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Status Updates posted by Savoyard

  1. Got bbos'd right before the battle :(

  2. Hail to the hammer

  3. Harold has no chill

  4. I didn't like Chivalry too much tbh

  5. I love HoopGod

  6. I wish I had a different Member Title :/

  7. I've returned from banishment...

  8. Is there some sort of post on the Canonist religion stuff? I'm trying to know more about it

    1. Porko
    2. Cracker


      ^, PM me if you have any questions besides that

    3. Savoyard
  9. Isnt it nice when you message a GM and they just log off 5 seconds after you message them?

  10. Just started watching Vikings. So. Freaking. Good.

  11. Just to re-iterate, cybering is a bannable offense. http://gyazo.com/70c0e3af1d5e666e2e077b38f9e5b463

    1. HurferDurfer1


      dont forget the lose of innocence

    2. Grouchy


      ******* dreadful rp

    3. TeaLulu
  12. Karovia is coming along nicely, my braid is fried from all the work but eh. :)

  13. Mines still suck. Spending 20 min just to get an ore vein

  14. Now if I could just get my 1.8 skin I would be content

  15. Oh god I love memes

    1. Harri


      oho gawd i LUFF memes!!!

    2. Potts244


      Good Kitchen here man.

  16. Operation Desperation

  17. RIP "The Wild Wold" :(

  18. RIP "The Wild Wolf" :(

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