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Status Updates posted by _Jandy_

  1. @Cooliomafia puts up a new magic app every day, I swear.

    1. Luxury


      he's the new Luv :)

    2. Cooliomafia
  2. Is there a Vailor map download?

  3. "Is Matt Damon from League of Legends or something?"


  4. ~*Happy Halloween*~ 


  5. Looking for other Cervitaur players to rp, hmu

    1. LatzMomo


      What is a Cervitaur?



    1. Medvekoma


      In five years:




    2. TinyBiceps


      i hate it when puberty hits and you feel a bloodlust for your friends

  7. What are everybody's initial thought on a revamped guide/mentor team to help newbies?

    (As an attempt to help w/ player retention rates)

  8. If you won't turn down the rates of hostile mob spawns can you at least fix the day/night cycle? If you think the mobs are fixed you should come spend like 20 minutes in the halfling village.

  9. What ever happened to the aviary plugin?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _Jandy_


      okey, well gl w/ the aviary stuff

    3. 2samspan


      Oh if only there were some already existing mod that allowed people to lay down, maybe even change player models.

    4. Telanir


      @Jistuma The code has been looked at. Many times. Problem is, it needs to be curated, and there is a lot to curate in there. Dev's who would be responsible for that have been unfortunately too busy to resolve the situation. I do hope we can find a resolution to this issue sooner than later.

  10. Prizes for people who invent in RP or have cool ideas they wanna share!


    1. Potts244


      A pickle that shoots lazer beeemz


    2. EdgyMagey


      Why are you advertising it OOCly?

  11. Wiseacres and Luv are a great couple!

    1. EdgyMagey


      are you real

  12. Can we have one mega thread for the orc v oren posts of propoganda and recordings?

    1. grimmothy


      Harambe can't die if there are no guns

    2. Larry Shortoak

      Larry Shortoak

      What about Hot Air Balloons @_Jandy_

    3. _Jandy_


      Cosmic deserves a swift death.

  13. F R E E

    K E T C H E N

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aerochrometilt


      Nah he is a bad lad, I'd prefer Kincaid freed



    3. Kvasir
    4. _Jandy_


      Frick off Kvas, you're the smelliest.

  14. Ketchen actually didn't do anything.

  15. Hunter! It's your bedtime!!

  16. If Nexus gets removed you all will be out of ways to get rep. 

    1. ryno2


      bro idk if you have aspergers or something but the title of that thread was how to fix -without- removing it

    2. _Jandy_


      This isn't about your status homie, just at the die hard 'REMOVE NEXUS' ppl

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