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Status Updates posted by Adelemphii

  1. Quote

    (I personally have 2 Dchests of steak and over a Dchest of Haybales stored away just from the product of my leather farming)


    yo share the food wtf... im starving

    1. MailC3p


      Sure! Just buy it from me off my shop for .1 mina/per! 

  2. Mates look at this on lotc, event

  3. completely random thing I made just 'cus I wanted to

  4.  listen to that QUALITY MMMM THE BUZZZ

  5.  you need  jeebus bob ross in your life.

  6. The real solution to forum metagaming: remove forums and have in-game poster boards
    1. Greehn


      or just allow metagaming that works too

  7. LoTC Shitposts Day 1



    "There be a rare type of iguana 'round these parts. T'is only found in Urguan. T'is called the Urguana, a mythical beast which lives beneath the deepest depths of the city of Urguan. Back in the day, us dwed went too deep in t’e mines and came across the beast. It chased us out of the mines an’ reclaimed the depths as its ‘ome. 


    LoTC Shitposts Day 2



    Dwarven Moles:

    Imagine saying "AT ARMS!", followed by the sound of tunneling, dwarves popped out of the ground bearing weapons and fully armored. "Aye aye!" like a bunch of moles.

    1. Adelemphii


      I’ll keep a 2-day break between these posts meaning that if I posted one yesterday, I’ll post one tomorrow.


      I’ll edit the post itself/send them in the comments of the post to avoid notification spam.


      They’ll keep coming either until I think up more, or I run out.


    Can we please prevent me from getting bored so this doesn't happen again?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Poor_Fellow


      stop this madness

    3. Adelemphii
    4. Adelemphii


      New lore approved monster, it roams the tundra and preys on those who trespass on Vaeyl lands. 





    After many threats to my humanity and soul, I have decided to return. My friends have decided to recently call themselves pvp goons and I have decided to take it upon myself to fix them and their friends. I don’t think anybody expected this, or that anybody really cares for I am not important. But I will now hereby be known as “Juicekartong” and not “AlphaPie” so I will not be confused with other people. Just remember, if you need something or not, you can always contact me via forums or discord @ AlphaPie#9210. (Juicekartong is Juicebox in Swedish, I was too late for the name Juicebox and someone else beat me by one second.)

        Signing off, your love,

    Meme post btw, I'm back *******!


    1. Areln


      PIE welcome back!!!


      u'll never stop the pvp goon plague tho, we r 2 strong sry

    2. Adelemphii


      Grr grr, Don't make me write a book about how I saved the day. I'll do it. When aggravated I am known to do things impossible.

  10. *cough* I use this to welcome people to LoTC from now on.



  11. @UwUuSoWarm is cooler than @WhiteKnight_19

    Pie confirmed.

  12. https://gyazo.com/f4f5a2be74b4f3146284ff0bfa984a9d I will leave this here, for all of you to see the amazing project I am working on. wowow so exciting 

  13. :feels: I am going to post this here, enjoy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adelemphii


      Not sure what to do so I've just been going around doing random things

    3. Jondead


      Random things is good. Do more random stuff. 

    4. Adelemphii
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