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Status Replies posted by Malocchio

  1. no, its here

  2. Eh, suka blya.
    Fite me like in Finska kriget, you weak norway narwhal!


  3. I still don't get the point of causing an uproar when a singular person gets a punishment with the standard. And this standard has been in place for years.

  4. Free Kincaid

  5. If Kincaid isn't freed I heard rumors he's gonna down an entire bottle of advil and kill himself

  6. malocchio i have come back from hell for you. you are a child at heart and that's why i need you.

  7. lady matheus

  8. lady matheus

  9. I thought hurricane season was over? @Malocchio




    but gg tho

  11. Does the community have no say? Especially when it is as large of an outcry of this?

  12. Germany vs. Italy, eh?

  13. Germany vs. Italy, eh?

  14. Koshka - Kartoshka!

  15. dont you sometimes wish bungo was a girl so he could be your girlfriend

  16. i confess my undying love for @Altiak

  17. once more, can we not have all the gms and fms have the same number underscore number names on the forums please, put your real name in brackets after thank you

  18. Mages are bad

  19. dont u just hate it when they askin for a ddos, then complain cuz u ddos them

  20. the GM team needs more diversity, please accept some straight people

  21. Is there anyone here also interested in composition of music?

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