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Shiloh Atatis

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Shiloh Atatis

  1. http://i.imgur.com/ebCrnF2l.png And now I can wind down for the evening ouo
  2. First come, first serve! Good time to drop by if you want a new reference picture for your character.



    Paintin' and chillin'. Hope your're having a good night, y'all.

  4. A quick drawing of one of my characters to wake me up.


  5. Apparently the old file was accidentally sent out for the art contest so have the actual file that was supposed to be submitted.


  6. Dead By Daylight is so beta it hurts. But I love it all the same.

  7. Doodled another character of mine to unwind after a busy day!



    1. Space


      that mount is great

    2. Kim


      I LOEV THE BEArrrrr

    3. Space


      i meant mouth ****

  8. I've been playing Animal Crossing and I tried to make my mayor cute. I failed horribly.


    1. Angmarzku


      That's terrifying 

  9. If you need a reference portrait for your character, now's a good time to get one! Only two slots left, though. First come, first served!



  10. If you want a commission, reserve a slot while you can~ 






  11. If you're wanting a new character to play, there's a pair of twins that need players. A boy and a girl. Let me know if you're interested!

  12. Is the spoiler button just gone now or is it hiding somewhere? I just don't want to stretch my sketchbook with huge pictures.

    1. MajesticOwyn


      You can do it manually, so to say. Here:



    2. Kim


      the buttons are all fucked up so if you just hover over the thingy thangys one of them should say spoiler

    3. Shiloh Atatis

      Shiloh Atatis

      Ah, gotcha. Thanks, guys! ouo/

  13. It's that time again.


  14. More small updates to The Book.


  15. My thoughts and prayers go out to the AT members today.

    1. tilly


      i know this is late but ty

  16. Skullman because I can!


  17. Someone help me the Steam Sale is bullying my wallet ;n;

    1. sneLf


      Buy cookies

    2. Matheus


      then just buy the steam sale

  18. Still have two free slots available at the portrait shop if anyone wants some character art!


    1. garentoft


      *opens wallet and dust flies out. "h-haha...."

      i need to get mina.

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Do you accept trades?

    3. monkeypoacher


      Do you accept materials besides mina (iron, crude gems, gear)? I'm too lazy to actually sell any of the crap I own, but I'll give you generous amounts of items. 

  19. http://i.imgur.com/6TtMO9rh.png Aw yeah, first commission done!

    1. The Womping Wizard
    2. Selu


      I'm pretty impressed.  It reminds me a lot of Lina, from Dota 2. 

  20. Brainstorming for more serious art projects always starts with stuff like this. https://gyazo.com/cfe463884f708e2841a8cbf58793ebf9

    1. Silent™


      Notice me Senpai!

  21. Drew so much for others and myself today that my wrist aches a little. Time to take a break.

    Last entry is something I finished today:

  22. Getting into the groove of drawing my comic again with this song. 

  23. Lemme just sketch while this nonsense goes down in Caliphate...

    1. Mephistophelian


      I can give you summin to sketch! :D

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