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About Violino

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    Play the violin string like a fascist
  • Birthday January 11

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    Girl, this has been gone since 2016.
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    Hogwarts ⚡️

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    Arwen Amethil
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  1. That moment when you can actually feel the pain in your chest from simply seeing or hearing something that breaks your heart. 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Swgrclan


      Oh damn, someone is bothered by inconsistent yet repeatedly posted statuses about various matters involving something negative? We can't have that! Let's defend this multitude of cringey remarks and pick at the integrity of someone who thinks they're weird for using LoTC Forums™ as a Facebook medium xddd what a **** lmao get outta here bud grow some emotions you fucko


      Sorry for the strawman, but you baited it. There is no argumentative worth in deriding my confusion in these anomalous Facebook posts. In fact, what could have occurred was that my question was answered by violinist, so that her posts would be clarified and I wouldn't have to wonder why they're being made anymore.

    3. Scuba


      For real though time marches on and everything in the end doesn't matter, this post, your lives, and the argument is all actually very insignificant. 

    4. Violino


      How does a song lyric actually cause someone this much stress? Jesus Christ, it's not attention. It's a f****** song lyric. Something that is quite commonly posted on the fourms. The fact that you made this little thing so huge was unnecessary and so it brings me to ask that you please stop this. 

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