET, can't wait for the next one!

    1. Achilles


      thank you my friend

  8. Luv is a straight homie

    1. Kvasir


      am I straight homie?

    2. _Jandy_


      yeh muh guy

    3. Kvasir


       oh okay

  9. Butter aint do nuffin

    1. Cooliomafia


      He aint wrong! 

  10. A Pokestop on my way home from work, perfect.

  11. http://imgur.com/vkRgvGd

    Please don't be triggered, I'm but a humble memer. @drfate786

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. drfate786


      No mercy for the weak...

    3. Aengoth


      the weak should fear the strong -drfate786

    4. drfate786


      Aye, but on a serious note. That BR was real, it wasn't a meme and none of my BR's are memes. Don't ever think that.

  12. For the Luv of GOD


  13. If you have Overwatch on PC add me @ TaxSeason

  14. Next person who writes a BR, I will sign them up for J-Date.

    1. BonesOfTheEarth


      I'll BR you for that

  15. League seems more toxic than usual today

    1. drfate786


      That explains why I'm winning so much.

  16. That was oddly dissatisfying... 

  17. *insert status about whining about the block game, for children, here*

  18. Gratz iMattyz!

  19. This poor boy has been waiting for half a year from a response from the AT, I can't recommend him enough for the team: 


    1. Nekkore


      [Judging AT lead and manager intensifies.]

  20. Riot keeps giving me an S on lvl 4 mastery champions and I need emotional help because I will never get a lvl 6/7 mastery like this...

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