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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Kiiwi

  1. Small dogs often bark louder to compensate for their size.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Samler


      But I prefer cats over dogs. Tho even cuter than cats; Birds.

    3. Kiiwi


      Dawg, get off my page 💀 Ur weird as **** for this, I dont **** with you

    4. DrakeHaze.
  2. Stay tuned for the settlement! Good roleplay and fun to come C: Make sure you visit when it's up

  3. Thank you god for blessing me with purple skin.

    1. hudsun202


      Thank you satan, for my yellow skin.


    2. monkeypoacher


      thank you iron-deficiency anemia for my sallow skin

  4. They finally added a leaf pit thank GOD

  5. They fr need to add leaf pits. Yes you can harvest them by growing trees but that takes forever. I did that to get all the leaves when building Vira’ker and it took me forever and honestly was a pain to do, especially since you have to pay to get fly now, bigger trees are even harder to do.

  6. Tyroth for mayor!

    1. ACU20



  7. We do a little trolling

  8. We should bring back bucket ball… it was good community serverwide bonding 

    1. Punished_Pup


      Cope, seeth, shid post.

    2. wowj
    3. Dyl


      As former Commissioner of Bucketball, and the man who invented it, I second this suggestion.

  9. Well well well c;

    1. Demotheus


      Little Maoi's having trouble with his look

      You little semi demi mini god!

    2. LittleCakes


      why did I only see this now

  10. When all the lotcers are deprived of that premium rp and go to datecraft. FreeAlice2k17.

  11. Whoever kills me in the Fenn x Haelun'or warclaim gets twenty dollars. 

    1. Laeonathan


      challenge accepted

  12. Whoops, I slid here c;

  13. You’re one of my favorite orcs out there

    1. Etherealxx


      Praise Laklul ?

    2. FlemishSupremacy


      ? i thought i was ...

    3. _Jandy_


      @Etherealxx can you give me gamer tips?

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