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Status Updates posted by Bvie

  1. 8cb532538b38dd987addbbf42d98db6a.png

    Huh....I guess it is that time of year.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AGiantPie


      @hexmarzku lmfao fam chill squirt's pretty narci but this ain't even bad

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      Okay, hexe, i think what squirt is trying to tell everyone here is that it's Christmas time, and that this drives people to rethink their past grudges and try to make things right, and that this wasn't a jab at anyone, and i think you just misunderstood something that bore no ill will towards anyone.

    4. AGiantPie


      maybe you're just an angry ****

  2. d731516a18d5444cb0f771f3a692e973.png

    1. Bvie


      This isn't a pat myself on the back post.


      But a reminder to people, that your words can be used for kindness, not just hate.


      This person had no idea how shitty of a day I was having. But something this simple, made me smile.


      Thanks Mystery Person, you know who you are.

    2. Equinox
    3. Jonificus


      Yeah, doesn't hurt to be nice is what I always say! Don't let my excessive swearing fool you, friendos! I'm a nice guy

  3. 1 Day Left


    To think......we're this close. Waiting.



  4. 10,000 Mina Prize Today!

  5. 11 Days left


    I really hope you were right.

  6. 12 Days left


    Got your letter, feeling is mutual <3


    PS: Your drawings are nice.

    1. MunaZaldrizoti


      I'm oddly exited to see what happens on the last day.

    2. Archipelego
  7. 13 Days left


    That was frustratingly funny how you were so excited and kept interrupting me when you asked questions. 

  8. 15 Days left


    No phone call today, sigh.



  9. 16 Days left


    You'd think at this point it'd get easier.



  10. 17 Days left


    Why does this song fit so well? I got the good version. 



  11. 18 Days left



  12. 19 Days left


    Legal is open today! Go do legal things!

  13. 2 Days Left


    Yet another phone call, and you are still incredibly dorky. Ya dig?  Waiting!



  14. 21 Days left


    Walking in the rain for that phone call was worth it. 

  15. 23 Days left


    How did I go from planning in-game parties, to planning little kid parties for coworkers?

  16. 24 Days left


    My hand hurts from writing letters, can you just get home already so I can punch you? Jeez.

  17. 25 Days left


    I'm absent for one day and you people tarnish my streak! *shakes fist* 

    1. Arkelos


      This has been super awesome, one day off isn't going to tarnish the fact that you and Vindicant are pretty close. Keep on keeping on. :D

  18. 27 Days left


    My arm is so bruised from the IVs, hospital staff would be gentler I thought :(

  19. 29 Days left


    You made me walk in the rain for a voice mail. 

  20. 2Hours and 28Minutes on another maze

  21. 3 Days Left


    One of the best phone calls ever. Waiting!




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeventhCircle


      Only took ya 87 days to get that one Sloth Lmao

    3. Slothtastic


      wait wut. HOLY SHIZZLE

    4. SeventhCircle


      But I guess you are a sloth :3 :3 :3 

  22. 3 Million EXP down, 2 to go.

  23. 3 Months of opening caskets and I finally get a carb warhammer recipe

  24. 30 Days left


    Hospital sucks, glad you called though. Laughing hurt.

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