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Posts posted by Imperium

  1. 1 hour ago, CharlestheDwarf said:

    GRAND KING THURGRIM SILVERBRAID squints at the invitation bound for Urguan, reading and re-reading its designated recipient. Then, looks to the dwarf courier at his side. 


    "... Are we receivin' letters from nearly three decades ago?"


    The courier shrugs.

    Kristoff fires the diplomat who had miswritten the Dwarven King’s name. “Idiot,” Kristoff pens a letter of apology to the Grand King himself.

  2. CC6cgSs87XYAVY_C7brTt9IQPzGiSSRs5LQWPwOcp5Sd0akAKUM7meZnWlik0HgiYwXbxABSuAyo-nBqELrjVbj0ZyEtjMqMhohk6CPEWBe-EIZBCSACZcp8faQmD78LygvFBPgwgVJSTdeyC0cRYu8

    The Queen’s Royal Funeral




    3rd of Sun’s Smile of  112 B.A


    With the Passing of Her Royal Majesty Queen Sybille I of Balian, the heir apparent, His Highness Alexandros Casimir shall ascend to the throne of Balian. King Alexandros the Second of his name declares a three-day mourning period for all residents of the realm after the late Queen’s passing.

    A Funeral shall be held on Horen’s Calling of 113 B.A. Friends of the Queen and realm, who displayed unwavering faith and stood by her side throughout the length of her reign, are duly invited:


    His Holiness, Caius, High Pontiff of the Holy Mother Church. @MadOne
    His Royal Majesty Ivan VIII, Dual King of Haense and Ruska, and his noble pedigree @indiana105

    Her Royal Majesty Nataliya Leopoldina, Dual Queen of Haense and Ruska, and her noble pedigree @kaylacita

    His Apostolic Majesty John I, King of Aaun, and his noble pedigree @Ramon

    Her Royal Majesty Adalia I, Queen of Petra, and her noble pedigree @mothsthetic

    His Royal Highness Alfred I, Prince of Reinmar, and his noble pedigree @Gandhi

    His Royal Highness Leon I, Prince of Reinmar, and his noble pedigree @BuilderBagel

    Her Royal Majesty Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, Queen of Númendil, and her noble pedigree @AstriaS

    Her Royal Highness Ramona de Pelear, Sovereign Princess of Hyspia, and her noble pedigree @_mady07
    His Grace Ser Sterling Blaxton-Whitewood, Duke of Barbantine, and his noble pedigree @_RoyalCrafter_


    His Grace Calathân an Naedwylm, Sohaer of Haelun'or, and his advisors. @MCVDK

    His Grandees,  Thurgrim Silverbraid, Grand King of Urguan, and the noble Clan Elders. @CharlestheDwarf

    Her Royal Highness Idril Sylvaeri, Princess of Amathine., and her noble pedigree. @JJosey Ellenore av Eiriksdóttir, High Keeper of Norland, and her noble pedigree @Elennanore

    Her Royal Majesty Reine Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea, Queen of Vikela, and her noble pedigree @JTMedea

    Her Royal Majesty, Lenora Jusmia, Sovereign of Vortice, and her noble pedigree. @Bethinwonderland




    [[WEDNESDAY 4 pm EST, 6/5]]




    His Royal Majesty, Alexandros II, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Prince of Providence, Duke of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Count of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lord of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Keeper of of St Lothars Hold, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera

  3. 8Q5SPqD7cLwzfcbuBr_yF24D-Qp9Mgp0tueEeQdLKL6zHSHKez8RYO6rkTSeI4BgaS7m_xm9PpV8-OzEGos68f9TP2Y_7UdzMcgDriDZF6EADgka8luNHeXUracU8dMuY1vnlkrKE184IKxaRZXdzrM

    Senatus Eventus, 109 B.A. 



    12th of Lothar's Gift, 109 B.A.


    After an intense and closely contested election, it pleases the Crown of Balian to announce the final standings of the Senate Election race. With a voter turnout of 96% the candidates have garnered the following Percentages of the votes cast in the Ballot box:


    - Baldric Vourkehardt 11.4% = Elected

    - Hilda Brawn 15.9% = Elected

    - Ivan var Ruthern 11.4% = Elected

    - Marcel Vuiller 9.1% = Unelected

    - Paul Temesch 13.6% = Elected

    - Ravn Vuiller 11.4% = Elected

    - Viktor Gotwa 13.6% = Elected

    - Wernher Vourkehardt 13.6% = Elected


    Due to the large number of ties and tight competition between the candidates as well as the high turnout of the voters in the electoral season, which was unexpected. The Crown of Balian has opted to increase the seats within the Senate chamber itself to seven seats, in order to better represent the citizens of Balian. All of which shall be filled by those aforementioned as ‘Elected’.

    The newly elected senators shall arrange a date later this saint’s week to meet in Ledicort’s hall and elect the first speaker, who shall oversee the senate for the duration of the session.



    His Royal Excellency, Kristoff var Ruthern, Amiratus of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Royal Duana



    A Decree from the Crown


    13th of Owyn’s Flame, 108 B.A.



    The Legislative powers of Balian shall be henceforth entrusted to the Balianese Senate. The Senate shall be elected by the people of Balian, to serve as their lawful representatives and advise the Crown.


    Article I - The Senate
    The Crown shall entrust the Senate with legislative powers to serve as the representatives of the balianesee citizens. Five senators shall make up the Balianese senate, and be charged with:

    Upon a new session, the Senate shall elect a speaker from among their members. To be elected speaker, a senator must nominated by another senator and receive a majority of votes.
              -If the Senate fails to elect a speaker within 2 saint weeks, the Crown reserves the right to select a speaker from among the presently elected senators.

              -The speaker may be removed from office if a senator puts forward a motion for removal, and it receives a majority of votes. 


    The power to draft, propose, and vote on legislation. Once passed, the bill must be presented to the Crown by the speaker to be signed into law.

             -The Senate may propose alterations to the Royal Codex.

             -The Crown may refuse to sign a bill, and send it back to the Senate for further review. 

             -The Crown has the right to veto any legislation, or motion passed by the Senate if deemed necessary.
             -The Crown shall enact the veto no later 2 saint weeks of the Senate’s vote.


    Vote on the appointment of Duana officials by the Crown. Once an appointment has been made, the official may be called to represent themselves at a meeting of the Senate. The Senate will interview the candidate, before motioning for a vote.

            -For an appointment to be approved by the Senate, it must receive a majority of votes.

            -The Senate must hold the vote within 2 saint weeks of the appointment, or it takes effect without the approval.

            -If a candidate is denied, they must submit the reasons why to the Crown.

            -If the Senate isn’t in session when an appointment is made, it does not require the Senate's approval. It may be called for review if deemed necessary during the next session.


    Call for a vote of no confidence against any Duana official. If passed, the Senate must list the reasons for the vote, and the speaker shall present the case against the official to the Crown for review. 

            -If the Crown finds the case to be credible, the impeached official will be removed from office. 

    Article II- Speaker of the Senate
    The speaker of the Senate shall be charged with leading the Senate during the session, elected from among the sitting senators. They shall preside over the senate, organizing when to meet, and the agenda for each meeting.

    The speaker is entrusted with the following powers:

            -Shall act as the chief representative and voice of the Senate to the Crown.

            -The right to request an audience with the Duana and the Crown. 

            -The right to preside over and call the Senate into a meeting, setting forward the agenda for each meeting. 

            -To call for a vote on bills.

            -If the speaker is presented with a bill and refuses to allow a vote. A senator can motion for a vote if the motion is approved by a majority vote.

    Article III- Senate and the Crown
    The Senate will advise the Crown for the benefit of the Balianese people, and the Crown shall:


            -By Divine Right from GOD, all powers flow through the Crown. The Crown may approve or veto any legislation, motion, proposals, or petitions brought forth to them.

            -The Crown will give a reason for any veto. 

            -Give a response to each bill, within a span of 2 Saint’s Week.

            -Add or remove the senate seats as deemed necessary between sessions.

            -Call or dismiss the Senate as necessary.

            -The Senate will operate in 8-saint week terms, unless a decree is made by the Crown,

            -The Crown will not allow the Senate to remain out of session for longer than 4-saint weeks, unless decreed otherwise.

            -The Crown may extend a Senate session as needed.


    Article IV- Senate and the Segnoria
    The Senate and Segnoria shall serve as the two advisory bodies of the Crown, and adhere to:


            -Segnoria’s powers outlined by the Crown in the Segnoria of Balian; are revised to remove any legislative power.

            -The Segnoria may still pass advisory motions to the crown.

            -The Segnoria may pass a bill to the Senate for a vote. If passed in the Senate it can move to the Crown for approval.

            -The Crown may call for a National Commune, summoning both the Senate and Segnoria to act as direct advisory bodies in times of crisis.


    Article V - Elections
    The Senate is elected by the citizens of Balian, and must adhere to:


    An election commissioner shall be appointed by the Crown to oversee the senatorial elections.

            -The Commissioner must conduct the elections fairly and without bias.

    Elections happen when a new Senate is called into session by the Crown.

            -Unless decreed otherwise by the Crown, each session shall last 8-saint weeks.

            -In between each session, 2 saint weeks shall be allowed for the elections to take place.

            -Elections shall begin with a call for candidates, allowing at least 72 saint hours for candidates to announce they are running.

            -A period of at least 1 saint week shall follow to allow candidates to campaign, debate, and appeal to voters.

            -Voting shall be open for at least 24 saint hours but may be extended by the crown.

            -The top candidates with the most votes shall be elected to the Senate. 

    A special election would be called if a Senator resigns or is removed during a session;

            -Will be overseen by the Commissioner with the process condensed into a single saints week.

    Candidates running for office must meet the following requirements;

            -Be at least 16 years of age.

            -Have residences at an address in Balian.

            -Be in good standing with the laws of the Kingdom.

            -Must follow the Canonist faith.

            -Be a Citizen of Balian

            -Filled out the Census

            -Must not be a sitting Duana member

            -Can not be a current Peer of the Crown.

    Voters in the election must meet the following requirements;

            -Be at least 16 years of age.

            -Have residence at an address in Balian. 

            -Be in good standing with the laws of the Kingdom.

            -Be a Citizen of Balian.
            -Filled out the Census




    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera

  5. zNs2LuFM7PqK7DLDuTyZ_mTVjzBwOiaDrYhoH52ahMPXVc-oNyPe2wBDrGaoF3BTTnLwOQHXokp7CORG-W-QfbHDFdUmVLl0G_ZCUSF4Yco0iyxBg4lk4A-FSDIBxFpacBiuO-FKhrznOTQRbK5jopo


    The office of the Amiratus




    13th, of Peter’s Glory of 105 B.A


    Following the resignation of His Excellency John Gailbraith, the esteemed Baron of Castanova, the office of the Legate once again finds itself vacant, in need of a capable leader to guide our diplomatic endeavours. In light of this, under the Marsana Administration and by the gracious decree of the Crown, an opportunity arises for the esteemed citizens of Balian to apply for the esteemed position of Legate within the Royal Duana.


    To apply, send a letter to the Amiratus Kristoffer var Ruthern. You must meet the following requirements:


    -Must be eighteen Summers old.

    -Must be a Balian citizen.

    -Must have diplomatic prowess.



    contact @Imperium for more info



    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.

    Kristoff var Ruthern, Amiratus of Balian

  6. ZEvR-6tV0clynuUOxAAsDxkSl1Bz3ek_62kGTA6ELg3Pnv0rEtUppcGPgrL39oWSnNHZaMSnVdV_0RCdeFBrOstQ7HWq9aWlHO_8ZK0q7fV6bU2xVtgRoFWFmkIqUSevc4F79D1odgQnoowK-3zGcbU

    The Tuvian Resolution 




    7th of Horen's Calling of 105 B.A


    After the ‘Inheritance of Tuvia’ Royal Decree, two candidates for the Peerage of Tuvia presented themselves. Whilst the decision was still being weighed up Don Elijah Kervallen opted to step aside so that the Princess Royal may take the Baronial title. 


    Upon the taking of this role, Princess Ariadne shall form a cadet branch of House Novellen, becoming the first Novellen-Tuvia. She shall be considered the sole inheritor of the Tuvia land, titles and any artefacts that come as part of said inheritance. 



    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.

  7. xx_oqrPe1sTeYZkuBlM-ZYv6i9eLbVR2824vSsU7fw1G00RfeOi_6rPqqqBKiBLvCpEYAAL79zRf0WLEyzphi5L7eFjBc3PlrBls-IVVDDpC9zYTlSh5MfMcCbK_fSnUGO52GBvSLY4MnGtptTTx09c

    Inheritance of Tuvia




    Issued on 4th of Sigismund’s End, 103 B.A.


    The Kingdom of Balian is in mourning following the news of the sudden death of the Baron of Tuvia, Ezequiel Kervallen. A great young man and spark in the lives of all the Kingdom taken too soon. The Crown sends its deepest regards to the Kervallen family, both those in the Kingdom and who reside in Lurin. We all feel your grief.


    Due to the sudden death of the Baron, the inheritance of the title ‘Tuvia’ and the land that comes with it is called into question. The late Baron did not leave an obvious heir for Tuvia and the Crown wishes the title to be passed to legitimate claimants. As such, any who have a legitimate claim to the Tuvia title and lands are called forth to bring their case to the Crown during the next Court session on the 11th of Godfrey’s Triumph 104 B.A. . The claim will be considered under Balianese law LEX NOBILIS:  Article I, section I.01D - subsection A which states: 


    • By intestate inheritance, the Peerage shall pass to the eldest filiate child of the Peer, be they male or female, or to the Peer’s closest legitimate living blood relative should the Peer die childless.


    • As well as LEX NOBILIS:  Article I, section I.01D - subsection C which states: Should the Peer have no living legitimate heirs, the Peerage shall pass back to the Crown.


    If a suitable claim is made, the Crown will return the title of Tuvia and the lands to the rightful claimant. If a legitimate claimant is not found within a Year, the Crown of Balian will absorb the title of Tuvia once more. Any claims will be reviewed by the Crown for their Legitimacy and Merits.



    ROYAL COURT THIS FRIDAY 4/5 at 5 PM EST; claimants must be present to submit their claim



    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.

  8. Kristoff var Ruthern smiled as he read the missive, "No Darkspawn shall enter the lands of Balian unhindered, Prince Alexandros has the makings of a true warrior. Let this be a message to all, Darkspawn can not hide from GOD!"

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