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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Chaw

  1. ((Please Delete

  2. ((Please Delete

  3. Chaw

    Chaw    Harri

    when is the warzone up mr. warteam lead?

  4. Chaw

    Chaw    Harri

    when is the warzone up mr. warteam lead?

  5. My slumber party smells like cologne and candy lotion.

  6. haha lmao for anyone who lives in south london

  7. haha lmao for anyone who lives in south london

  8. haha lmao for anyone who lives in south london

  9. haha lmao for anyone who lives in south london

  10. some people are complaining about armed police in the uk: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-3828145


    like, who ******* does that? 


  12. In Britain they call french fries "Chips" and chips they call "Crisps" I wonder what you Britain's call Onion fries, Onion Chips? 

  13. Took 3 Hours and 35 Minutes for Maze#3 :)

  14. Im so exhausted right now, 1v1'd a streamer on rainbow six siege and the game lasted for 9+ hours...

  15. At least remove the snow particles on the mobile site

  16. i'll run these streets like I run my casinos

  17. Lets get down to business

  18. Finally not twelve :D

  19. I like Leowarrior14 : )


    He's pretty chill

  20. Sorry, but it would appear as though Canada_Immigration.exe has stopped responding. Please contact your local service provider for more details. (My house is full up here, sorry)

  21. Defender default is dumb. PvP should only be used if both sides agree or if the GM finds it's the best solution to solve OOC conflict in RP. It is abused and used only when the opposing side has less numbers/has no gear.

  22. "The loyalist forces of the nation the rebellion originates from will be permitted to raid in constant retaliation, making their parties capped at 16 players." (End)

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