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Trin Keeper

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Everything posted by Trin Keeper

  1. Is it just me who can't connect to the server at all?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Savoyard


      Maybe restart our PC's?

    3. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      hmmm perhaps.. you try it and tell me how it goes.. I'm currently working on something for school and I'm too lazy to restart.. XD

    4. Savoyard


      It didnt work *Sigh*

  2. Ohhhkkayyyy so I just switched my persona and I landed underground... :/ I'm not sure what to do I just logged out... is there nothing I can do?

  3. Having dreams about being called a bad roleplayer is not good for your health.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sambosefus


      If you want to be a good roleplayer then consider both players and try to let everyone have fun.

    3. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      Welp.. that was very interesting advice from all of you.. XD

  4. So.... question.... I would like to make another character but how does the skin part work? If I click on one persona will it be one skin and then if I click on the other one it will change back to my first one? or do I need to switch skins everytime I switch characters??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Savoyard


      Orcs are nub'hozh.

    3. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      O_O.. I don't think I could do an orc...:/ I'm just no good at that kind of dialect..

    4. James


      ^Yup, which is why if I play an orc again I'm going tongue cut out

  5. Just wanted to say hi! We met eachother ICly today!!

  6. I was wondering about how you would go about claiming land and such..is that only for poeple who plan to build cities and towns?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      You must offer the sky gods three cows and your first born son.

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      It's hard to find land nowadays, so moving in with people/getting a job on some land is the best way to go about it. Or you could put some sort of flier up in the trade section saying you wish to purchase land (it's rather pricey though).

    4. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      Ohhhh okayyyy.. I get it now!!! Well thank you all ill have to think about it... First born sons are kinda hard to come by these days.. XD

  7. Is there a page of that helps translate the orcish speech? becuase it probably would be good to know for future refrences

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. James


      I am working on a translator for every language on lotc, expect it within the next month or two.

    3. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      wow! okay!! good luck on that btw! that'll be really cool!

    4. Catarrh


      Always glad to help with orc stuff.

  8. mondays are the most suckitash thing in the world..

  9. Today was sooo much fun! Thanks to all who made it interesting!!

  10. I was wondering.. what resource packs would you all recommend?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      Conquest or Chroma Hills with SEUS Shaders if you're looking to take pretty screenshots. Other than that I use default to reduce lag.

    3. bungo


      muh smp revival

    4. Katherine1


      Isabella 2 is a good 16x16 pack.

  11. Soo if your character dies do you create a new one?

  12. I only have two class days a week and today was one of those class days.. I was trying to see how long I could sleep in before I realllyyy needed to go and then my mom comes in and tells me theres no school becuase of ice!!!. Ever done one of those dances with your arms and just sorta wiggle under the blankets becuase your feet are so tightly wound in the blanket? yah...That was me.. no school no school la la la la!!.

  13. Is the server down for you guys? or is it my computer... just wondering

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      It's the server :C

    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      ohhh ... :/ phooey...

  14. O_O... so scary when you accidently bump into poeple in game and you have no idea what the commands are and they start talking to you and your like.. what the fudge am I doing... andthen you figure out whats going on and then all of a sudden the server goes kaplah! XD

  15. This is just so I can easily find the info on my character that I might forget over time.. such as age.. O_O... anywho more description on Leitha in the future! Character’s name: Leitha (le-aye-th-ah) Coyia (Coy- aye-a) Characters nickname: Lei (le aye) Character’s gender: female Character's race: human Character’s age: 22 Biography (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.) [ I had a bit of trouble trying to figure out age and such as I could not find anything about what year it was in any of the forums or wiki. So if it needs to be tweaked I will have no problem doing that…I was continuously confused by the lore so the lore I’ve added in is done to the best of my abilities and if it needs to be changed please give me specifics on what needs to be changed.. ] A redhead girl, Leitha Coyia, was born to her parents, Markus and Ninna Coyia, in the realm of the Fringe in the city of Atgaard. Because the drought hit a year after she was born, she had no recollection of the place or being carried through the portal by her mother. Her parents were simple people who wished to settle down, farm and take care of their child. But by the time Lie had turned 4 it was clear that their wishes would not be granted when a heavy winter in Thales began and they were forced to head to a port city, Tuv Aviv. Unfortunately terror struck the day the people of Thales tried to leave the port and many were killed. This included Lei’s mother whose body was lost to the sea and wreckage. Now a Widower, Markus, had only one duty and that was to his only child and in order to make sure his 4 year old daughter would have a chance at life he put her into the hands of a young, human woman, Feror, who hid with the child in the lower decks as he went to the war that raged above their heads. By some slim chance or fate, Lei’s father did not die that day but returned without his arm, elbow down. They were lucky to be on one of the ships that managed to set sail for the death filled port city. Back in the hands of her father, Leitha and the survivors of Thales sailed to a new homeland by the name of Athera. But once in the Holy Oren Empire , things were not easy for Lei’s father, without his hand and arm work was hard to come by. It was almost a guarantee that Markus and his daughter wouldn’t have lasted long if it was not for the help of the woman from the boat. Feror had stayed with the Leitha and her father and became like a sister to Leitha and a daughter to Markus. She made meals and worked washing laundry beside Markus who could do no other job. But in spite of this Lei grew up a happy girl who was quick to help her father with anything that needed to be done. The three of them lived in a tiny house with a small plot of land that Feror tended to whenever she could, it brought in little food and wasn’t very successful. But during these times she tended to it Leitha would watch her and play in the dirt. When she finally grew to the age to actually help with around the house Leitha took a liking to cultivating the little plot of land behind their house. After that there was always a bit more food in the house and no one had to listen to a rumbling in their stomach for fear of not enough for others in the house. At age 17 a rebellion in the Holy Oren Empire once again disrupted the small family. They did not join in on either side and simply survived and worked to the best of their abilities doing their best to help anyone who walked past their doorway. Once the dispute settled down and separated they were left inside the Kingdom of Oren and had no intentions of moving. Leitha spent her days at home tending to the house and the plot, dreaming of different places and sights she would see once she left. When it came to making friends she had few and that began her dread of making a fool of herself, she wanted everyone to like her and if anyone laughed at her or made fun of her it was sure to lead to a fight and that is why she spent her time at home rather than out in the city. The year Lei turned 19 she had especially good year farming the tiny plot and managed to not only feed her family, but also had leftovers that she sold. Whenever there was any spare produce Leitha sold it and began saving to one day live out her dream and get away from her simple life. Lei put her dreams on hold until she was 22 when she had sufficient funds. Leaving her father in the care of Feror, Lei began her travels to find someone to apprentice her in the ways of trading. Personality Traits: This girl is a free spirited one who will almost always do what is best for herself or her family. That being said she is still a kind person except for her occasional mood swings and her underlying sarcastic attitude. Some would consider her a fiery or feisty one on the bases of her natural red head of hair. Her worldviews are very hard to sway and she can often be hard headed and will not believe the word of others unless she can confirm it herself. If placed in an argument, Lei assumes a tone of speaking that makes herself look like the one who is correct while the other is completely out of their minds. But she does this while keeping a cool and clear head. But as anyone any living behind does, Lei has her faults, she doesn’t have a very long attention span and will often forget things like promises or bits of information that are actually important. She also can’t stand to be humiliated or not be able to complete a task, these are the two situations where her temper rises into fury. Ambitions: To either travel the world as a trader or open up a shop Strengths/Talents: she had a knack for growing produce and anything that can occupy her nimble fingers. She also enjoys talking to people and finds that she loves bartering with them. Weaknesses/Inabilities: Lei has a fear of ships because of the Flee from Thales that left her motherless and with nightmares. She also would not do very well if you placed a weapon in her hand, even though she keeps a knife in her belt if put to the test her skill at it would not be sufficient to protect herself. She is also plagued by nightmares and rarely ever gets full nights worth of sleep. She also hates any type of humiliation or teasing. She will often get in trouble because she can’t handle anyone telling her she is wrong which makes her very argumentative. Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): hieght: 5'4 weight: 145 eyecolor: dark green haircolor: red
  16. Got a new internet thingymachiger yesterday and my mother updated all the programs on my computer and I can actually connect to the server now!! * Victory dance* I'll be on for the first time tonight!! ^_^ have to clean my room first... * flop* -_-

  17. I think I'm going to wait to join the server until winter break.. so thats two weeks away.. I'm sorry all you lovely poeple have to wait to see my full glory but I suppose it can't be helped.. I'll still hang out around the forums and stalk people though

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. susitsu


      ...Are you saying you're Mandie?

    3. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      I was wondering about that.. I thought, one o or two o's.I ended up going with one.

      Mandie Is a magical fairy who sits on my shoulder. She is adorable.

      (scarfs are amazing.. O_O..)

    4. susitsu


      Think of 'too' as 'also' or as when something is 'a lot.'

  18. *sigh* now I'm bummed out becuase I can't connect to the server... keeps saying Can't resolve hostname.. I suppose I'm going to have to wait until tommorrow..gguuhhh. *hits head on desk*

    1. GodEmperorFlam
    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      oke doke.. I'll try it.. but like I said can't try it until tomorrow because my mom has to unlock the properties.. and chances are she won't do it unless I beg.

  19. *Rolling on the floor with glee* I'm acceptedddd!! and on the first try!!! I thought for sure I was going to have to redo something* gets off the ground and promptly begins bouncing* so exciteddddd!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      ohhhhh.. okay.. you know I was wondering about something like that.. If your character gets killed by an assassin do you just make a new character?

    3. AGiantPie


      Ah, no. This isn't very well explained anywhere, and many new people don't know this. If your character dies in Rp, you have two choices. 1. You permakill them, in which case you make a new character and the old one dies. 2. You get revived by the monks at the Cloud Temple. If you choose option 2, you lose all memory of the event, so you don't know who killed you, where you were killed, or even /that/ you were killed in Rp. Same rules apply for any Pvp death (Pvp is used sometimes...

    4. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      ohhhhhhhhhhh!! okay... I was wondering about why they were saying you loose all memory of it.. That makes sense now! thanks!! that would be kinda creepy though.. just wake up and go on with life as if it never happened.. XD.. then again you wouldn't know it was creepy becuase you wouldn't know anything had happened...

  20. nom nom nom!!

    1. AGiantPie
    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      O_O.. *sniffles* but I'm hungry... I must nom!!

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