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About Kaelan

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  1. Since I didn’t get a chance to finish what I was saying:

    “I don’t even know what I’ve said that makes it seem like I’m joking... But alright.”


    Did you even read what I said in my status update? It’s evident you just saw me criticising you and brushed it off as another angry player, upset with your rulings and out to get you. This isn’t an attempt to garner reputation for EPIC ROASTING a staff member, this isn’t an attempt to flame you to make you feel bad for what you’ve done, this isn’t me trolling on the forums to upset people. Not once did I tell you that you’re going around, saying you’re joking about all of this. I very clearly indicated that status updates, like the one Punisher put up, and the hilarious in-jokes of your epic meme “””ironic””” usernames are what make it appear like you and the GM team don’t give a ****. Like seriously? You’re confirming what I’m complaining about. You saw that I was criticising you for being biased after you put it in your username and just brushed me off. Say something in reply as to why I’m wrong? Maybe acknowledge that presenting yourself as if you’re above criticism and don’t give a **** isn’t the best way to present yourself? Just say something that isn’t the robotic regurgitated garbage from your handbook or just the biggest cop-out reply ever: “i dont agree.. but alright”. Say something rather than just ‘i submitted the evidence to fireheard :DDD’

    1. monkeypoacher


      his server is full of nazis, lgbt players get rape threats, and he’s “passing any information obtained on to the administration”


      very cool guy!

      Edited by xxx
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