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  • Birthday 03/01/2003

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    Prince Paul Alexander of the Petra | Sir Laurens Halcourt
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  1. I believe I might start dabbling in Elven RP once I get my alt. Any seed suggestions? 

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    2. Ducklingator


      seed ahahahhahahahhahhahahahah

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      Well, currently there are 7 major Seeds in Linandria right now. I'll list them out and give a bit of an overview of what each one represents, so to speak.


      For starters, one of the best known Seeds is Caerme'onn, headed by Artimec. The Caerme'onn Seed "specializes" in Aspectist RP, focusing on worshiping the Aspects and druidic RP. If you're looking to become heavily involved in the Naelurir, the Linandria Druidic Circle, this might be your best bet. As most of the other Greater Seeds, The Caerme'onn's hold some prominence within the Dominion, Artimec serving within multiple Councils. @吳憾戰士14 can explain his Seed to you most aptly.


      Next up is the Torena Seed, lead by Damai Torena. The Torena Seed is a highly militaristic Seed, as most of their members are Sirame, or have been Sirame at some point in their life. They, too, are involved heavily in the Naelurir and druidic RP, but not as much as the Caerme'onn Seed. Though, at heart, Torenas have an affinity for the sea, as seen by their ilmyumier, which involves wave-like patterns, if I'm not mistaken. (Ilmyumier are tattoos that symbolize the Seed one belongs to). @DropKoala can explain the Torena Seed more in depth.


      Next up we have the Aureons, headed by... Leo Aureon, or Lyemar Aureon. They are perhaps the other Seed which is the most militaristic Seed, though they also specialize in the arts of crafting, whether it be woodworking or blacksmithing. Or, at least, that is what they were known for, for the longest time. A few of the Aureons are druids, but not as much as the two aforementioned Seeds. There are also a few Aureons who have taken the path of the Holy Orders, the most well known being Khiara Aureon (Probably spelled that wrong). I suppose you could call the Aureon Seed the "Jack-of-all-Trades" Seed, as they offer many different facets of RP, though, as all Seeds do, they offer much in the department of Aspectist RP. @sidmmvv and @| ZipZapMan | can explain more to ya.


      Lastly, there's the Calithil Seed, led by Aenor Calithil. The Calithil Seed, for the time being, only consists of blood-related members. This is likely to change in the future, however. The Calithil Seed is considered one of two scholarly Seeds, the other Seed being Ihelia (more on that Seed in a bit). The Calithils value family and knowledge above all else, once more being comprised of both scholars and warriors alike. The Calithil Seed has also been considered militaristic, three of its members serving in the Sirame. Of those three, two have been Annil, leading the Sirame through the years. Though they are perhaps the smallest of the Greater Seeds, they play an important role in many Aspects, whether it be one of the members being one of three Archdruids of the Mother Circle, or another being High Prince. If you wish to know more, I'm the man to speak to.


      Next up is the Ihelia Seed, which Siri Ihelia heads. Sadly, I do not know much of this Seed, aside from the fact the Ihelias and Calithils hold much in common when it comes to valuing knowledge highly. A tightknight Seed, one of which @shimmeringbliss can tell you much more on!


      There's the Terin Seed, which only consists of Calius Terin and his two children. Though it may be a smaller Seed, the Terin Seed has contributed much to the Dominion, many of its members throughout the years serving as stewards or, as most of the other Seeds, as druids. @Calioos can explain much more, as I am also unfamiliar with their ideals. 


      Lastly, there's the Tresery Seed, the name held in high regard amongst many elves in the Dominion, and beyond. Currently one of the other smaller Seeds, it is akin to the Calithil Seed in terms of being rather exclusive. To my knowledge, the Tresery Seed has also not accepted anyone outside of blood (aside from marriage) into the Seed. Though he's somewhat taking it easy @Leric (Td) can explain more to you, if he even wishes to.


      I do believe that's all the Seeds that reside in Linandria. A bit of an overview, but as I said, those I mentioned can help you even more. Best of luck with your transition into elven RP!

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