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Status Updates posted by TheNanMan2000

  1. Thoughts on needing to carry a lored and signed suit of Plate Armour in inventory when ever your character is wearing it IRP?  Too many walk around with it on as if it’s some cheap and comfortable piece of gambeson.  Plate is extremely powerful armour and expensive, and should be treated as such in the rules.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TheNanMan2000


      @Temp Maybe, or since people who donate can only sign items a certain amount of times a week, they could charge a fair price for their work.  Also, that’s the worst that can happen.  People will have a signed item in their inventory, and if such happens and makes no impact on full-plate usage, the rule can be retracted.

    3. Temp


      If it’s a lore required piece of equipment, a member of the LT would need to sign or approve it. They have the ability to sign an infinite number of objects as LT. If it was a rule that require smith enforced creations, they’d likely be given a means of infinitely signing produced items as well. Once again, not much would change. The idea, for LoTC, just isn’t an applicable one. It may come across as ideal and I understand your intent but it’s implementation would do little to no good as far as I can see.

    4. TheNanMan2000


      @Temp No, when I say lored, I mean item description.  I agree that needing LTs would make it silly

  2. Who else thinks we need more random events along the roads set for explorers?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AGiantPie


      oh I see what you mean. I wouldn't consider signs that you have to ping ET to come do the event as 'random events' though. To me a random event is something that just happens in the moment because the ET feels like doing an event.

      Edited by AGiantPie
    3. TheNanMan2000


      True, although it'd still be relatively random and, the main aim, making exploring feel worth the time, as well as adding another level of immersion, even if you are required to ping an ET


    4. AGiantPie


      yeah maybe that's a good idea though it might be annoying for et to be summoned at random times to do the event

  3. Hecc I got banned.  See you lads in August lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pond


      y would u try to alt for 3 day ban tho?????????????

    3. TheNanMan2000


      I wanted to apply with my Alt anyway, so since I was banned I thought 'Well I might as well' @Pond

    4. TheNanMan2000


      @Flamelynx Haha Yeah, or spend like 2 quid for 5 Alts.  I'll see you around with my next Alt, who I hopefully won't apply for with this forum account lool

  4. Lutaumancy, the ability to visit the Ancestral realm of Krug (An Orc), being only allowed for Orcs when?

    1. Areon


      Dark elves, and some notable non-orcs, also exist in the Stargush'Stroh due to Apohet's desire to take the most honorable souls into his own domain, which are determined as such by those who follow the Spirits and guided there by Kor.

    2. Bhased
    3. TheNanMan2000


      @AreonBefore the re-write that wiped out canonical Stargush and Spirit lore, in order to give an excuse for none-Orcs to go to the Stargush, it was Krug's realm and had ultimate power over it.  The introduction of Apohet and turning Krug, who in his none Shaman days withstood Iblees, into practically a puppet of Kor and Apohet was a terrible mistake and was completely pointless.

  5. Man, I really love Quavinir’s artwork.  Nothing gets me up in the morning like one of his pieces

  6. Anyone need someone to RP a Ghoul, Golem, or any other beast of any kind?  Hit me up.  Got a persona slot that needs filling, and I feel like playing something unique

    1. Medvekoma


      Perhaps. I have an idea. Possibly. For a semi-independent creature. A ... unique one, if you are interested. PM me.

  7. Love it when 8 IRL years of history and lore have to be voided because a long-standing and important creature is suddenly un-tameable – 


    1. squakhawk


      This Lore has been denied. Currently the team has found a multitude of issues with this piece of lore. The ability to tame this creature is to be removed. It would require Story monitoring. There is no real definitions on its abilities making it very overpowered.

  8. Why is the auction always stuffed full of tesco value weapons?  Shameful practise.

    1. Dqnn


      I think you meant




  9. Why are status updates always random or pointless quotes and statements people come up with.  I wanna see some edgy memes you weebs

    1. NotEvilAtAll



      Edited by NotEvilAtAll
  10. Cymru am byth

    1. Rickson


      Cymru am byth, ffrind.

  11. ? #FreeElitesnipes ?

  12. Wow guys we got the victory royale


  13. To the Forum Moderators, can I have a sub-forum opened up in the Orc forum dedicated to ‘Clan Gorkil’?  

  14. [!] A rampant rise in fliers increase across the realm

  15. Only real gamers accidently destroy their allies after a failed raid attempt.

  16. This man is a true follower of the fine arts

  17. Shut the **** up about Corona 

  18. If you like quizzes, I just made one – https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q1EU8S8

  19. Need a forum mod or whatever to move some forum posts that got moved to the wrong place

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