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Status Replies posted by Mada

  1. told you dominion would fall

    1. Mada


      with time, even great nations will fall. It’s just a matter of time and patience. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Dominion has fallen?

    1. Mada


      it finally did, didn’t it?

  3. i go to work and come back to 30 new alliances and warclaims. wtf guys

  4. When you open LOTC and have to walk for 30 minutes so you make a fat tiktok

    1. Mada


      tik tok memes......

  5. People actually think im a man?LOL

  6. if you remove freebuild next map how will i build fort strong 2.0??? smh ignorant ppl am i right

    1. Mada


      How will we be able to counter Fort Strong with Fort Stronger ? 


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Don't think I did not see you on my Profile. Swede ❤️ 

    1. Mada


      I'm a sneaky creature, just you wait ?

  8. LOL what were you guys trying to do? While I was banning all of you I was laughing my ass of like wow

  9. GG to everyone for the September Prince fight. Join the September Prince to be on the winning side next time. ❤️

    1. Mada


      you're saying you're on the winning side more than on the losing side? ?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Virarim denied my app wtf this is OOC targetting and OOC hatred 




    I like loves you and stuff too mushy for the forums❤️ 

  12. Could not implement player? My character name is the one on application and you see on this forum, however my minecraft name is Tsun_ 

    1. Mada


      Thanks for telling me about it, it just means that I have to manually whitelist you onto the server.

  13. 1.4 k hours on a single wood elf on this map alone... Any ideas for characters? 


    1. Mada



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Orc Players aren't the problem, your Elven attitude and refusal to fight anyone that you deem bellow you, is the problem. ?

  16. Proud of you! Welcome to the pink team!

  17. /pty chat formatting is fixed so yeay

  18. Tell me how to stick to one character...

    1. Mada


      Find a lot to do with one character.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Finally got out the updated AT picture ❤️ AT members of May 2018 ❤️ 


  20. AT looking for players who are active during GMT hours. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/378-application-team/

    1. Mada


      Over here! ?

  21. We can improve Llama AI by increasing the range at which AI kicks in (currently very  low), but we'll likely have to cut down on max caravan length because of lag issues.

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